Forever. - Quiglet

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A/N What happened on the frozen ledge is revealed....Enjoy! This is also an alternate end of what could have happened after the End. It's not based on my asoue book at all so don't be confused. All quotes from the series have asterisks in bold next to them. Also, the lines are copied off the Netflix series, not the book series, yes I know, you hate me but I can't remember what they say exactly in the books and it doesn't say it on the internet!

And also oh my gosh, the image is so cute!

Violet's POV

I rolled over in my bed at Jacqueline's mansion, awakened from a dream, and attempting to erase it from my mind.

Quigley was in it, again.

Usually I could keep my head together, and breathe in and out as I felt the icy fingers of nostalgia squeeze my heart, but today they seemed to be clawing at it, and no amount of calm breathing could quench the pain.

My heart swelled, and soon I found tears slipping down my cheeks, dripping onto my pillow as my mind tortured me and forced me to relieve that blessed yet cursed memory, over and over...

I tapped on the frozen waterfall gently with the candelabra, making sure the ice was hard and firm. Reassured, I ascended a few steps, the ice scraping against the sharp prongs of the forks on my feet, giving me a shiver from the horrible noise. An icy breeze blew at that moment, increasing my shivers.

As soon as it ceased, I reached up, the candelabra frigid and heavy in my hand, to the next patch of ice I was going to test for stability.

I was truly exhausted.

My heart had shrivelled in melancholy, my skin was crawling from the glacial cold, and my limbs felt frozen and asleep. I was ready to give up.

But I couldn't. And as much as a selfish part of me wanted to, I wouldn't.

As long as Sunny stayed imprisoned in a cage, on the top of this mountain I was never going to give up. Olaf was never going to get away with kidnapping my sister. We'd triumphed against him once, and I was planning to do it again.

So despite my aching limbs, frozen bones and gloomy heart, I pushed on and continued ascending, ignoring the icy gales threatening to knock me off my unsteady feet, or the horrible scraping sounds echoed by Quigley, below me.

I continued ascending, until I saw a ledge above me, mere metres away, large enough for Quigley and I to sit comfortably on.

My heart lifted, and I felt warm relief sink through me, as I heaved myself onto the ledge.

"Quigley, there's a ledge above we can sit on." I called down to him.

"Alright. I'm coming up." He replied.

Soon he sat beside me, and for a while we both gazed at the breathtaking alpine landscape surrounding us, in silence, our steaming breaths in sync.

"You know, if you have to hide a headquarters, it's a beautiful place to do it. It's a very lovely view." I commented thoughtfully. *

"Very lovely indeed." Quigley responded softly, gazing at me. *

I slowly turned to face him, my heart fluttering, and a smile spread over my lips as I met his gaze.

He gazed at me in a way no one ever had.

Duncan had gazed at me with longing and light infatuation, but this was more.

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