Most Likely To - ALL FANDOMS!

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Because why not have some fun??


Most likely to get lost in their own hometown?

Tedros, SGE. While giving Agatha a tour of Camelot and pretending to have it all under control. In fact, he probably wouldn't admit it, and just say that they were going on an 'alternate, longer route to see more of the scenery' hahaha yeah right, Tedros.

Most likely to get caught skinny dipping?

Sophie, SGE. In the Ever waters. And then say that it was something to do with the replenishing of her skin due to the salts (which it probably was).

Most likely to go back to teach at their high school?

Hort, SGE. I mean, he already does. And, I'm sorry even with their whole 'everything is fine now' thing at the end of the series, our weasel boy still needs some money, so he'll go back to his history professor job I'm betting.

Most likely to have a picnic first date?

Violet Baudelaire, ASOUE. And it would be very aesthetic and peaceful. I have a feeling she'd probably design some incredibly complex basket mechanism too, which would leave their (read: Quigley's) jaw dropping.

Most likely to go on a world tour?

Quigley Quagmire, ASOUE. I'm betting he'd take a lot of photos, caption them and send them to Violet next to handwritten letters. And he'd go to places especially for her, and take lots of photos there, e.g. engineering museums, and special/rare machines.

Most likely to go over the top with a prank?

Anakin Skywalker, SW. I have a feeling he'd deny it too, especially if Padmé questioned him. I feel like when they weren't in the warzone, he and Ahsoka would have so much fun pranking the clones. And it would be a war too. Rex is 'neutral', but secretly helps out both sides sometimes too.

Most likely to be sad over an animals death?

Percy Jackson, PJO. I mean, I don't think any of the characters would be particularly happy about the death of an animal, but I feel like for Percy, he would be especially sad and gloomy about it.

Most likely to eat a pizza by themselves, under half an hour?

Agatha, SGE. During one of the times where she gets the munchies, or she's just angry or sad. Can't you see her just locking herself in her quarters with Reaper, shooing out any maids and just gobbling down an incredibly cheesy pizza in quiet solitude?

Most likely to have 1-hour showers?

Annabeth Chase, PJO. Except, I thinks it depends. Like, sometimes she'll have 3-minute showers because she's efficient and quick and wants to get stuff done. But when there's nothing to do, I feel like she would just stay in the shower for an hour just relaxing. Go Annabeth.

Most likely to use kids as an excuse to not attend a commitment?

Klaus Baudelaire, ASOUE. *cough* parties *cough*. Sunny would have an unexpected and fierce case of influenza the morning of the party, and Klaus would call and sincerely apologise that he is so sorry, but he just cannot make it with Sunny so sick. Then pulls an all-nighter reading. 

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