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As soon as hee-sun saw the car outside their house she immediately opened the door and greeted them

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As soon as hee-sun saw the car outside their house she immediately opened the door and greeted them

"We are sorry for coming late hee-sun, actually we both had a meeting to attend !!"

"No problem chaerin "

"I really missed u hee-sun , I am glad we met again!!"

"Same here chaerin, pls come in !"

They went in
While going inside the house chaerin saw yoongi at the doorway

'she looks really beautiful and she also looks like a good girl 'chaerin thought

'Wow...I didnt know that such a beautiful and rich lady was my mom's  friend' yoongi thought

While coming in namjoon was starting at yoongi with his expressionless face

'He is really handsome , but why is he staring at me like that??'yoongi thought

'He also looks really cold!!' Yoongi thought while looking at namjoon as he was walking in

"Don't look at me like that" namjoon suddenly said while walking inside

Yoongi was surprised as in how can he notice that he was starring at him!?

"It has been so long since we met I missed u hee-sun!!"

"I missed u too chae"

"Ya indeed chae missed a lot , she always talks about how u both were highschool friends and so on and on ,today also she was so excited to come and meet u !!" Jin said

Hee-sun and chaerin looked at each other and laughed

"Pls have some tea " yoongi said while bringing some tea he offered the tea to the guest

"Your daughter is really beautiful , isn't it honey !?"

"Ya she really is "

"Thank you so much " he-sun said while smiling

"Is he your son ?! He is really handsome!"

"Oh hee to be honest having a son  is no fun , he is really stubborn , I had always wanted a daughter , but now guess what I am fortunate enough to have a son because he will marry your daughter and now we will become a family , isn't it exciting "

"Oh chae , you r too much" hee-sun said while laughing

"Yoonji come here" hee-sun called yoongi

"Yes eomma"

Yoongi went and sat besides hee-sun

"So this my daughter min yoonji , I am sorry because her twins is at the hospital "

"No worries hee , it should be me who should apologizing for coming so suddenly , by the way what's her twin sisters name ??"

"U-uh her n-name is yoonsha , min yoonsha !"

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