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"namjoon! Are you going on a business trip?" asked yoongi smiling

'y is he so happy'' thought namjoon

"uh, Ya I am "

"so... Can I please go see Mom and my sister??"


"Please namjoon..."


"mm..ok," said yoongi looking at the floor


(Namjoon left for the trip)

~ring ring ~

"hello yoongi"


"yoongi come home... Mom is sick "

"huh?! What happened? Mom is fine, right? Did u take her to the hospital"

"no, she is missing you, she said she won't go to the hospital if you don't come home "

"ok, tell her ... I am coming home, bye"


"Mom, are you happy now??"yoonji asked

"oh yes I am very happy, finally after so long my yoongi is coming home"

"will namjoon also come??"

"idk ... Maybe?"

"ok then. We should welcome him!!" said yoonji all excited

'oh my God...I saw him in pictures... Is he as handsome as he is in the picture?'


That evening

Knock knock

"oh my God... Yoongi!!"


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Yoongi was dressed well as he visited his mom and yoonji without namjoon having any idea about it

"Are you ok?? Yoonji said you are not well!?"

"Mom is ok my dear... Look she is all healthy!"

Yoonji just looked uninterested and disappointed because namjoon did not visit them ... She dressed well for namjoon

"yoongi. Where is ur husband namjoon?"

"oh he went on a business trip so he wasn't able to come here "

'if namjoon was home ... I wouldn't have been able to come here' thought yoongi

"btw I am so glad to see youuuu Yoonji... U look so healthy now!!"yoongi hugged her

"uh ya. Thanks"

"yoongi come on now, Mom cooked your favorite food"

"am so glad to see you, baby" said his mom holding yoongi's hand

"I know Mom I missed you too!"

"uh ... Yoongi, is ur hand bruised??" asked Hee-sun after noticing yoongi's hands

"oh it's nothing Mom," yoongi said smiling

But hee sun knew the smile was fake

"yoongi... Remove your dress!"


"take it off now!! You don't deserve to wear that dress here !"

As yoongi removed his dress
His back was covered with bruises

"oh my God yoongi!! What happened "Hee-sun asked with worry on her face

Yoonji was shocked too

"namjoon knows ... I am a guy and he treated me harshly .." yoongi said in a low voice

"yoongi... I am sorry dear it's all my fault" Hee-sun was on the floor now crying

"Mom, don't cry... This was my choice, it's not your fault,  please calm down "

"it's all my fault!!" hee-sun cried harder

Yoongi hugged his mom

"Mom please don't cry, it was not your fault, it was my choice to do it for both of you!"


Sorry, my internet crashed today 👾👾👾

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