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Hello ppl Thanks for waiting ❤️😷Now without any further delay let's start the story again

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Hello ppl
Thanks for waiting ❤️😷
Now without any further delay let's start the story again

The next day

"eomma? Are u going to the market?" yoongi asked Hee-sun who was wearing her shoes and was about to go out

"oh yes dear, I have to buy some groceries"

"let me accompany u eomma"

"oh dear yoonga, take some rest... I will go by myself"

"eomma plsss I anyways don't have anything to do"

"*sigh* u won't listen, will u? *smiles* ok"

"*smiles* I won't, just a second I will wear my shoes and come"

At another place (not prsnt time)

"oh, mr namjoon! Welcome, please come inside, sir is waiting for you" the employee said as he opened the door for namjoon

*Namjoon went inside the room/office *

"hey Namjoon, how r buddy, welcome to my office"

"Hey, ya thanks," namjoon said with a not-so-interested tone

"Namjoon... I heard that u are married huh?" the guy chuckled and walked towards the couch and hugged two girls who were sitting on the couch "Why didn't u invite me? We r old friends u know"

"My marriage has nothing to do with u" namjoon answered, irritated with the conversation

"ok, I understand, we are business partners after all" *chuckles
"But..how does it feel to be married to a man? Is it fun?" the guy smirks "I heard having s*x with men is fun... Hey, namjoon? Can I hire your wife? I will give you a 50% discount if u buy my weapons again, what's say??"

"don't mess with me Ji-yong!!"
Namjoon said, now very angry

"Hey, don't be mad, there is nothing to lose if u let me 'try' your wife for once.."Ji-yong grinned

Namjoom lost it now
He removed the gun and pointed it toward Ji-Yong
The two girls screamed getting scared

"ok ok I am sorry I was kidding my guy"

"if u weren't profitable, I would have fking killed you long back"

Ji-yong grabbed one of the girl's chin and made her look towards him "Well I am a useful person you know... That's why I can see and spend my time with these beautiful women right baby?" the woman was shaking and scared

Ji-yong looked irritated and just roughly pushed the girl away

"boring b*tch, you are scared just by looking at a gun, go away...Take them out"Ji-yong said to his employee

"yes sir"

"Ji-yong did u spy on my personal life?"

"heh ya I did, after all, we are business partners but it was hard, u r good at hiding things, luckily I have cleaver spies " ( ice spice? O∆o aLl BoYZzz ArE LiARrrrrr ahem)))

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