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Hoseok looked at Namjoon
He could see the sadness and the regret of whatever he had done
But still, he needs to tell Namjoon the truth

"Namjoon..." Namjoon looked behind him and saw hoseok standing there
Hoseok knelt in front of namjoon who was sitting on the floor "We need to talk...I need to talk to you and tell the truth "

'Huh?" Namjoon looked at him confused, he looked at hoseok with his eyes which were now red because of crying "Please... I just want to tell you something... Then you can decide what to do... let's go and talk in the sitting area. Come on "hoseok said. Namjoon got up from the floor and followed hoseok... His mind was blank he was not able to think, Everything happened so fast, it was like a bad dream... A nightmare but it was all a reality a bad one he was filled with so much hatred for yoongi that the love he received was blinded by it... Yoongi's love... It was so selfless, even if Namjoon treated him like trash tbh worst than trash he still never complained he still cared for him, he waited for him till he came home for dinner, and he ate after Namjoon ate...he never let Namjoon sleep hungry...but namjoon *chuckle * namjoon is a monster, he feels he is one, he never cared for yoongi, never cared when he got hurt or when he was hurt by his words, he never went to yoongi when he heard him cry in his room...he never cared... He even sometimes made yoongi starve, he made him sleep hungry... He never asked how he was feeling...and yoongi...that dumbass loved an asshole like him..? It is funny, he wished he could go back in the past and change everything... Everything that hurt yoongi, brought tears to his eyes and bring back the smile... yoongi does look beautiful when he smiles... But he never smiled anymore, or never at least in front of Namjoon...but you can't blame him, who knows that Namjoon could have punished him for just smiling in front of him

They came into the sitting area, Namjoon took a seat and just looked down still yoongi's thoughts were lingering in his mind he was busy in his thoughts until a glass of water was kept in front of him, now his focus was on hoseok who sitting in his thoughts looking nervous?

"What do you want to tell me hoseok?"
"umm... I- I wanted to talk to you about yoongi, I guess you know or knew about me trying to find information about yoongi... Well, when I first visited your house and I met yoongi I did not feel anything wrong but later on, after you came home there was a change in yoongi's body language and it felt like he was nervous. Or confused? But whatever it was it felt weird to me, later I noticed the bruise on his hand, and it... Idk it felt odd, there were too many such things that made me want to know about him, so I got his info and all things like why he married and stuff, got to know that his dad died when he and his sis were little
His sis had leukemia and so he started working
Later on, your mom and dad met Hee Sun, who was an old friend of your mom
They were like best friends and still are
When your mother met hee sun after year's she saw yoongi
Who was dressed as a girl
Bcz yoongi's mum told your mum that she has two daughters it was bcz yoongi was working as a girl in a cafe as well as a bar for his sister's treatment and if anyone finds out that he is dressing up as girl then it do be a problem so she had to do it, she had 2 kids yoongi and Yoon-ji both omegas and almost look alike of each other
But then you entered the picture, ur mom herself promised for the money she would give Hee Sun for her other daughter's treatment if she marries Yoon-ji - i.e. Yoongi at that time to you bcz she thought yoongi was a sweetheart and could change you but I can see that you thought something else, you thought that yoongi was a golddigger, it's not our fault tho ppl nowadays...we can't see ppl like yoongi nowadays he is too kind for this world
He married you because he wanted to save his sister but he thought that after Yoonji gets better he would replace her position
I know you found out but... Ya
That's all I wanted to say, namjoon... it isn't yoongi:'s fault it's no one's fault
No one had any bad intentions towards you, especially yoongi"

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