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"Hee-sun , long time no see!!" (Remember that yoongi's friends don't know his real name ! They think his name is hee-sun )

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"Hee-sun , long time no see!!"
(Remember that yoongi's friends don't know his real name ! They think his name is hee-sun )

"Lisa, how are you !?  !"

"I am okay , how about u ??"

" I am OK too , BTW u r looking really beautiful in ur short hair !!"

"Ah....don't joke around I cut it short bcz I had decided to resign, after not working at the bar , I opened my flower shop !"

"Anyway what flower are u looking for ??"

"I was actually looking for several types of roses "

"Go with Jimin , he will show you the flowers which u need , meanwhile I will complete my work!"

"Okay "

"Follow me please !" Jimin said


"We actually have several types of roses , this is one of them ! Do u want another type !?"

"Actually I want all of them !"

"OK...do u want roses only ? We also have tulips , they are very good to be planted in the garden"

"We have three colors , yellow , pink and white ,which one do u want ??"

"Can I see them first ?!"

"Ya sure , pls come with me !!"

"They are tulips , I mean you can plant them in the pot or the garden "

" can I have all 3 pots, please?and also can I get the seeds ?"

"OFC, thank you so much mam"Jimin smiled

"Can u pls help me bring them to car!?"

"Ya sure!"

"Thank you so much !"

Time skip

Later yoongi reached home and decorated the garden

Time skip (after all work)

"Finally everything is over "yoongi sighed

"I don't think namjoon will be home soon , I will take some rest for a while"

Yoongi went to his room and slept there

After half n hour his phone started ringing


"Hello eomma?"

"Hello yoongi, how are you dear ?"

"I am okay eomma , how about you and also what about yoonji??"

"We are good here , yoonji has returned home now but she has to do check up every week "

"I am so glad to hear that she is fine now , I hope she recovers soon!!"

"How was your day ? Does he know who u are ?? Did u two sleep together ??"

"Mom its not what you think , in fact our rooms are separate so he won't know who I am "yoongi said while looking at his bruised hand

"I am glad , when the time comes , I will tell you something !!"

"What eomma?"

"Wait for a little while , I will tell u , I have to go now bye, love u dear !"

"Um okay eomma bye love you too!!"


'Its already late why isn't namjoon home yet ??'yoongi thought while frowning

New cast

LisaFemale alpha 20Owner of lalisa flower shop Old friend of yoongi

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Female alpha
Owner of lalisa flower shop
Old friend of yoongi

LisaFemale alpha 20Owner of lalisa flower shop Old friend of yoongi

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Works part time  at lalisa flower shop

Hope u like it
Have a grt day

Words - 473

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