418 19 17

Ok sooooooo
Something shit idea popped in my mind


Soo, I had this idea today  to start a Discord maybe (don't judge but yea I am a noob in using Discord and jsnsjs)
Or Wattpad which I og thought to open a gossip centre 💀💀
I know it sounds bad but still LISN PLS 💀

SO ya some or the other time we don't have friends or anything
I honestly have few friends who I am grateful for
But tbh we all can agree that online friends from diff countries are quite fun
U get to know everything about the country and all

But here I just wanna open this gossip center lmao
Where we can share things or talk about anything and all and also it will be between us ofc.
1st I wanted it to be on Wattpad but u can't have a private story or chat sec or whatever the dk u call it 😭

But ya
Soo rn I don't know which app, etc is good

Just tell me y'all how u like this idea
I want to keep the count min
And also the group(if we have one) Pvt
Or whatever
U don't wanna tell ur name that's ok too
We can just talk about what happened the whole day or talk about what's happening in kpop

Or any random shit💀

But firstly tell me how the idea is?? and
2) which app will be a better option to keep our chats Pvt (group) or easy to use worldwide


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