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Next day

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Next day

"ah these grasses have grown so tall," yoongi said while cutting them

"it's so hot too" yoongi wiped the sweat off his forehead

After an hour

'Ahh!, finally done"

"hey yoonji"someone's voice came from behind yoongi

"Oh-, oh hoseok ?"

"I scared u, didn't I? I am sorry"

"don't mention it ""How come u r here? "

"oh- I am here to give u these"Saying this hoseok extended his hand forward and gave a bouquet to Yoongi

"This is for you"


"don't worry, these flowers mean nothing, they are just encouragement for you, " hoseok said

Yoongi was surprised

"yoonji..why is your hand bruised?"

"oh- this, yesterday I dropped something and it hit my hand, don't worry "

"What are You Two doing!?" a voice came from behind

"oh, namjoon you are back? Nothing, I chatted with your wife for a while, hope you did not think badly about it "

"you gave a bouquet to ur friend's wife and you say to not think anything about it?!" namjoon said wife looking at the flowers in yoongi's hand, he was angry .. Very angry

"These flowers don't have any meaning I just bought them bcz I was visiting here "

"I don't care what you make up hoseok, u go away from here or I will kill you, I don't care if you are my friend !!"

" ok, I will leave... But don't do anything bad to your wife " hoseok said with a straight face

"it's none of your business about what I do with her... She is my wife "
Namjoon held yoongi's hand and led him toward the house

"and don't you come here ever again!! " namjoon said while not even looking at hoseok

Yoongi was very scared now, he shouldn't have accepted the bouquet
Namjoon will kill him now

In the house

"you have a husband you shouldn't accept these!!, give it to me"

Namjoon took the bouquet from yoongi's hands and threw it on the ground and destroying them with his foot

later he slapped yoongi hard on the face

" I think I treated you very well yesterday! So that you dare to do whatever you want!"

"no namjoon, I did not know he would come!!!"

"you are nothing more than a bitch when I am not home !!"

"What-?" yoongi had tears in his eyes, he bit his lips to prevent from making any sound and looked down

" take off your clothes !! Right now !! I will punish you so that you will think twice before doing anything!"

"namjoon what do you mean !!"

" you take off your clothes or I will do it myself," namjoon said pinning yoongi on the wall

Yoongi was already in tears
He removed his clothes

'will namjoon rape him..!??'  yoongi thought

"your wig too!!"

He did what namjoon said

Namjoon pushed yoongi onto the bed and hovered over him

"pls namjoon ... D-dont," yoongi said while almost sobbing

"you dare to tease my friend! I will teach you a lesson now "

After 2 hours

"I can't believe I again had s*x with him, I think I am crazy, I should leave"

Namjoon changed into clothes and went out of the house 

As he closed the door behind

Yoongi opened his eyes
He had no emotions this time

"it hurts Namjoon"

"I think I am crazy too.."

"why do I like a man like you, why we're you the one who saved me..?"

Namjoon at the bar

"Alone?" a voice came from behind namjoon

"Alone?" a voice came from behind namjoon

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(au:- ok but Sunmi looks so pretty here!)

"I know you are alone, how about we spend the night together huh?"

"go away, don't disturb me!!"

"Don't reject me, I can make you happy" she said pulling namjoon towards her by his shirt collar

"I know how to make you happy..."

"I said go away !! Don't disturb me!!" namjoon pushed her away

"Take this and fuck off from here !!" he threw money toward her

Sunmi's eyes grew wide and a smile crept on her face

Namjoon was about to leave that place himself but sunmi stopped him

"Wait a minute baby...take this"

She put a piece of paper in namjoon's pants which had her number

"it's my number, you can call me if u want me" She winked at him and went away

"that bitch" namjoon gritted his teeth and looked at the paper which was now in his hand he crumbled the paper and put it back in his pocket and went away from the bar


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