Captured {part two}

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Bad: so Y/N would you like to go on a walk with me.
Y/N: I would love to but i must go see foolish for a talk.
Bad: Oh im syre it can wait, right?
Y/N: um sure i guess it can wait but where are we going?
Bad:oh well its a very good place and im sure you'll love it.
*as you start to walk you feel the presnce of someone else then you notice bad stops almost running into bad you hear someone behind you*
*as you try to run you feel a damp cloth over your nose and mouth soon leading you to pass out when you wake up you see that your hands are chained and you are in a dark room with one lantern and see a girl covered in red vines with a red rose headpiece*
Y/N:um hello?
Hannah: hello I was wondering if u were ok being changed by another girl because i changed your clothes for you but did not remove the things beside shirt and pants.
Y/N:i guess its fine but what is your name?
Hannah:my name is hannah and yours?
Y/N:my name is Y/N but i prefer my nickname.
Hannah:what is your nickname?
Y/N:um well it is *your nickname*
hannah:ok well i must go and i hope you like your dress it used to be mine but it want fit me now so bye Y/N.

Dress idea

*you then see bad walk in and you sigh*Y/N:hello bad i was wondering why did you put me here in this cell and im not as stupid im not joining you and the rest!Bad:well you are worth somethig a very big thing and you are powerful and im not making ...

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*you then see bad walk in and you sigh*
Y/N:hello bad i was wondering why did you put me here in this cell and im not as stupid im not joining you and the rest!
Bad:well you are worth somethig a very big thing and you are powerful and im not making you one of them but if you disobey you will be killed instantly!
*bad unties the chains and tells you you can go but always wear red nothing else and always be on time when he calls for you,you bolt to the door almost bumping into hannah and say sorry once you were back at the summer home you saw foolish walking around and call for him*
Foolish: hey Y/N where were you?
Y/N: um i was with techno and tommy yeah they are very nice people and um ilove the new frie-
Foolish: Y/N why would you lie to me i don't like liars just tell me the truth or i will have to decline the thought of likeing you or being friends
*when you try to go you feel a arm on you shoulder pulling you back*
Y/N:um its getting late i must go bye foolish
Foolish: whatever goodnight
*when you make it home you see a note and it says note: You have been invited to the masquerade so get ready and bring a mask{not a covid mask}
*when you get your shower and head to your bedroom you see a choker that has your family's sigh and put it in your pocket*
*once you get up and put on a red shirt with shorts you try to avoid foolish but fail miserably this is how.

outfit idea:

*as you leve  your house and start walking along the path you see foolish you guys make eye contact but you quickly look away and stair at the wooden path instead but soon run into someone*Y/N:im so sorry i wasnt paying attention

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*as you leve  your house and start walking along the path you see foolish you guys make eye contact but you quickly look away and stair at the wooden path instead but soon run into someone*
Y/N:im so sorry i wasnt paying attention.
Niki:oh its fine im clumsy all the time your name is Y/N right?
Y/N: yes did you get invited to the masquerade?
Niki:yes everyone dose and they all have to go to meet other creators and just to have fun it is in 4 days would you want to pick my dress out with me?
Y/N:yes would you like to help me with my outfit?
Niki: i'd love to! would you like to come to my bakery captain puffy will be glad to meet you.
Y/N: Sure let's go!
*as you both start walking to the bakery niki askes you a question that made you heart stop*
Niki: so who are you bringing to the masquerade?
Y/N: um d-do we have to bring someone?
Niki: well yes do u have someone to go with?
Y/N: no could you help me find someone?
Niki: ofcourse but i will picke your choices cause i have rolcall of who is going with who so let me check.
*as niki takes clip board out she studies it and gives you your choices*
Niki: you have three choices there is Awesamdude,tommy,and foolish!
Y/N:um well not tommy beause he is going with tubbo and ranboo as friends and sam is going to be a gaurdian so i can ask foolish i guess.
*you sigh and niki notices*
Niki: Do you not like foolish?
Y/N: no i do we are friends but i lied to him and he really dose not like liars and i avoided him this morning cause i felt bad for him since i lied.
Niki: oh ok well you can try to talk to him and if says no you can hang out with me puffy and minx if you want to!
Y/N: Thanks niki you are really nice and i think we ould be best friends!
Niki: ok lets go get pastries and if u want to help make food with charie and wilbur you can but i have to introduce you to them first.
Y/N: Ok lets go!
*as you get pastries and help niki ut them in there continers you hear a ding from the bell inside the bakery*
Niki: I think someone is here could you see who.
Y/N: Sure just give me 2 seconds.
*as you walk out you see tubbo foolish and puffy*
Y/N: hello what would you all like?
Tubbo:hello Y/N could i have 3 sugar cookies and 2 chocalte to go milkshakes?
Y/N: Yes would you two like something?
Foolish: um 1 milkshake and 1 piece of cake.
puffy: I will have a medium coffee.
Y/N: ok coming right up i will be back shortley *you say that with a soft smile*
*as soon as you turn to go into the back you feel a slight sting in your eyes witch soon becomes tears streaming down your face once you get there niki notices you crying and gives you gentle hug you tell her the order and bring it to them but this time they are sitting at a booth*
Y/N:here is your drinks and food enjoy!:)
*when you go back to where niki was packing you tell her your going to go walk around with tommy and she nodes while still packing pastries*
*when you get out you start running and crying at the same time until you hear a gentle voice call your name you then realize it was techno and ranboo*
Technoblade:hey Y/N i want you to meet ranboo.
Y/N:hi nice to meet you im really sorry but i must go i have to get home
Ranboo:hey are you okay it looks like you have been cryi-
Y/N:im fine but thanks for asking.
*as you continue to run and have no clue to where you are going you feel someone jabbed a knife in your arm as you yell in pain you see shlatt but ghosty and more ugly then ever*
Shaltt: shut up or i will jab it deeper!
*you be quiet and sit there tearing up and slowley pull the knife out and rip cloth from your heddband you quickley rap it up and get up and start walking back from where you were still haveing soar eyes from crying*


The golden goddess{foolish x reader}Where stories live. Discover now