New people{part nine}

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                                                          *warning for self harm and talk about starving yourself in the chapter*
*you flew into a village and saw a old lady she walked over to you*

Mrs Z: hello traveler would you like help
Y/N: yes that would be nice
Mrs Z: ok follow me and my name is Mrs Z
Y/N: oh my name is Y/N
Mrs Z: my grand daughter loves you so much she said she wants to do everything you do
Y/N: oh thats cool may i meet her
Mrs Z: of course you can she will be very happy

* you walk with her to a cottage house you went in and sat on the couch you heard footsteps from upstaires running until you saw a little girl run downstaires you saw her run to her grandma and give her a tight hug once she let go she gasped when she saw you and ran over to you*

Y/N: hello i heard you were a fan
Y/N: well hi it is very nice to meet you
Ally:oh my name is ally
Y/N: well can you do me a favor
Ally: yes what is it
Y/N: you can't tell anyone im here
Ally: um...i told my friend already
Y/N: ok i guess thats fine but she can't tell anyone
Ally: ok well how did you get here or why are you here
Y/N: well  i don't know if i should tel it is personal
Ally: ok well i hope you enjoy your time here
Mrs Z: well Y/N let me help you get settled in
Y/N: ok
Mrs Z: how long are you staying here
Y/N: a month
Mrs Z: ok we need to practice your magic
Y/N: how did you know i had magic
Mrs Z: your wings were gold and the vibe you give off
Y/N: ok we can start tommorow

*a few days go bye and nothing big happens you were getting better with your magic you figured out you could teleport and shape shift you learned very quickley but then the day had came you had to go back you were scared and worried but Mrs Z and ally helped you alot you told them you would come back you decided to go on foot so no one would see you flying back you were terrified of what would happen once you go ther you decided to shape shift half way there so no one would suspect you being there you were very close to home everyone knew you were coming back you turned into a dog and started running you saw people looking at you you found a place you could turn human form you slowley eft the place and made it home you went to your window and crawled in but when you turned around you saw eight people and those were puffy,tommy,willow,emma,lily,eret,phil,niki they were all stairing at you you slowley backed up until you reached the window you were about to fly out when you were shocked {not suprise shock} and passed out you woke up chained to a chair you tried to get out but couldnt you heard whispering but couldnt see anyone twenty minutes you saw niki and tommy come in*

Niki: hello Y/N we were told to tell you your under house arrest for two months with no contact with anyone you can stream if you want to
Tommy: we have stocked your house with everything you need for two months
Niki: we hope you learn a lesson from now on

*you are unchained and they leave and lock your door from the outside you fall to the floor and cry for two hours then get up and go to your room you planned on streaming and that is what you did since you couldnt play with anyone you decided to sing songs fo chat you put makeup on to hide the fact you were crying and put on clothes that werent worn out you got everything set up and made sure your voice was ok before starting the stream it was ok*

Y/N: HELLO chat how have you been i have been so great sorry about the month break i was very......busy anyway today im singing songs for you guys he first song is my choice then you guys pick the songs i sing and im singing heartbreak anniversary by Giveon enjoy chat!!!

Y/N: so im going to get food and a water ill be back chat

*you go and get water and make a sandwich you go back and see chat having a battle you laugh and make a poll on the songs they were wanting a song called fuck fake friends won but you didnt know it so you  looked it up and listened to it a few times and then sung it to chat and they seemed to like it*

*you sung more songs then you saw chat talking about niki,puffy,and phil in chat your eyes started stinging and you felt a tear come down your cheek you saw people worrying in chat so you ended stream and started crying you began to get louder and louder until you were practically screaming until you fell asleep your voice was shatterd and you could hardley talk you woke up from your throat hurting you drunk a full bottle of wate and started streaming you looked bad but didn't care you saw chat worrying but ignored it you talked about your dreams as a child and laughed your voice hurted until it finally went out you quickley found a notepd and marker and wrote a note for chat wich said " my voice went out but don't worry chat im fine bye" you waved bye and ended stream you went throughyour camera roll and saw the photos from the party you started to cry but stopped when you got a notification from twitch " foolish__gamers is live! " you decided to watch the stream you saw him and wached him play with his friends you were alone and didn't have anyone you read chat asking foolish if you were ok he didn't answer until all of chat asking you could tell he was frustrated until he said something that hurt you so much you were shocked angry and sad he said " stop talking about Y/N! she is a nobody and she dosen't matter! " he realized what he said and started to curse himself out he ignored what chat said and went on with the stream he didn't talk much but after five minutes you decided to type something in chat here is what you said " hello foolish your a bitch and i hope you know i hate you" chat went crazy and he read your message he scoffed "well Y/N atleast i don't run from my problems and people unlike you" you didn't reply and left the stream you threw your phone at the wall  you didn't stream the next five week you had already hit the two month mark you had three more weeks to go until you were free but you planned on staying inside anyway you hadnt eaten much and started to cut your arms winter and fall were coming witch ment you could hide your arms with long sleve shirts*

i know there wasn't much about ally and Mrs Z but i was lazy and im tired so bye guys
Words: 1255

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