asylum {part five}

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*this went on for a year until one day you woke from the dreadful coma*
Nurse:oh your awake we will have to let you rest for 30 minutes ok.
Y/N:ok then what will i do?
Nurse: your going to take a memory test after your rest then you can leave
Y/N:um could yo ushorten the rest ime to maybe 15 minutes?
Nurse:yes and also do u want me to tell everyone the news of you waking up?
Y/N:no please don't im not ready yet.
*she nods and lets you get ready for the memory test.once she comes back she shows you pictures and you remembered all of them and she let you go*
Nurse:have a good day here are some clothes we found in the bag someone dropped off for you.
Y/N:ok thanks.
*you put on the outfit and start your way to the stairs to get out*

outfit idea:

A/N:i know that this is to showey but i like it so this is your outfit from me :)

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A/N:i know that this is to showey but i like it so this is your outfit from me :)

*as you make your way out of the hospital you start walking on the path you see animals and find a abandon cat and pet it you realize it starts to folow you and you decide to name it sugar{or any name} you give it a pat and walk on the path with it you start looking around and hide your face with a hoodie that was in your bag from the people you then see foolish with a blonde girl with a very cute oufit on he sees you and you both pause looking at eachother then the blonde girl looks at you with a disgusted look on her face she scoffs and you fel ttears running down your face and turn around very quickley running into the forest you then hear multiple people running after you and you look back to see niki puffy tommy and foolish you decide to hide behind a tree and take off your shoes to get a better chance of them not finding you before you knew it you were running into snow and saw a glimpse of a person above you flying but ignored it until they dropped in front of you with a concerned look*

Philza: Y/N you have to go back to them they all are looking for you and worried an greatful your still here.
Y/N: phil i can't go back i don't want to go back can i just please be left alone don't tell anyone where im going im begging you.
Phil:im sorry Y/N i can't let them lose you again.
*as he flys away you start sobbing really loud and begin to run towards technos house and you quickley go inside not even caring if you get seen bye him you then see him in a chair stairing at you wide eyed*
Techno:um Y/N welcome but when did you get out?
Y/N:like 10 minutes go dont tell anyone where i am or where im going when i leave!
Techno: let me guess you ran away from alot of people chasing you since your finally awake and you saw somethng you didn want to see and got sad and ran here shoeless so they didnt find you?
Y/N:yes,and how the acutal FUCK did you know?
techno:listen Y/N i know you very well your like a sister i know everything about and it is pretty abvious from the panting.
Y/N: well then get you bird father to stop telling people where i am if im like siter to you.
Tecno: as much as i'd love to do that i can't because you have to be locked up for being hybrid but only for 2 weeks to learn your abiliteis and not be out of control your whole life so i called the people to come pick you up in twenty minutes.
Y/N:you are a total bitch and now i can't trust you but i know who i can trust,asshole.
Techno:oh don't think about eret he has agreed to the two weeks too and there is no backing out of it and hhanna and the eggpire agree so don't try to escape us when you can't go anywhere or do anthing except run.
*techno smirks and you start heading for the door until you bump into a gaurd you then get handcuffed you get draged to a car you try to escape but then you hear techno yell "have fun in hell" to you witch you qickley respond with "stupid pig ass bitch!" he just chuckled and went back inside you get put in the back of the van and see other people you feel the van start moving and you get comfortable in a corner and take a very short nap untill you get woken up bye a girl with horns and curly pink hair*

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