"Help fundy, tommy, and tubbo have a normal childhood."

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The most important thing to tubbo.. hmm. I try to remember why it would be important.
"Oh tubbo I have a question."
He looks at me and tilts his a bit, like a dog does.
"Yeah big man?"
Big man, the nickname mad me smile.
"So I met a new ghost and I learned something cool! All ghosts have something wrote on them and um mine is on my back. Can you look for me?"
Tubbo gives me a nod and stands up. I stand up and turn around. I raise my wings into the air so the don't get into the way.
He slightly lifts the back of my shirt.
"Omg there is something there!!!"
He yells out surprised.
"What does it say!?"
I ask turning to look at him. Only to see my black wings.
"Ummmm... 'cat, mellohi, cat, mellohi, cat, mellohi, cat, mellohi...' then further up it says, 'stop being a bitch, n-no one likes you."
I tense up.
What the actual fuck.
What does that all mean?
"Oh there is one last thing. 'Number 1 goal. Say sorry."
I freeze. I let my wings drop and I turn to tubbo.
"No joke?"
He shakes his head.
"No joke."
I nod and fix my shirt.
"I've got to got see ghostbur. Any idea where he is?"
Tubbo things for a second.
I nod and start to run on the path my bare feet making a slapping sound as I ran. I soon get to l'manburg.
I run around looking for ghostbur.
I soon run into him, he was singing a song.
"Well this place is real you needn't fret! With wilbur, tommy, tubbo, Fuck eret! It's a very big and not blown up L'manburg!"
That song. I knew it, I knew the words. I remember singing it! But don't remember why it was sang.
I yell running up to him.
He turns around quickly, he looks at me and waves rapidly like a little kid.
"Hello ghostinnit!!"
He says in his normal echo-y voice.
"I have a question!"
I say as I walk closer. I look into his pure white eyes.
"What is it?"
He asks as he brings his hands behind his back and fingers with his hands.
"Do you have a message on you? Like in anyway?"
He gave me and shocked look and nods very quickly.
"Yes I do actually! You do too!?"
I nod.
"Can I see yours!?"
I ask bouncing on my toes a bit.
He nods and lifts up his shirt to see a stab wound and words across his stomach.
And below that is says.

"Help fundy, tommy, and tubbo have a normal childhood."

im sorry- a ghostinnit Story (On A Break For Now)Where stories live. Discover now