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"You ready?" Hobbs asks Elena as he leads the charge towards the police station.
"I'm ready," Elena says before Hobbs turns, crashing through the first gate then knocking down the second. Andrea, Brian, and Dom follow behind Hobbs through the parking garage. Hobbs crashes through the wall creating a hole before reversing out of it. Andrea, Dom, and Brian back up to the hole before getting out of their cars. Hobbs and Elena get out of their car as they fire at the officers running their way. Dom, Andrea, and Brian each attach a hook to the vault before getting back into their cars. Andrea, Brian, and Dom start to drive off causing the vault to break out of the wall before sliding across the ground behind them. Andrea's back windshield is shot out at they leave the police station.
"Call it out, Mia," Dom says over the walkie.
"You've got a straight shot for two blocks," Mia responds over the walkie. "Go right."
"Got it," Brian tells her over the walkie. Andrea pulls her emergency brake as they turn right to keep the vault from dragging them with it.
"Well, the plan is working," Mia says over the walkie. "You guys have every corrupt cop in Rio on your tail. You have to move fast."
"What's the best route?" Andrea asks over the walkie.
"Okay, keep going straight another half mile onto Rua Fonseca," Mia answers her. "And then go left."
"That ain't going to work," Dom tells her as three cop cars block the left. Another stops in front of them before rolling out spikes.
"Spikes ahead, Dom. Andy, we got spikes," Brian quickly says.
"We're going right!" Andrea orders before two cop cars come from the right.
"No, it's too tight, we're not going to fit," Brian tells her.
"We've got no choice. Now!" Andrea orders before they turn right causing Dom to drive on the side walk. The vault takes out a cop car before rolling through a building.
"Shit!" Brian says as the vault jerks the cars back before coming out of the building. "Holy shit!"
"Guys, I'm hearing all of this chatter. Did you just take out a bank?" Mia asks over the walkie.
"Yeah, we totally did that," Andrea answers her with a smirk.
"Two inbound," Dom says as he sees two cop cars heading towards them.
"All right, there's an alley coming up on your left," Mia tells him.
"Yeah, I got it," Brian says as he sees the alley. Andrea looks at Dom and Brian before she and Dom turn left with Brian turning right. The two cop cars crash into the vault. Andrea and Dom try to pull the vault as they see two cops on motorcycles coming. Brian puts his car in reverse before pushing the vault as Andrea and Dom pull it. The Cop bikers start shooting at Brian, who hits his brakes causing one of the bikers to crash into him. The other biker loses control of his bike as he avoids hitting Brian, who goes back to pushing the vault. They get back on the main road before Brian drives in reverse until he is in front of the vault before hitting his emergency brake causing him to spin around them driving normally.
"All right, good job. Dom, Andy," Brian says over the walkie. "Right hander, right here, right hander."
"Guys there is a big group coming at you from the south," Mia tells them. "You have to do something now!"
"Hey, go wide," Andrea orders over the walkie. Brian drives into the sidewalk causing the cables and the vault to knock down street lights which take out the cop cars. A cop then shoots out Brian's back windshield as he gets back on the road. Brian jerks his wheel causing the vault to hit the cop, who drives onto the sidewalk. A cop tries to drive around the vault before Dom jerks his wheel causing the vault to hit the cop, who crashes. The cop on the sidewalk starts shooting at Brian again before Brian uses the vault to hit the parked cars, which move onto the sidewalk causing the cop to crash.

A cop gets behind Dom before the passenger leans out the window going to shoot at Dom. Han then appears in a cop car, ramming into the back of the cop behind Dom, causing the cop to crash. Han then hits his brakes causing the cop behind him to rear end him and the cop behind that cop to swerve and crash.
"You're all clear on the left," Han says over the walkie.
"Good afternoon, Officer," Rome says as he appears on the right in his cop car before he slams into a car causing it to crash into the sidewalk. "License and registration, please!" Andrea giggles at his fun. Rome rams another cop car causing it to crash into another cop car. "Yes! This is big boy stuff! We're clear on the right."
"Thanks, guys," Andrea says over the walkie.
"Any time," Han responds.
"I'll see you on the other side," Rome says before he and Han drive off.
"You guys just carved out a ten second window. Make it count," Mia tells them before Andrea, Dom, and Brian pass a garbage truck. Andrea, Dom, and Brian start driving across the bridge.
"No! There's too many of them," Brian yells as he sees all of the cops behind them before grabbing his walkie. "Hey! There's too many of them. We're not going to make it."
"You're right, we aren't," Andrea tells him before she looks over at Dom sadly. "You and Dom are."
"What are you talking about?" Dom asks his sister worriedly. Andrea knew that they would be able to live without her, just like they have been. She also knew that with whatever connection that she and Rome have, he would be okay without her too.
"Just let the vault go. Get out of there," Mia begs with her sister.
"You're a father now, Brian," Andrea states as she glances at him.
"No, I'm not leaving you," Brian tells her.
"Andy, please. We just got you back," Mia pleads with her sister.
"Andy, you stick with the plan!" Dom yells at her.
"It was always the plan," Andrea reveals to them. "You both take care of Mia."
"Andy, you listen to me now. Okay?" Rome pleads with her, causing tears to come to her eyes. "You cut loose right now." Andrea turns her walkie off. "Damn it!" Andrea grabs a switch, she made, before pushing it causing it to cut Brian's and Dom's cables loose. Andrea spins around facing all the cops as Brian and Dom keep driving from the momentum. Andrea revs her engine as she glares at the oncoming cars. Andrea puts the car into gear causing the tires to start spinning from the weight of the vault before she hits her first NOS. Andrea hits her second NOS causing the car to go into a wheelie as she drives towards the oncoming cars. The front tires touch down before Andrea starts to swerve causing the vault to go in the opposite direction, taking out the cop cars. One of Reyes' cars bring out a gatlin gun before shooting at Andrea, who hits her third NOS. Andrea turns the car causing the vault to roll onto the other side of the bridge before rolling around and taking the car firing at her out. Andrea jumps out of her car as the momentum from the vault slings the car into the air before it crashes into the remaining car. As Andrea had jumped the door had swung around hitting her in the head. Andrea holds her head as Zizi walks away from the wreckage with a gun pointed at her. Zizi goes to fire but he is shot three times before falling to the ground. Andrea turns to see Brian with his gun raised and Dom beside him.
"I thought I told you two to go on," Andrea says as Don rushes over to her, helping her up.
"Yeah, I had to make a call," Brian says causing Andrea and Dom to smile before Hobbs pulls up. Reyes falls out of the car as Hobbs gets out of his car.
"Help me," Reyes begs Hobbs.
"That's for my team, you son of a bitch," Hobbs says as he shoots Reyes twice in the head. Hobbs and Elena walk over to Andrea, Brian, and Dom. "It's a hell of a mess."
"Yeah, it is," Brian agrees with him.
"You know I can't let you three go. I ain't made that way," Hobbs tells them before seeing the blood on Andrea's face. "The way I see it, you've earned yourselves 24 hours. The money stays, though. If I were you, I'd use the time. Make peace with whatever demons you got left. Because come tomorrow, I will find you." Brian and Andrea quickly get into the car as Dom stops at the door. "Toretto!" Dom looks back at Hobbs. "I'll see you soon."
"No, you won't," Dom says with a smirk causing Hobbs to look at him confused before Dom gets into the car. Brian takes off as Hobbs and Elena walk over to the vault. Hobbs opens the vault to find it empty. Hobbs then remembers what he heard over the walkie about the ten second window. Andrea, Dom, and Brian had slid the real vault into the back of the garbage truck that Gisele was driving. Tego and Santos, who were on either side of the garbage truck, attach the fake vault to Brian's, Andrea's, and Dom's cars. Hobbs lets out a laugh as he turns to watch the car drive off in the distance.

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