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"I just jammed every signal up and down the spectrum," Tej says after having rushed over to his computer.
"Lets move," Dom orders the team as they all grab guns.
"I'm coming with you," Letty says as she walks over to them. Andrea looks at Dom, so he would know that it is his call. Andrea leads the chase with Dom, Brian, and Letty in her car. Han and Gisele have a car while Hobbs, Rome, and Tej are in a Jeep.
"Where the hell does this dude think he's going?" Rome asks Tej. "We're on an army base, he's trapped." A plane then touches down in front of them.
"Wow, you just had to open your mouth," Tej says as they look at the plane. "Now we got a big ass plane to deal with."
"That ain't a plane. That's a planet," Rome tells him. The cargo door of the plane begins to lower.

"She's as good as dead if Shaw gets away on that plane," Letty tells them.
"Then we don't let him get away," Dom says as he looks at each of them before Andrea speeds up. Owen drives into the back of the plane.
"Ride or die," Dom says as he looks between Brian and Andrea.
"Ride or die," Brian and Andrea say in agreement before Andrea speeds up again.

Han bumps into one of Shaw's guys, keeping him from getting onto the plane. Hobbs bumps into the other car before Andrea quickly gets lined up with the plane. Klaus and Vegh bring Mia forward as Owen and Riley get out of their car. Andrea drives into the plane before running over Riley. Mia pushes Vegh before she takes off running through the plane. Owen ducks for cover as Dom gets out of the car, shooting his shotgun at him. Vegh runs after Mia while Andrea runs after Vegh. Klaus knocks Brian's gun out of his hands before picking Brian up and slamming him on the hood. Denlinger tries to drive onto the plane but Hobbs knocks him out of the way. Letty gets out of the car with her gun before Riley grabs her hands. Riley tries to point the gun at Letty's face and fires. Letty points the gun away from her before firing the remaining bullets. Riley takes the gun away from her before trying to shoot her. Letty punches Riley before Riley tries to get her into a head lock that Letty spins out of. Riley then kicks Letty, knocking her to the ground. Mia keeps running before Owen gets behind her.
"Tell them to take off," Owen orders Vegh before he follows Mia. Han drives under the plane wing on his side as Gisele sits on the window with the harpoon gun. Adolfson rams into their car causing Gisele to miss the flap but still hit the wing.
"Grab the wheel," Hobbs orders as he drives close the plane tires. Tej jumps into the front seat as Hobbs jumps onto the plane. Hobbs climbs into the plane through the wheel hold. Klaus is choking Brian, who sees Mia run back towards the cars. Brian punches Klaus in the face before jumping off of the hood, ramming into Owen. Andrea catches up before she starts punching Owen in the face as Mia turns around. Klaus slams Dom into a crate. Dom punches Klaus before he slams Dom into some more crates and boxes. Brian punches Owen before he kicks Brian to the ground, grabbing a pipe.
"No!" Mia yells before Dom quickly gets up, head butting Klaus causing him to fall into Owen. Brian quickly moves out of the way as Mia rushes to his side while Andrea rushes to her brother's side.
"Go!" Andrea yells at Brian and Mia.
"Come on. Lets go," Brian says leading Mia to a red car. Andrea quickly pulls Dom back as a crate falls in front of them. Denlinger rams into Rome and Tej, pushing them against the plane. Rome pulls his gun on Jah, who quickly knocks it out of his hands before they both stand up. Rome jumps over, taking Jah to the hood of Denlinger's car. Brian drives out of the plane before Vegh follows them in a ramp car. Brian quickly turns to where he drives over the ramp car before Vegh crashes. Letty quickly gets up hitting Riley's leg as she tries to kick her again. Letty punches Riley before slamming her into the car. Owen gets up before grabbing the pipe again, swinging it at Andrea, who dodges before punching him in the face twice. Klaus quickly grabs her before slinging her away from Owen. Hobbs punches Klaus in the face while Dom helps Andrea up. Dom joins Hobbs as Andrea notices Letty and Riley. Klaus runs at Hobbs, slamming him into the wall. Hobbs gets up, punching Klaus twice in the face. Owen kicks Dom in the stomach before kicking him in the face, sending him to the ground. Jah punches Rome before Tej looks up at the wing. Tej motions for Rome to jump back over before Rome jumps and Tej slams into Denlinger's car putting Denlinger and Jah behind the turbine causing them to start flipping. Brian quickly dodges the flipping car as he starts to catch up to the plane.

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