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"Where are we headed, Tej?" Andrea asks as they run through a building.
"There's a service elevator past the maintenance sector," Tej answers her. "It'll take you directly up to the repeater. You gotta hurry!" Four men then swing into the building in front of Brian and Andrea, who duck for cover as they start shooting at them. Brian uses a cart to roll across the ground as he shoots at the men taking out two of them. Brian closes the door between him and the other to men before rolling out of the way because the two men starting shooting through the door. Andrea shoots one of the remaining guys. Brian starts running up the stairs to the top. Keit, one of the men, runs up a dispenser, catching up to Brian. Keit knocks the gun out of Brian's hands before slamming him against the door to the stairs. The door breaks sending them down the stairs. Andrea starts making her way up the stairs. Brian tries to get up and run but Keit grabs him, slamming him into a wall. They start fighting before Brian pushes a table towards Keit causing Keit to walk backwards up a wall. Keit flips over, kicking Brian in the face. Brian gets up blocking another kick before being kicked to the ground again. Brian grabs a 2x4 board before hitting Keit in the stomach with it. Keit tackles Brian to the ground before punching him in the face. Brian connects a hook to Keit's belt before kicking the roll of rope that the hook is attached to. The roll of rope rolls into a elevator shaft.
"Too slow!" Brian yells at Keit, who is dragged into the elevator shaft.
"You okay?" Andrea asks as she runs over.
"Yeah," Brian answers as she helps him up.

"We're at the repeater," Brian says in his walkie once they make it to the roof.
"The access cable's in the base," Tej informs them. "Just plug it into your phone and Ramsey will be back online."
"Ramsey, go," Andrea says once she connects her phone.
"They did it. We're back in!" Ramsey says after typing in her computer. "We've got God's Eye back."
"Tej, Roman, we're on my way!" Brian says once they make it out of the building to find a suv outside.
"All right, homie, I'll see you there," Rome answers him.

The helicopter is behind Deckard, before it fires a missile into the parking garage. Deckard falls to the ground while Dom backs up as the cement cracks.
"Thing about street fights," Dom says as he sees the cement crack around Deckard. "The street always wins." Dom slams his foot down on the crack causing the cement under Deckard to fall taking him with it. Dom looks away from the hole to the helicopter. Jakande is about to fire a missile at Dom but Hobbs uses the machine gun to shoot the helicopter. A soldier starts trying to shoot at Hobbs but Hobbs takes him out. Jakande starts shooting at Hobbs. Letty is driving over when the car beside her blows up causing her to crash.
"Duck!" Letty yells as Jakande starts shooting at her and Ramsey. "I need some help over here! We're getting nailed! I need some backup!" Dom hears Letty's pleas for help on the walkie. Dom grabs the grenades from Deckard's car before getting into his car. Dom straps into his car as the pilot fires a missile at him. Hobbs takes out the tail rotor of the helicopter as Dom dodges another missile. Dom drives through the parking garage as it crashes around him.
"Don't miss," Dom says as he drives up a piece of the rubble, hitting his NOS. Dom flies through the air as he grabs the bag of grenades. The helicopter tries to pull out of the way but Dom manages to scrape the bottom of the helicopter. Everyone looks in shock as Dom's car falls through the air before the front hits a piece of cement.
"Dom!" Letty and Andrea yell as the car falls through the rubble. Letty and Brian take off running towards Dom's car. Jakande notices the bag of grenades on the helicopter. Hobbs pulls out his pistol as he also notices the bag before shooting it, causing it to explode along with the helicopter. Hobbs is the first one to Dom's car since he was closer, before pulling away the two slabs of cement blocking the door. Brian reaches Hobbs before helping him remove the door.
"Come on, buddy," Brian says as he and Hobbs pull Dom's unconscious body from the car.
"Is he breathing?" Andrea asks as Letty lays his head in her lap.
"I want you to keep his head tilted up, all right?" Brian tells Letty as he checks for a pulse. "Keep it back like this." Brian starts chest compressions. "Pinch his nose, keep his head tilted. Breathe into him, now. Go." Letty breathes into Dom. "Good. Come on, Dom. Come on!" Ramsey starts crying as she and the others watch. "God damn it! You come on! You breathe! Go, go! Breathe." Letty gives Dom another breath as Andrea starts crying causing Rome to pull her into a hug. "Come on, Dom, I need you to breathe. Come on! Come on, Dom!" Letty start crying as she realizes that it's not working before she puts her hand on Brian's.
"Stop it," Letty tells Brian before she shoves him. "Back off!"
"Will you stop?" Brian asks her with a glare. "Breathe into him."
"Get off of him!" Letty yells at Brian. "Back off! Back off!" Brian falls backwards as Letty cries. Tej helps Brian up as Letty leans down to Dom. "Dom, baby. I know you're hurting right now. But I want you to listen. Stay awake and focus on me." Everyone backs up, letting Letty have her moment with Dom. "I remember everything. It came to me like a flood. I remember that night in the Dominican Republic. The night we got married." Brian and Andrea look over at her shocked, because they didn't even know they were married. "If you die, I die," Letty says as she remembers and wraps his necklace around their hands. "And I'm not ready to leave this place yet. This moment is still ours. I remember everything. I remember it all."
"It's about time," Dom says causing Letty to let out a laugh as he opens his eyes. Everyone looks over at the sound of his voice in shock.
"Why didn't you tell me we were married?" Letty asks him before placing a kiss on his head.
"Because you can't tell someone they love you," Dom answers her as he looks up at her before she kisses him.
"Holy shit," Rome says as everyone starts making their way over to Dom and Letty.

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