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"Interpol picked up one of Shaw's guys in Moscow," Hobbs explains as he glances at Dom. "I went in, had a little therapy session with him. He gave up Shaw's hideout."
"Then why aren't we down there now?" Gisele asks from her spot on the other side of Hobbs.
"Well, we weren't invited," Hobbs answers her.
"Hobbs, they're sending in your punching bag," Tej announces from where he is with his computer, having hacked into Interpol's radio. "He's wired. He's going to give a positive ID on Shaw before they move in."

"So, the cops just let you go, huh?" Andrea asks as Oakes slips into the hideout, where she and Owen Shaw are working on Owen's car for their getaway.
"Don't worry, I didn't give them shit," Oakes tells him causing Andrea to roll her eyes since she knew that he had spilled his guts, judging by the bruises on his face.
"Oh, I'm not worried," Owen says as he finishes tightening a bolt. "Okay, turn it over for me." Oakes does as told, causing Andrea to smile at the purr of the engine.
"God, it's amazing," Andrea says as Owen motions for Oakes to turn it off.
"The simplest things can cause the biggest problems," Owen says as he holds up a spark plug. "Good news is, if you swap out a bad part, everything runs smooth as silk again." Andrea watches Owen carefully as he tosses the spark plug onto the tool box before walking back over to the car.
"Look, Shaw," Oakes says as Owen reaches into the car. "Wait, Shaw! Shaw!" Owen pulls out a gun causing Oakes to panic. Owen hands the gun to Andrea before she loads the clip with a smirk, then slides it into the waistband of her pants.

"I just got confirmation on Shaw. They're going in," Tej says a few minutes later from his spot at the computer. "Wait, Wait, hold up, holdup. Police scanners are saying alarms are going off at Interpol headquarters."
"Shit," Brian says as he turns to face Dom. "He brought us here so he could take down Interpol. This whole thing's a set up."
"Brian, take the team," Dom orders as he glances between the team and Brian.
"What about you?" Brian asks him.
"Hobbs and I will wait for Shaw," Dom answers him. "Shaw leads to my sister and Letty." Brian nods before the team takes off.

Owen then grabs a bag out of the car before throwing it to Oakes.
"What's this?" Oakes asks confused.
"It's your share from the last job," Owen answers him as Andrea gets onto her bike. "You're part of the team, Oakes. You do your job, you get paid." Owen gets into his car. "There's a little extra in there for you. Consider it an advance."
"For what?" Oakes asks confused.
"The next job, of course," Owen answers him.
"Which job?" Oakes asks causing Andrea to roll her eyes at the never ending questions.
"The one we're working right now," Andrea answers him with a smirk before sliding her helmet closed.
"It's been fun running with you, mate," Owen tells Oakes with a smirk. Owen closes the glass on the car as the door is busted open before Owen and Andrea take off. Owen drives out of the building before hitting a detonator causing the columns to explode causing the balcony to drop, taking the lives of many officers with it. Owen nods at Andrea before she splits off from him.

"Shaw, we have three cars tailing us," Vegh says over the headset causing Andrea to wonder who it could be.
"You know what to do," Owen tells her.
"Approaching rendezvous point," Vegh says over the headset before Andrea sees Vegh's car and the rover. Owen takes the lead as they all meet up. They drive into a tunnel as they weave in and out of traffic.
"Stay on track. I'm taking the contingency," Owen orders over the headset before turning left into another tunnel.

Andrea sees a car and truck follow after Owen before she follows as well. Dom and Hobbs chase Owen as he leads them out of the tunnel. Owen crosses between some lighted poles with Dom following right behind him. Owen crosses back over in front of Hobbs, who drives up beside Owen before Hobbs and Dom trap Owen between them with Dom crashing through the lighted poles. A car slams into the side of Dom's car.
"Letty," Dom says as he looks over to see what type of car it is. Dom starts focusing on Letty as Owen follows after her. Dom follows after Owen and Letty with Andrea following after him. Owen turns left as Letty turns right with Dom following Letty. Dom chases after Letty before clipping her back bumper as they go around a curve, causing her to stop. Dom quickly gets out of his car before Letty gets out of her's. Andrea stops behind Dom before taking off her helmet.
"Letty," Dom says before Letty quickly raises a gun, shooting him in the shoulder. Letty stares at him confused for a few seconds then glancing at Andrea before getting in her car and taking off.
"Andy," Dom says as he looks at his sister.
"Who are you?" Andrea asks him as she looks at him confused. "I don't know you." Dom looks at her in shock before she puts her helmet on, driving off.

Letty and Andrea are the last ones to return to the new hideout.
"Ivory!" Letty says before tossing him her keys. "It's going to need some repairs."
"No problem, treacle," Ivory tells her before they walk over to the others.
"You good?" Andrea asks as she pulls Letty to the side for a second.
"Yeah," Letty answers her before they walk over to the others.
"Okay, listen up," Owen says as he turns to face everyone. "That was a very different breed from Hobbs' usual wannabe warriors. We need to learn who these people are, what they're made of. Vegh?" Vegh brings over a file before opening it to reveal Brian's profile on top.
"O'Conner, Parker," Vegh says as she throws their profiles forward. "Pearce, Toretto, and the rest of the team."
"These guys are common criminals," Ivory says as he flips through Tej's profile.
"Tonight these common criminals were seconds away from taking us down," Owen tells him as he flips through Brian's profile. "Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us."
"You might want to see these," Jah says before handing two pictures to Owen. The first picture is a close up picture of Dom with Letty sitting in his lap. The second is the same picture but not as close, showing Dom, Letty, Mia, Vince, and Andrea.
"Ring any bells?" Owen says as he sets the pictures down to where the girls can see them. Andrea glances at the pictures confused as she and Letty walk over.
"Yeah," Letty answers him. "That's the guy I shot." Owen looks at Andrea expectantly.
"He's the guy I saw Letty shoot," Andrea answers Owen honestly. "He knew my name but I don't know him."
"You both look happy," Owen states trying to get a reaction out of the girls.
"I don't remember him," Letty tells him with a slight glare.
"Owen, you know I don't remember my past," Andrea says as she looks at him with pleading eyes.
"That's bullshit," Klaus says causing Andrea to glare at him. "We got a problem guys. We got a picture of them with the guy who almost took you out."
"Klaus, aren't you team muscle?" Andrea asks him with a glare. "Don't make me go over there and make you team pussy."
"They don't remember him," Owen states to stop things from escalating. "Names and records aren't enough. I want personal information. Get into their lives, into their minds. Find their weaknesses, and we will exploit them." Everyone walks off as Letty looks at Dom's file, with Andrea looking at the rest of the teams. Andrea felt as if she should remember them, especially the one named Roman Pearce, but she doesn't.

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