Chapter 3

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The Present (For a little bit): Enroute to the wedding

"Your destination will arrive in 1 hour, 2 minutes."

Maahi was making good time. She rolled down her windows and spotted a signal turning orange up ahead as she slowed down. She slowly neared a stop at the signal when she realized that she had not switched on the radio. She leaned forward and pushed the button and kept twirling the dial until she found a song playing instead of ads. That's when she caught the first few words of 'Tum se hi' play.

Some songs...didn't really pay attention to time or place. They just transported her immediately.

9 years ago: Literary department, Maahi's college

Maahi was speechless.

"Wait, you're serious?"

Nipun smiled at Maahi's inherent shock. They had spent two weeks figuring out all the content that would go into the magazine when Maahi had gone and put a spoke in all of Nipun's intricately laid plans. She had gone and figured out that their college was completing a hundred years this year. While it was still a few months to go for the alumni meet, Maahi thought the familiar addas of college would make for a great photo spread. It made sense for them to spend time on this. Her idea was after all, both time and effort-intensive.

Nipun asked, "Why are you shocked? Did you really think I wouldn't get your idea through?"

Maahi paused. No...It wasn't that she didn't have faith in her editor. She did. It's just...It was just such a last-minute discovery and brainchild that she didn't realize she would actually get the green light to go ahead. She had been walking the halls of this giant, ancient campus for a year now. She had taken so many pictures of this place that she was running out of space on her memory card. So, when she realized that the college was completing 100 years, she realized how many memories were strewn all over these exact same paths and buildings. How many students thought of this place the way she did. How many little stories each of these pictures would elicit in people's memories. The thought was too potent for her to let go. So, she had pitched the idea to Nipun and Nipun being the stellar editor she was, pushed the idea ahead despite the delay.

She shook her head and said, "No, no. I'm just...thrilled at the idea of actually doing this. It's been a while since I was this excited about something."

"Tsk tsk. Watch what you're saying. You forget who you're talking to."

Maahi stifled a laugh and said, "Yes, ma'am. All articles are exciting, ma'am. Shall I get going then?"

"Not so fast."

"I knew this was too good to be true. You're pranking me?"

Nipun made a face and said, "I never joke about work. I thought you knew this about me by now. No. I think and so does Anu Ma'am...This photo spread needs a story as well. We could actually call some alumni and ask for their stories and such. We need an angle and we need to add their stories to that."

Maahi thought about it. That didn't sound too bad. It actually elevated the idea. Then what was Nipun not telling her?

"Okay. I can work with that. I still don't get the catch."

"There's no catch! You just have to work with a new writer."

Ah. There it was. She had already built her rapport with every writer on the editorial team. So, she'll have to spend time getting to know the new writer.

"Why a new writer?"

Nipun sighed and replied, "Because everyone's busy. You thought of a great idea after I assigned work to everyone else. Anyway, not to worry. The new writer is good. I've seen his work both for the drama department and his earlier stuff. I like. He'll do just fine. And you're there. You can jam and come up with a great end result. He was supposed to be here today."

She checked her watch and mumbled, "Must be running late. Okay. You go ahead. I'll tell him to catch up with you during the day."

Maahi shrugged, shouldered her bag and walked out of the room.

She pulled out her earphones from her pocket and saw that it was a mess again. She sighed and started to unravel them. Once she was done, she plugged it into her phone and looked for the radio app. She wished for a song to play. Any song. She wasn't picky. She just didn't want ads. And she was in luck. Her new favourite song from Jab We Met was playing. 

She smiled and looked up at the corridor she was walking in. As the end of the corridor came into her focus, she realized that it would be a great shot. Maybe...maybe this corridor held a lot of stories? She didn't know why but it definitely called out to her. So, she leaned down and kept her bag down to pull out her camera.

A few moments later, she had her camera ready. Crouching on her knees, she looked into the viewfinder and found the shot she was looking for. A small smile formed on her lips as she hit click.

The very next moment, she saw someone enter into her frame. She blinked but didn't lower her camera. Through her viewfinder, she saw this person make their way towards her.

And then there it was. The smile she had seen for the first time a year ago, came out of nowhere again.


She sighed and lowered her camera just as she heard the person in front of her say, "Maahi?"

She looked up and pulled out her earphones as the song kept on playing.

He looked behind him and asked, "I'm sorry, did I get in your way?"

She shook her head. He smiled at her and asked, "Did you get your picture? I'll get out of your way, one sec."

Having said that, he turned and actually sat down on the floor, next to her. She didn't know what to say. When she looked at him wordlessly, he simply gestured ahead and said, "Go ahead. I'll wait."

Why did such a simple action cause her heart to beat so fast?

She could hear it in her ears as she clicked her lens cap back on and turned around to say quietly, "I what I needed just before you came on the scene."

He got to his feet and extended his hand to help her get up.

"Great! I'm Aarush, by the way."

Be chill, Maahi. Be chill. Deep breaths.

She just stuffed her camera hastily into her bag and got up.

She wanted to laugh. Everyone knew Aarush Iyer, the darling of the drama department. With impeccable stage presence and buckets of charm, you'd have to miss all the college plays and studiously avoid him every time you walked past him, to not know him.

But even if she did that, she would know who he was.

She replied unintentionally drily, "Oh I know you."

He tilted his head and asked curiously, "Have we met before? I mean, I know we're in the same class but we haven't really interacted one-on-one before, right?"

All she could do is remember that day in the bakery as it played out in her vision like a movie.

"Once. Ages ago. Anyway...Um you were looking for me?"

"Oh! Uh...yeah. Nipun told me to talk to you."

She blinked. Once. Then twice.

"You're the new writer, aren't you?"

He grinned and said, "I LOVE your idea. Let's talk?"

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