Blood is Thicker

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Sadie and Gemma got on well. Sadie was the sort of small-town girl that Gemma could get behind: badass enough to handle the club, but not a risk-taking Jax away from Charming. Sadie, like the Tellers, was a lifer.

Sadie looked up to the older woman. The help Gemma offered with Jax' little family was the only reason Sadie knew they were able to keep it together.

Gemma rocked Abel on her hip, happy to spend time with her grandson but she was pensive. At Gemma's instruction, Sadie remained seated on the couch but she knew that look, "You lost in them thoughts, Ma?"

"You could say that," she offered the younger woman a small, knowing smile. "It's just—" Gemma trailed off again. A moment later she put Abel down in the pack and play so she could really dive into her thoughts with Sadie, "You know your Shakespeare?" she started.

Sadie returned a guilty smile, "I know Romeo and Juliet were dumb fucks but besides that... I was out smoking pot behind the dumpster during Lit."

"Shoulda guessed..." Gemma plopped down next to her and lit up a cigarette, "Well I'm pretty sure that note you got? It's Hamlet... You know, to be or not to be?" she nudged Sadie who laughed a little at her past of skipping school, but urged her pseudo-mom to continue, "A lot of the story is about a son and his step-father, the fate of the crown..." with a long drag sent her off into a pause. "Look, it might be nothin', just an asshole with a death wish but... It's good Jax is taking it to Clay and the boys... if someone's feeling threatened by the dynasty of this family..."

"...they're going to have to remove several patent leather boots from up their ass?" Sadie asked and Gemma gave her a nod.

"You're damn right. Clay and Jax – they'll get in line. Mine have heels."

At the Table

The men weren't sure what to make of the cryptic note. With a quick internet search, Juice confirmed Gemma's guess about Hamlet.

"Well boys," Clay shook his head, clipping off the end of a fine cigar, "Outta all my years of doin' this shit... I gotta say, this? This is a new one. I've gotten threats like bricks through my window, graffiti, phone calls, animal entrails, even through a hooker once..." he said and the boys drew into a collective laugh, some banging their hands on the table. He held his hand up to quiet him down, "But a quote? From Billy Shakespeare? C'mon..."

"Look boys," Jax jumped in. He was having a hard time staying quiet, "You were all there...someone tried to kill Sadie right in front of us—"

This grim reminder made the table quiet down again, the men leaning back in their chairs, eyes cast down. Just as Gemma, the men were fond of Sadie. Sometimes she was a more welcome vision than Jax but – that was a different story.

"—and now they're trying to play games. They're sending this shit to my house."

"You're right," Clay jumped in, "Reminds me. Sadie and Abel, why don't they come stay here for a while? Huh? It's better than putting one of the nomads on security detail. Ain't gonna have them checkin' the mail..."

Jax sighed, "I'll run it by Sadie..."

"You'll tell her," Clay returned, "Look, Jax. You know this table would do anything for that old lady of yours and that baby: your son. But this ain't just a run-of-the-mill grievance with the club. They are targeting your family."

Jax nodded because Clay was right, "Yeah, alright. I'll get her back here by tomorrow. Packing up the kid's gonna be something else," he took a drag from his own cigarette.

"Good," Clay said, "Now, Juice is on research detail. He's going to be at those keys until his fingers bleed if you catch my drift," he looked at Juice who gave him a salute, "and Tig and I are gonna follow a lead, ride low. You," he leaned over and clapped Jax on the shoulder, "Go get your girl. And tell your Ma she should stay here until Tiggy and I get back."

Jax, despite his concern, let out a small laugh, "Coward."

Clay gave him a wink before he slammed the gavel down.

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