Coming to a Head

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Afternoon drew to evening and the boys met around the table -- something to do with "tonight" as aforementioned by Jax. Sadie was happy to be smoking a blunt, laid out atop the boxing ring in the crisp evening air while the radio from the garage adjacent played some nondescript rock. 

However, her peace was interrupted when she could hear raised voices from deep inside. She sat up and pulled the blunt from between her lips to listen. 

Things were known to get rowdy, but the muffled sounds she could discern set her stomach on edge and she knew it wasn't just friendly banter. Abandoning her rolled serenity on the table, she stepped inside the clubhouse. 

The doors to church were still closed but she could better make out the voices behind the doors. 

"--no! No way! Do you hear yourself, Clay?!" Jax exclaimed. 

Clay was more calm but his volume steadily increased at Jax' resistance, "It's not the ideal plan but it's the best one we got."

"The hell it is!" Jax yelled, slamming his hand on the table.

Quieter, Tig's muffled voice said, "We voted, it's done dude."

"No --" the scrape of a chair against the floor as Jax raged, "If this was anyone else it wouldn't even be a discussion --!" 

"You know she'll agree, Jackie Boy," Chibs said in an even-keeled tone. He had a way with Jax and he was hoping that would help now, "Keepin' her in the dark will just make things worse."

"I didn't realize my relationship was up for a vote too," he'd made it half way down the table but in the opening between his brother's shoulders he slapped the Reaper, "--I'm not giving you my vote and it's done."  

Jax stormed through the doors which slammed behind him, leaving the remaining men at the formal table with a new issue on their hands.

Jax was surprised to see Sadie standing in the clubhouse, almost as if he'd forgotten she was there. He was red-faced and his muscles were tense, his fist clenching and unclenching. 

Sadie didn't know what they were talking about but she heard enough to know it was about her, "What should I know, Jax?" she asked quietly.

Jax shook his head wildly, running his hands down his face, "Nothing - nothing, they've -- it's the goddamn inmates running the asylum and I--" he approached her, ready to give her his spiel and get her on his side before anyone else could do damage but the doors to church opened and  Clay stepped forward.

"Sadie, sweetheart -- I'd like a word." 

"Don't--!" Jax pointed at Clay, positioning himself between Clay and Sadie, "You motherfucker, don't do this -- you don't know the shitstorm it's going to unravel."

Sadie stepped forward, "A word about what?" she found her footing next to Jax. She placed her hand on his arm but she deserved to know the subject matter at the very least. 

"Nothing," Jax turned his back to Clay, his hand grabbing her arm, "We're going home."

Sadie felt the familiar swell of anger in her belly as Jax tried to control her by keeping her in the dark. She yanked her arm away, "Not until you at least tell me what the fuck you're all talking about? I deserve to know why my name was thrown across the table." 

"No. You don't." Jax said in anger and Sadie would rather he have smacked her across the face. He turned back towards his brothers who had now all spilled into the clubhouse, "Since when do we bring that shit out here to our families?! How many of your old ladies do we drag into our business -- if you cross this line, there's no going back!" 

Sadie stepped away from Jax before he could put his hands on her again and instinctively Chibs took a half a step towards her. This subtlety only added to Jax' fury. 

"We're not going to let anything happen to her -- and your attitude is a bigger risk to us, to our mission!" Clay's voice was still even-keeled but his tone grew dangerous -- he was a lion prepared to defend his kingdom from another. 

"There is no mission because it ain't happening!" Jax replied, stepping up and crossing the line into Clay's personal space which signaled he was ready to fight, "Don't think I won't do whatever it takes to stop this, old man."

The insult forced Clay from his calm position and he grabbed Jax by the scruff of his vest, "You--!" he started yelling and the two began a physical altercation that had the others stepping in to pull the lions apart with great difficulty. 

"Alright - ALRIGHT!" Bobby yelled, stepping between them as Tig held Clay and Chibs and Juice held Jax back, "We need to cool our jets. No matter what plan we vote on --" he looked to Jax, "--following the rules of this club -- we aren't going anywhere or doing anything with our heads this hot, it's suicide." 

The moment hung in the air between them all, "So I suggest we all take some time and put our shit back together before any real damage is done." he looked from Clay to Jax and back like a disappointed father, "Jax. Outside." 

Jax began to protest but Bobby uncharacteristically became stern and forceful, "NOW!"

With an assist from Chibs who was trying to talk Jax down, Bobby, Jax and Chibs headed for the door. 

"Don't you say anything, motherfucker!" Jax pointed at Clay, about ready to pounce again before Chibs got him out the door with one good shove. It closed behind them. 

Sadie was frozen and confused.

Clay straightened his vest and after a silence settled inside the clubhouse he turned to Sadie, "Sorry about that, sweetheart--"

Sadie could hardly answer with more than a nod. 

"--if you want to chat, my door's open." he said before marching back to the table, Tig following behind -- and the door closed. 

Sadie, stuck in the middle of two closed doors, wavered. 

Juice cleared his throat, "Uh -- you, want a beer? Or...something?" 

It took Sadie a moment to acknowledge him and soften her stance enough to realize she was safe again, "Sure," she said, her voice cracking, "Uh, yeah thanks," she added in a stronger voice. 

Juice gave her half a smile, unsure how to comfort the princess but he knew how to crack open a beer - so he did just that. 

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