A Family Affair

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Jax had kept clear of Sadie -- but she didn't notice because she'd been sure to keep clear of him. She found herself grateful for Dawn's sudden arrival because it was a welcome distraction. 

Tig had returned to the surprise of his daughter's homecoming, but the reunion was going to be shortened by Tig's duty to see things settled in at the clubhouse and the take a ride out to Stockton to do a little recon.

Dawn and  Sadie sat on the swingset, having a cigarette together. Their conversation drifted and nothing really landed but it didn't seem like either woman minded. But when Tig sauntered up, the focus shifted to the biker in black, "Figured you'd ladies be getting into more trouble than this..."

"Just waiting for the sun to go down," Dawn replied with a smile at her Father. They shared a look and it was clear there were things left unsaid -- but that's exactly how it was going to remain. For now, at least.

"I'm still surprised any spawn of yours could turn out this normal and so fucking hot," Sadie smirked. It wasn't a dig at Dawn, but at Tig and his propensity for strange bedfellows. 

"You and me both, Princess," Tig admitted as he threw his arms out in surprise. 

"He still let Mom name us Dawn and Fawn...we didn't escape unscathed," Dawn interjected. 

Tig leaned over the fence a little, "Have you met your mother? If I'd gone after that birth certificate I wouldn't have all of my limbs still attached. Especially the good ones." 

"Weren't you on some bender the weekend they were born anyway?" Sadie asked with a small laugh, "I mean, I can't exactly picture you with a cigar in your mouth in the waiting room." 

"It was club business. Well, mostly," Tig replied, "You keep diggin' up trouble there Sadie, and I swear I'll spank you into next week like I had to do with the girls when they were little demon toddlers." he looked back at his daughter affectionately, waggling his fingers to accent his point of their demon-ness. 

Dawn gave a coy shrug while she blew out the smoke from her lungs. 

Tig tapped his ringed fingers against the metal fence post, "Alright, you girls go get into some trouble, alright? Juice and I gotta ride up to Stockton." he started but he took pause, "You uh -- think you'll still be around when I get back baby girl?" 

Dawn gave a nod, "Should be. Just don't take too long."

Tig gave her a wink before waving to the girls and turning to go. It was only another minute or two before he and Juice were tightening their saddlebags and kicking their bikes to life. 

Sadie and Dawn were alone again. 

"You know, I'm seriously surprised how well you get along with my Dad," Dawn admitted.

"Why?" Sadie smirked, "I mean, besides the obvious," she teased.  

"I mean after what happened to your mom. I know shit like that, it's hard." Dawn admitted, taking the last drag from her cigarette before tossing the filter over the fence. 

"What does Tig have to do with my mom?" Sadie asked as a pit opened up inside of her stomach, "Crazy bitch died of a heroin OD before I was three." 

Dawn looked over at Sadie and her face had blanched, "They never told you..."

"Told me what?" Sadie asked. Her cigarette smoldered between her fingers, smoke rising between the women. 

Dawn heaved a sigh, "Look, Sade, I didn't come here to cause trouble. I just -- I need some time to talk to my Dad and--" 

"Tell me what you know," Sadie replied but after a moment she realized how harsh and demanding she'd been to the woman and she added, "Please."

"Look, from what I know, your mom did die of an OD. Some of Darby's crew had gotten into Charming -- kinda back when that whole beef started with the blue-collar nazis if I have it all right. I don't know all the details, okay? Please, please remember that. But your mom kinda had a problem and you know she wasn't really with your Dad after you were born and from what I know she and Tig kinda..well they spent some nights together, at least." 

Sadie began to calm a bit, "So my mom slept with your Dad?" she even laughed, "I think that sin's on her..." However, it was the look on Dawn's face that let Sadie know that a little romp in the proverbial haystack wasn't why Dawn had so much worry, "That's not all, is it?" 

Dawn shook her head, "Girly, I heard the story so long ago -- I don't want to get it wrong because... it's a lot. So, I'm not going to say anymore, okay? I leave it to you, I mean maybe you don't want to go diggin'... You've got enough on your plate. Let it be." 

As she said those words, Sadie saw Abel with Nita and Gemma across the lot at the picnic tables, doting on the little blonde angel. He was growing so fast, she'd let herself blink. He was about the age that she had been when her mom died. She couldn't imagine leaving that little boy alone the way her mother left her.  The pit in her stomach continued to grow and in the throws of nausea, she hadn't realized Dawn had slipped away. 

Sadie remained on the swing, then only realizing her cigarette had long burnt out. 

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