Lit Fuse

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"I'm not going!" Sadie returned heatedly.

Maybe she was over-reacting because, in truth, it was not an unreasonable request. Danger was lurking in the shadows and the safest place in their world was the clubhouse. There was always someone there, if not someone(s), and those someone(s) were usually armed to the teeth or ready to throw down with their bare hands with no rules of engagement. However, something about being forced out of her own home by a faceless, vague threat suddenly made Sadie angry.

Unfortunately, Jax was the only one there to face the fire, "Babe..." he started, knowing how precarious his current predicament was: 'no' wasn't an answer he could accept, but he couldn't hoist her up over his shoulder and lock her in his room at the clubhouse no matter how much safer he thought she'd be.

She'd 100% burn his shit.

But would he even blame her?

"—I know, this shit is fucked. But the best way we keep you and the kid safe until we can figure out who is messing with us: is there."

Sadie shook her head, "What's the difference? Huh? Do you really think our own house is so unsafe? What? Clay can't pull in a single nomad to park his ass on the street and watch the place for a few days?"

Jax sighed. He wiped his hands down his face in frustration, "I know, I know. I ran that by the club but I can't lie, darling... what's safer than our guys being two doors down at all times? You know the boys would tear into anyone with their bare hands for you. Just...pack your shit, we'll get the kid. It won't be for long. Who knows, Juice could be finding something right now."

"If he's finding something right now then I shouldn't have to go anywhere," Sadie replied. She knew she was digging a hole she didn't want to dig, but she felt in too deep and too out of control. She had so little handle on her own life, so little faith in her own ability to protect her son that this was the only thing she suddenly had some say over.

"Are you really going to do this right now?" Jax was losing patience, "I don't see any other way."

Sadie could see in his eyes that he was desperate. He loved her, he wanted to protect her, but she could also see the VP of the Mother Charter beginning to take hold, pushing out his inner Romeo and hardening to her cries of defiance. "Jax," she started, doing well to reign in her barrage of fury that sat tempered just below the surface, "Don't make me do this..."

A Few Hours Later

Jax returned from his room, escaping into the bar looking worse for the wear. Chibs was hovering, waiting, and addressed Jax as soon as he rounded the corner, "How's she doin', Jackie Boy?"

Jax wasted no time lighting up a cigarette to try and ease his frayed nerves, "How do you think?"

A distant but clear sound of something being thrown at the wall could be heard from down the hall. Definitely a new hole in the drywall. They'd passed Abel off to Gemma upon arrival – it was late at night but the fuse was lit and Abel didn't need to be kept up by the sounds of their screaming.

Chibs nodded, "Right. Can't say I blame sweet Sadie."

"No," Jax replied, holding in a burning puff of smoke just to feel something before he released it, "But I wish she'd fucking accept that I hate this shit too; she ain't gotta take it out on me."

Chibs clapped his brother's shoulder, "You'll pull through, brother. I bet putting a bullet between the eyes of the bastard who hurt her might take the edge off."

"Make sure to save the honors." Jax retorted, "Clay and Tig still gone?"

Chibs gave him a nod, "Bobby said they checked in 'bout an hour ago just to say they might be gone till dawn."

"Did they say where they were goin'?" Jax asked, moving to grab himself a beer. He cracked it open and only removed the cigarette from between his lips long enough to take a long swig before he returned the cig to his mouth.

"Nope. Figure they'll have something ta say when they get back though," he waved his hand, urging Jax to grab him a beer.

Jax obliged, happy to have someone to drink with, keep him steady, "Let's hope because I'm pretty sure I'm sleeping on the pool table tonight."

"Oh, come off it," Chibs returned, "You know I'm a wildly good big spoon, Jackie."

Jax smirked, "Keep that invitation open." He stamped out the singed filter of his cigarette as he grabbed another beer, "I'll either be back in need of a gentle lover or you're going to have to take me out of that room in a body bag," He motioned with the two fresh beers in his hand: he was going in with a peace offering.

"That's just perfect because I also give heart-wrenching eulogies. I'll make any man weep like a little girl!" Chibs called after Jax who retreated once more from the bar, "Poor bastard."

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