Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Richards POV

I had given up hope on these guys, i didnt believe they were coming. My torturer Jaheim had left unexpectedly with half of the squad to go and do something. This was my chance to escape.

I had to somehow manage to untie the chains that held me. My first priority was to acquire a weapon as i was never going to beat those guys withour one.

At this point desperation started to kick in, as i realised this was my only chance to get out; if i failed that could cost me my freedom or my life.

There was alot that i had witnessed in these past few weeks since Jaheim had killed John Jackson. I had learned that it was all a conspiracy, Jaheim had purposfully necame close to John so that he could move onto him.

He now owned the place. Everyone had to follow his instructions or die. No one had been stupid enough to step out of line during his reign.

Jaheim wanted revenge for an event that took place some while ago. I hadnt manged to find out what had hapened as i was too busy being locked up.

In these past few weeks i had learned to become more observant and had realised who carried the key and all my beating times, meal times and everything else.

It was around time for my second meal today and the guard came to untie me. I slipped the key into my pocket and went to eat.

It was a stale piece of bread and some sloppy soup. Hopefully the guard wouldn't notice. I finished eating and was led back to my dark cellar.

So far i hadn't gone mad and i was impressed with myself. I had heard stories of suicides due to situaurions like this.

I unlocked the chains when the lighta had gone off and i thought the coast was clear. I made A mad dash for the small window on the other side of the room.

I made it opened it as quietly as i could and jumped out. On landing i injured my elbow slightly, but i soldiered on. I couldnt see that much due to the darkness and i assumed that it was about 2 am.

I ran for pure fear for my life until i reached a small street. I decided to turn left. I ran for as long as i could until i ran out of breath.

Finally i came across a car and even though it was a crime i had to take it. I had to get back to France.

Ash's POV

Still Lisa didn't respond to anything, we tried all the medical techniques we could think of.

Next to a dustbin was a cloth which looked clean enough, so i instructed Dev to go and get it. While he was getting it, i clumsily fumbled around my pockets for my phone; it was to call the ambulance.

The call was answered midway through the second ring, by a jolly sounding lady. It was weird that people could be happy at this time.

"Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider?" a frown appeared on my face as i realised that this lady must have only spoken French. I tried my best to put on an accent as i managed "Je ne parle Français, compri?"

I found out after that this woman could infact speak in near perfect English. I told her the location, the name of the victim and any other information that i could remember.

Within five minutes of my call the blazing sirens of the ambulances could be heard in the distance. I silently prayed that Lisa would be better and would not die.

In all this time I hadn't substantially contacted my loved ones, and it was really stressing me. My younger brother Tyrell must have been worried and so would my parents.

"Excuse me can I please go with her."

The lady replied with a slight French accent "Yes of course." She seemed too happy to be trying to save someone's life. I had noticed that paramedics were the best at not freaking out.

They put her onto the stretcher and wheeled her into the ambulance before letting me in.

The ride was a bumpy one. It was really awkward as the paramedics did there work trying to save her life. They had her plugged into countless machines with dozens of wires running out of her body.

In all my life I had never realised how close the back of an ambulance was a hospital. I almost felt that I was sitting at her bedside; never in my life had I been this frightened.

The last time that I was near a hospital bed was the time my auntie was near death. She had been suffering from lung cancer for almost two years, and the aforesaid cancer had taken its toll.

I was with her for the last 10 minutes of her life, holding her hand and comforting her. I told the truth; she was going to die but I reassured about death.

"It's not that bad, just relaxing with God." I remembered saying. Then the moment her grip loosened and her hand fell away as her soul departed Earth.

I didn't burst out crying like I expected to, but I was satisfied, satisfied that I had talked to her and had a laugh before she died.

We arrived at the hospital but was not allowed to see her so I left. Obviously I didn't have anywhere to go. I didn't have a car or a place to go so I decided to stay in a hotel.

While I was walking down the road to God knows where my phone started vibrating. I looked down and it was an unknown number. I answered it anyway.

"Hello." I said. The reply was a deranged voice, husky and drained of spirit.

"Hello! It's me Richard."


It seems you guys aren't reading chapter 11 or 12. Just saying, it's out there so could you please read. Thx

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