Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Dev's POV

Try as I might, the car refused to stop, and we we approaching the car in front at an alarming rate. I tried putting the car into neutral, but the gear stick was not responding. It was as if the car was refusing to listen to me.

Speeding out of control, we suddenly came to a bend in the motorway. We were heading straight for the for a barrier and I couldn't do anything.

The world abruptly slowed down; time itself slowed down. The barrier approached, so I instinctively protected my face with my arms and cowered in my seat .

At least a minute had passed and there was yet to be an impact. Had it already happened? Was I dead? These were just some questions travelling through my mind at supersonic speed. I summoned the courage to remove my arms from my face.

Lisa's POV

I had been preparing to die all this time and when I finally managed to stop panicking and open my eyes, I saw we were nicely driving along the road. I looked to Dev immediately wondering how he had saved us, but he was still cowering behind his arms. It took me a few seconds to realise what was happening; Dev wasn't driving. Someone else was controlling the car from somewhere, but I didn't know where.

"Dev what's going on!" I shouted in a confused yet angry state. His reply was a silence, I guess bewilderment at what had happened. New questions started to arise like where we were going, and who was controlling this.

It had been almost 30 minutes and by now we had become accustomed to the 'situation'.

Finally we exited the motorway and made our way, rather speedily, through a rural road. The sitting sky perfectly reflected the mood. A loss of hope. I thought this would be a good opportunity to ask Richard about what happened while he was held captive.

"Hey Richard, so tell me, what happened while you were being held hostage?"

"Well, they killed John Jackson." Said Richard nonchalantly.

"WHAT!" Everyone replied in unison.

"So some new guy known as Raheem I think is in charge around there." Richard continued.

The car very abruptly halted next to what looked like an abandoned farm house. Out stepped the man on every bodies mind; Jaheem. He arrogantly strode towards the car, followed by his grisly looking body guards. It was easy to tell that he was enjoying every moment of this.

Finally he reached the car. He made a sudden gesture with his hands, and his henchmen came rushing towards the car, all armed with tec 9 submachine guns. They violently opened the door and pulled us all out of the car. I was 'escorted' very violently by Jaheem's associates into the warehouse were he had very kindly set out some chairs for us to be killed on.

I sat down on the uncomfortable, wooden chair that was soon to be my death bed.

Richards POV

I struggled and fought with all my might, wildly lashing out at my captors but, try as I might I couldn't get free and I was eventually forced into the chair.

The next thing I saw was Jaheem smugly walking into to the warehouse, and plopping down into his pristine leather chair behind his solid oak, work desk.

He proceeded to say "Well... You must be wondering why I brought you here. I'm about to tell you. You see, in this business I have a lot of enemies; I don't need a bunch of annoying pricks just messing up all my hard work. This brings us to how I brought you here. I have employed some very technological people to work with me. They have used your satellite navigation system to hack into your car and take control of it. The best thing is that this is an untraceable crime." At this point he began to get giddy and had to take a sip of water to calm down.

"So I had my tech team bring you here." He paused. " Oh and before I forget," he said "Ash that friend of yours was killed by me because he was a good associate of John's."

At this Ash swung out and almost hit a guard. Immediately he had four guns pointed at his head, instantly calming him down.

"Please tell your friends to calm down. Now as I was saying, I am going to give you guys until sunset to live." With that he calmly walked out of the room and his henchmen got to work securing rope around us.

Ash's POV

We were now fully secured in our death chairs and there was no way we were getting out. "At least we have the whole day to prepare ourselves." I thought to myself.

Wearily I looked around at my companions. All we had been through had led to this moment.

Hours later the time had come. The pure white cloud slowly became pink and the sun began its descent. Out of nowhere, the sound of gunfire filled the warehouse; to be honest, I thought that I was dead. After the gunfire subsided I, along with the others looked up around at that aftermath. Jaheem was dead.

How? That was all I could think of.

The dust cleared, and out came our saviours. We couldn't recognise them as they were all wearing slightly disturbing masks, but they had saved us.

Lisa's POV

The leader of those masked men made a sudden gesture and his men began untying us. Suddenly we were lifted of of our feet into the back of an all black van, where we were submerged into complete darkness.

A claustrophobic journey ensued, as we were driven through what must have been a country road. I started to feel nauseated as the terrain grew even rougher.

A constant banging noise interrupted my self pitying; I soon realised that it was Dev trying to kick the door of the van out. He managed to kick it open. We were faced with the sudden streaming of light into the van. When my eyes finally adjusted, I noticed that we were moving forward; we were reversing.

The unfortunate thing was, we were reversing towards the edge of the cliff.

In the knock of time we jumped out of the van, and I took out my Glock and immediately started firing at the van. It was ended very quickly as I managed to get all of them.

In the van I found a note addressed to Ash. "Ash? I think this is for you." I gave him the note.

Ash's POV

The note explained everything. Why i was brought into this mess in the first place. I never thought that my best friend Mark was a major drug runner. He was in competition with Jaheem and that was why he was killed. Jaheem thought that I was part of it so he targeted me.

(1 year later)

I got out of the car and readied my AK12. I re adjusted my walkie talkie, making sure every word that was said could be heard. Each squad had surrounded the house and we were waiting for the word to go in.

A sudden shout and then a surge of action clearly told me we had breached the building. I charged into the building shouting various commands loudly, while we checked off all of the rooms. We were almost all clear, when I checked the last room. As I neared it, I noticed the door was slightly ajar, which gave me an edgy feeling. Slowly i positioned myself against the wall to the left of the door. I cocked my gun one last time and readied myself. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, while my brain told me not to go in. I did anyway

The room looked clear; I tried to shout clear, but a wave of intense darkness consumed as my vision blurred. I looked up to see Jaheem standing over my head, while pointing at me. He wore a devilish smile as he looked me in the eye, taunting me. Then he turned serious and placed a finger on the trigger.



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