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"Dream, i cant believe tomorrow's the day!" George exclaimed, Dream let out a light chuckle in response, the creak of his chair being caught into the mic as he leant back in it brushing his hand through his hair.

"It is certainly-" he paused, slightly distracted by the fidget spinner hanging off of his desk, he picked it up into his hands and began to play around with it. "It's certainly exciting"

"Everything okay, you sound nervous" Georges tone remained lighthearted, yet a presence of concern was clear.
"Of course, i suppose i'm a little nervous, you can't lie to me and say that you aren't feeling nervous too"
"Well, yeah. We've known eachother for what? Six years now and i don't even know what you look like"
"Oh come on, you've seen me!" Dream exclaimed leaning forward in his chair
"Yeah! When you were like twelve, the same photo the entire internet's seen!"
"I wouldn't say the entire internet, little dramatic don't you think George?"
"Shut up, you know what i mean" George scoffed, Dream let out a short wheeze before pulling his microphone closer to his mouth, his eyes gazing to the time.


"Isn't it atleast four am in London George?" He raised his eyebrow as he watched the circle form around his discord icon to signify that he was speaking.
"Something like that"

"Then get to sleep you idiot, you're going to be on a plane all of tomorrow night and knowing you you're not going to sleep on it"
"You're very dramatic Clay, you know that right?"
"Clay 'dramatic' Dream, Dramatic is my middle name after all" He beamed, earning yet another scoff from his friend followed soon after by a yawn
"Whatever, goodnight Dream."
"Goodnight George"

The call was disconnected, Dream stretched and began to delete his tabs and switch his PC off, the room now felt eerily quiet, something he wasn't fond of, he turned his desktop lamp on and began signing off letters to return to fans, thanking them for sending him fanmail, fanarts or items in his P.O. box.

Dream loved being in the public eye, he had the best of both worlds, from having his slice of privacy due to his face being kept to himself however he always loved projecting parts about his life onto the internet, whether that was through dumb childhood stories or even by telling his fans about silly little things that happened during his day, to him he and his fans had a good balance. They were almost always respectful and whenever they overstepped his boundaries slightly, he'd gently remind them and they'd quickly stop.

Dream cracked his knuckles finally putting the pen down, just under a hundred letters signed, he could always complete some more in the morning whilst he waited for George to land. He switched the light off and moved to his bed, quickly easing into the sheets, he grabbed his phone checking it briefly before setting an alarm and switching it off, connecting it to its charger.

Dream put his head back, it fell deeply into the feathered pillow, sinking in with ease. Slowly he felt his body de-tense as the tension in his body practically melted away. That night, unlike most others, he fell asleep quickly.


The sun peaked through the curtains which gently blew against the soft breeze falling through the ever so slightly opened window, the sun was bright, it was high in the sky.

high in the sky

Dream shot up, checking the time on his phone

six PM

he'd overslept, majorly in fact.

He went to bed around 12am, he'd slept around 18 hours, after all he hadn't been sleeping well recent nights. Due to either being woken suddenly in the night by his body with no proper explanation or due to the occasional nightmare, however those weren't often.

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