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The five were sat around the couch, the football that Quackity had put on the television half an hour prior was still playing, George was resting his head against his hand that he held up with his elbow on the arm of the couch, he wasn't too interested in American football. He practically had to stop himself from falling asleep every five minutes, his eyes feeling rather heavy (despite not having done much that day) his knee was still achy and had began to bruise dark purples and light blues.

Sapnap and Quackity were already on their second can of beer, Dream only on his first. Karl said he didn't really like the taste of beer and was the designated driver so decided to not drink, despite wanting to be drunk.

The sound of the television was just background noise as George's eyes focused on Dream who was sat on the carpeted floor beneath him, back resting against the couch as he raised his arm to cheer and yell whenever his team had the upper hand, George was still confused about his feelings for Dream, he knew he felt something, definitely more than platonic yet it just didn't feel like what he expected love to be.

George had always presumed he wouldn't fall in love, he told himself from a young age that he didn't need love, after all, love was the very reason his family broke apart. Alcohol made him rather uncomfy at times, usually just wines and vodkas due to his mums drinking habits after his father died, habits was putting it lightly. She drank way too much, George was honestly surprised that it wasn't liver cancer or alcohol poisoning that killed her because the amount she consumed was surely fatal. Regardless, alcohol didn't really appeal to him, the smell of beer alone was enough to put him off.

Dream ran his hand through his hair, cocking his head slightly and giving George a quick smile before facing back to the television, not even a second later he jolted up cheering and shaking his fist in the air as did the other three boys, George just chuckled at their silliness and pulled himself up off the couch heading into the kitchen.

When in the kitchen he took a glass from the cabinet and filled it with tap water, he wasn't too sure how safe american tap water was but then again surely it wouldn't kill him. He turned the tap off and brought the cup to his lips, taking a sip. He felt arms wrap around him from behind and almost jumped out of his skin.

"You know there's bottled water in the fridge" Dream spoke against George's neck, his warm breath sending chills down George's spine, George let out a nervous laugh putting the glass down.

"Sorry, i forgot" He tugged slightly on his jumper feeling warmer than before.
"mhm" Dream hummed against his neck again.
This time George smelt the thick scent of beer, sending his stomach into twists and turns.
Dream remained with his arms around George's waist, his head resting contently on his shoulder, holding him from behind.

"You're missing your game Dream."
"Shit- did i make you uncomfy?-" Dream quickly pulled away, George turned seeing the panic in Dreams eyes.
"No silly, it's just all a little new" George rubbed Dreams upper arm, offering a warm smile seeing Dreams worried expression fade away, he let out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry, the alcohol makes me a little more physical- if you want me to stop i will- i'm just clingier when i drink"
"you're too sweet for your own good, you're cute when you're all worked up and worried" George chuckled brushing his thumb over Dreams cheek, watching as his cheeks turned red at the touch.
Dream titled his head into the touch with a dopey smile.

"Thank you" He simply replied
"dunno," He paused placing his hand on top of George's which still remained on his cheek, his thumb brushing over his freckles every so often.
"Being you i 'sspose"
"You're never this mushy, go watch your game idiot" George shook his head, removing his hand and smiling.
"Yes sir"
"hm, sir?"
"shut up" Dream stuck his tongue out playfully before trailing back into the living room.

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