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A few weeks had passed since George's surgery, he was doing better than ever and completely thriving, its not like he was somebody who went out often or needed to do heavy lifting or sports, he was a minecraft streamer his days consisted of sitting down (which was actually a good thing for once as it sped the healing process up helping him recover a lot sooner than most people)

Dream was sat on the edge of the couch, his fingers aimlessly strumming over the guitar strings beneath them, fingers stinging slightly a mild burn. He'd been practicing what felt like all day, wanting to get as fluent with the instrument as he once was. It wasn't exactly his idea to pick up the instrument, surprisingly it was Georges.

"instead of just sitting there building up all this anger at your dad- why don't you just get it out, letting it build up is only going to hurt you dream" Georges eyes were firm on Dream, who was currently going through old family photo albums, he let out a quiet scoff mumbling something under his breath, possibly a curse George was unsure. " ignore me all you want, but you know i'm right."

Dream dropped down the photo album, looking in Georges direction, his face clearly disapproving of his partners words before twisting into something more understanding, "well, how would i even do that?" he bit on his lower lip, eyes glancing briefly back down beside him to the now discarded photo-album, which held memories he'd rather forget.

" well, some people prefer to talk abou-"

"Don't suggest therapy, George c'mon you know how uncomfortable it makes me."

"Sorry," George paused followed by a sigh, "Just ever since you stopped worrying about me being sick, you've been so occupied by what happened. It's eating you up Dream," george stood approaching his partner, letting his hands hold Dreams face as gently as he possibly could. "we're together Dream, that means we're a team, and when someone on the team is hurting the team mates step up to help, and that's what i'm doing,"

"Maybe i could write like... music or something" Dream let his head rest upon Georges, a content sigh falling from the latters lips.

"Why don't you pick up the guitar again, you said you played when you were younger right?"

"Mhm,' dream hummed as he idly began swaying himself and George left and right .

"Get to it then love, it'll help. I'm due on karl's stream in five so i've got to go"

"cuddles after?" dreams voice was quieter as George pulled himself out of the embrace, heading towards his room.

"of course," he blew a kiss before disappearing into the room. Dream sighed, dragging himself to where the guitar was currently stored before collapsing back down onto the couch, the instrument in his hands.

Now here Dream was, various notepads infront of him, countless words and verses messily scribbled out. He heard a door creak, his eyes immediately darting up to see George smiling over at him from across the room, he returned the gesture and George began to make his way over to him, dropping onto the empty space beside him.

"so, any progress?" Georges smile was as big as ever, it was always such a comfort to Dream even when their relationship was strictly platonic.

"i mean- well yes? No? depends- i guess?" Dream spoke, his speech pattern always caused George to giggle, shaking his head with a smile.

"wanna show me the song then? I understand if not-"

"Actually, i would like to." Dream paused, quietly brushing the pad of his thumb against the strings before adjusting the capo. "its not exactly about my dad though"

"dream we agreed-"

"i know! i know what you said, but when i was writing i got thinking., why write about something that makes me sad when i could write about one of my favourite things"

"Minecraft?" george raised a brow.

"No dumbass, you"


"of course you, you make me happiest" Dream reached over, brushing his thumb gently across the stubble on his partners chin.

"Can i hear the song, please?" George reached his hand to hold Dreams, Dream nodded slowly removing his hand from Georges chin.

"Of course you can handsome," Dream brought his hands to the strings, clearing his throat, nerves settling in.

"My mind runs away to you, with a thought ill hope you see, cant see where its wandered too but i know where it wants to be" His voice was gentle as he sung, hesitant as he began but slowly he began easing into the song. "I'm waiting patiently, though time is moving slow. I have no vacancy and i wanted you to know that-" he glance dup at George, crystallised diamonds falling in the corners of his eyes, a grin across his face with a trembling lower lip, Georges hand reached out, holding onto Dreams leg just so he could touch him in some way.

"You're the one, designed for me, a distant stranger that i will complete, i know you're out there we're meant to be, so keep your head up and make it to me" He stopped abruptly, carefully placing the guitar down. "its uh- its not finished- like at all, but i just wanted to show you it, i want you to know how much i love you George and these last few weeks really have been eye opening, when you were sick, i went like- full panic mode. IT really made me realise, i wouldn't be able to do this whole life thing without you by my side, neither would i want to do it either." Dream paused, taking a breath, his shaking hands reaching out to hold Georges. "when i found out we were soulmates, i mean hell- i was terrified, but deep down i was glad it was you George, i wouldn't of preferred it to be anyone else, you've always made days brighter and your presence just makes everything so much better, seeing you smile and laugh each day makes me realise why i get up in the morning."

By now, obviously George was crying, not really having experienced such genuine love or care in his life before, so it was so beyond perfect hearing it from the person who meant the most to him.

"Look, i know we're already soulmates and you're pretty much stuck with me for life now- but i want you to know how much i love you, i don't have a fancy ring or expensive jewellery, i'm just hoping my words are enough to convince you, George, i really want to marry you." George let out a small gasp, gripping at Dreams hands in shock, pausing slightly before profusely nodding.

"yes! oh my- jesus, yes- holy fuck, id be crazy to say no, i don't need a ring or anything expensive, your enough" George pulled Dream in, planting repeated kisses upon his lips.

"Looks like we're getting married." Dream smiled as he pulled away, his eyes looking over his boyfriend with nothing but pure admiration in his eyes, it took months to realise, but having his best friend be his soulmate was probably definitely the best thing to have ever happened to him.

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