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The two gathered Georges luggage, with chivalry Dream offered to carry it for him as much as George refused, as per usual he gave in purely due to Dreams stubbornness.

"I was expecting it to be warmer" George chuckled, a slight shiver overtaking his body as he clutched from elbow to elbow in an attempt to restrain warmth
"George; it's almost three am, it's not going to be that hot" He smiled unlocking his car, he placed Georges luggage in the back seat before getting in, he noticed how george shivered.

"Yeah, i suppose" George rested his head against the window looking out to the parking lot, noticing how the moon seemed much brighter than usual.
"Here," Dream shifted slightly, lifting the hoodie over his head and throwing it at George. "- It probably doesn't help that you're tired and that you've been trapped on a plane all day"
"probably" George shrugged, he was quick to accept the hoodie, he didn't complain about being given it. He pulled it over his head, quickly relaxing into the warmth.

Dream decided to turn the heater in the car on, despite feeling rather warm himself, he knew George was cold so being the good friend he was, he put Georges needs first.

"So, is Florida what you expected" Dream smiled, glancing quickly towards George before looking back to the road.
"I mean, i haven't seen much, it's pitch black outside" George gestured to the dark sky, the headlights and streetlights being the only current source of light on the highway
"Yeah, you're right. Maybe tomorrow we can just have a chill day as you adjust to the jet lag and all of that and the day after we can go venture out and do some classic Florida things" Dream chuckled, He glanced back to George noticing how he smiled in response, possibly in agreement. The drive after was relatively silent, besides the sound of the radio, which still was connected to Dreams phone and playing a varied selection of songs from his playlist. Occasionally he hummed along, gently singing.

"Won't be long 'till we're there now" Dream said, his tone was soft, he sounded tired, his lisp being ever so slightly more present in this state.
Noticing that George didn't respond, he glanced over, Georges head was resting against the window with the hood of the hoodie up and covering most of his head due to the size difference, his hand tucked into the large sleeves and his legs together resting against the door. Dream gave a fond smile and got back to the road driving.

After some time he was pulling onto his drive, he got out of his door and grabbed Georges luggage taking it inside before making his way back to the car. He carefully opened Georges door, as George was leant against it, reaching a hand out to catch him before pushing him back slightly into the chair.

"George" He shook his shoulder, making sure he was soft with the movement, not wanting to startle him or hurt him.
"You've gotta get up, just a little walk then you can sleep alright?"
"m'okay" George rubbed his eyes, getting out of the car and stumbling slightly towards the house.

Dream locked up his car and made a slight jog towards the house. He caught up with George, shutting the front door and leading him to his bedroom.

Earlier in the week, Dream had explained that the house was originally a two bed, however he had began using the spare room as a fanart room so it no longer had a bed or basic necessities in, so either George could sleep on the couch or take the bed. The two made a compromise and agreed to share Dreams bed, if it became uncomfortable, one of them would take the couch instead.

"Y'wanna get changed before George?" He chuckled watching as George practically collapsed onto the bed
"Don't wanna" He grunted against the duvet
"M'kay, just get to sleep i won't be a minute" Dream shook his head as his friend crawled beneath the sheets, getting comfortable.

Dream himself took a pair of sweats and a plain white t-shirt, making his way to the en-suite bathroom. He shut the door making sure to be quiet, not wanting to bother George. He took his shirt off first, replacing it with the clean one and then he slid his trousers off.

As he looked down, he almost let out a yell, yet managed to stop himself.

Now on his upper, outer thigh, was a small dark marking.

A tattoo even, a small tattoo of an array of planets and stars.

Soulmate tattoos were a common occurrence, some people never got them whereas others did.

Dream never expected himself to get one, maybe he had locked eyes accidentally with somebody whilst at the airport, a complete unintentional moment. It happened often with the system, some with tattoos never even got the opportunity to meet their soulmate after locking eyes. Overall the system was pretty lousy, an unknown process that had been around for centuries.

"Shit" He mumbled as he examined the tattoo, brushing his fingers over the dried ink.

Thankfully, they weren't permanent.

Upon locking lips with your soulmate, the tattoo would 'heal' over, turning into a small heart scar to signify their 'bonding' as such was complete.

He let out a sigh, sliding the sweats over his legs, trying to ignore the new marking. Back in high school, there was a mandatory course that all students would receive educating them on the soulmate marking system, so that if they were to ever be marked, they'd understand what was going on.

Dreams friend Sapnap was marked last year back at a gaming event, he never discovered who his soulmate was, so discarded it and in his words said 'if they come along, they come along, and if they don't atleast i have chick-fil-a'
In the moment, it was a funny thing to state, however Dream knew that there was an underlying sadness to his words.

Dream eventually left the bathroom, now standing in his bedroom, George was already fast asleep comfortable beneath the duvet, soft snores coming from his side of the bed. Dreams stretched his shoulders and got in beside, making sure to leave a fair distance between them. He settled down, before long he found himself fast asleep.

Something Dream was not aware of though, was Sapnaps frantic messaging to him.

Sapnap: Dre call me asap [Sent : 03:50 ]

Sapnap: This is serious, like i'm freaking out man [ Sent : 03:51 ]

Sapnap : Clay, answer the goddamn phone [ Sent : 03:58]

Sapnap: I found my soulmate, i think, idk what to do [ Sent : 04:11]

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