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A day had passed, George had officially stayed for two nights so far and nothing major had happened despite Sapnaps soulmate dilemma, the two settled for watching day time television and slot of napping to cope with the heat of the home, George began to envy his family back in England who were currently in the middle of another thunderstorm, he didn't actually like thunder, infact he hated it. To him it was loud and inconvenient, but right about now he wouldn't mind heavy rain even if it meant loud rumbles from the sky.

"i cant take it anymore!" George exclaims kicking his arms up dramatically, a small chuckle fell from Dreams lips in response.
"it isn't THAT bad George" He smiles, turning to face him, Simply George grunts in response.
"fine, get ready we'll go out" Dream sighs pulling himself off of the couch which he stuck to, Georges eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face, "where?"
"Anywhere with AC, just so you stop crying about the heat" Dream rolls his eyes and George scoffs, "thank you Dream"
"Just hurry up" Dream went to get dressed

Before long the two were getting into the car, both wearing shorts, George was wearing low hanging black khakis whilst Dream wore long knee length white shorts. The two both wore simplistic T-shirt's. Dream started the car, glancing to a George as he pulled the seatbelt over his chest

"So where are you kidnapping me to today?" George rolls his window down to try and control the internal temperature of the car, metal and heat is definitely not a good combination, his eyes glancing to dream awaiting a response.
"I mean, i don't actually have a plan" He chuckled tapping his hand against the steering wheel as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the main road.
"Right, so aimlessly driving around it is!" George sarcastically throws his hands up in mocking celebration, "I mean come on George, it's better than melting in there, atleast till the AC is fixed"
"When's the repair man coming"
"In a couple hours, it's a family friend so i left a key out"
"You're that trusting?" George smirks, cocking an eyebrow at dream.
Dream shrugs his eyes firm on the road as he pulls onto the highway, "i mean, yeah, he's one of my moms friends from school, he's hardly going to rob me"
"You're way too trusting, you know that right?"
"Keep your judgement to yourself George"
"Not judgement, just an observation" He chuckled looking out of his window now being able to take in Florida in its glory.

George was surprised at how everything looked like it did in pictures and videos, maybe he was expecting something worse. But it was pretty, the sun was high in the sky signifying it was mid afternoon as it beat down on the world below. Despite being on the highway he was sure he could see the sea in the far distance, possibly a beach. The highways were significantly larger than the motorways in the U.K., hed mostly only been on the m25 around London, he himself didn't drive so it was usually back in his university days when he'd go on outings with friends, and even then there was only around 3-4 lanes, nothing compared to the massive highways in Florida.

Before long they pulled into a dainty cafe which was off the side of the highway, a little rural. The two got out of their car, making their way inside. Instantly the refreshing cold of the AC hit them, both releasing a sigh of relief, a George Ezra song was playing through the crackling speaker that clearly needed a replacement, a couple was in the far left of the cafe and a mother with two small children was sat on the right, she seemed slightly stressed as the children were being noisy and despite her best efforts they continued to disturb the light-hearted feel of the cafe.

"G'mornin' darlins, yall here to eat or just have a quick drink before getting back on the road?" A waitress greeted, a simple woman in her early 60's, her messy blonde hair tied up and her nails chipping pink, she was obviously from Texas, maybe Georgia due to her thick southern accent.
"Eating in, please" Dream smiled
"Lovely!" She beamed, grabbing two menus, "follow me" she took them to a table, it was closer to the single mother with the children than the couple at the other end of the cafe.
"I'll be over in a bit to take your orders, feel free to let me know if you need more time!" She walked off to somewhere out of sight, George picked up a menu and began to scan through it.

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