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The front door swung open and the cold air of the home hit Dream and George straight away.

"It's fixed!" George almost cried out, purely out of glee.
"Told ya" Dream kicked his shoes off, locking the front door and casting his keys aside.
George followed him in taking his shoes off before they both made their way to the living room.

George noticed the gentle scent of the home, now more prominent after a long day out, it was most comparable to warm vanillas and woody-scents. The two fell onto the couch, separated, before Dream began to scroll aimlessly through the TV. George opened up his phone, checking through twitter. He let out a short chuckle at a meme he saw, which caught Dreams attention.

"Something funny?" He peered over, sneakily attempting to see what George was looking at, George pulled his phone away in a teasing manner which caused Dream to scoff and attempt to snatch his phone.
"Dream!" He cried out as Dream tried to grab his phone
"What is itttt" Dream continued to whine like a young child, desperate to find out what made his friend laugh.
"It was-" He caught his breath through laughter, "it was just a meme!"
"All of that suspension for a meme, pfft" Dream fell back into his side of the couch, curling his knees up to his side get comfortable.
"I mean, you're the one that made it a big deal" George chuckled switching his phone off and casting it into his pocket, his gaze meeting dreams, who looked back to the TV.

They sat in a comfortable silence, watching the show play through, George wasn't exactly sure what it was, but Dream seemed happy enough watching it so he didn't mind.

"That thing with Quackity earlier was weird" Dream blurred out, startling George as he was zoned out watching the television.
"Oh- right yeah, it was a bit weird"
"I mean, is it normal for three people to be soulmates?"
George shrugged, "like i said to you, i don't think much about it"
"What made you hate it so much?"
"I never said i hated it" George was quick to retaliate making Dream wonder if he'd accidentally struck a nerve.
"You just seem to get- weird whenever i mention it"
George scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm just unbothered by it"
"But it's such a lovely thing George, yknow having your person"
"How would you know" George scoffed once again rolling his eyes.
"No need to be a dick" Dream huffed letting his head rest on his hand against the arm of the chair.
"whatever" George got up, walking to the bedroom without muttering a word. leaving Dream alone.

Dreams eyes glanced to the clock on the wall, it was barely past nine. Dream sighed, he probably shouldn't of continued to speak about something he knew George obviously tried to avoid, maybe it was a little insensitive of him.

He got over his petty moment and stood, switching the tv off and heading to the bedroom.

Before entering he knocked lightly on the door, after two or three knocks he decided to just open as George wouldnt answer. George was no where to be seen, the bed was still neatly made and everything was in place, apart from the bathroom door being closed. Dream made his way over, now hearing more audible sniffles and repressed cries. "Hey- George, everything alright- i'm sorry" He tapped lightly on the door to make his presence known.

He heard mumbling, and shuffling before he felt the door open. George had obviously been crying, despite a poor attempt to hide it his eyes were puffy.

"Just, don't ask" George mumbled pushing past him.
"Was it what i said, i didn't realise it was such a sensitive subject-" Dream was interrupted by George grabbing him and simply just holding him, his arms resting against his hips and his head against dreams left chest bone.

"It isn't you" George sighed pressing his face into Dreams hoodie
"I never took you for a hugger" Dream chuckled, in an attempt to lighten the situation, George chuckled wiping his eyes.
"I make exceptions for people that i like when i'm upset" He smirked, pulling Dream a little tighter, Dream returned the tight embrace.
"I must be pretty special then"
"Don't flatter yourself" George scoffed before pulling away from the hug.
"You sure you're okay though?" Dream gave a lopsided, dopy type smile.
"I mean, kind of?" George paused, his breath still rather shaky from crying.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Dream offered
"Yeah, actually that would be nice" George smiled.

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