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George stare at the reply from Dreams Uncle sighing.

James: 'Hello George, lovely to hear from you, i wish i could help but i'm currently away in the Florida Keys with paul, i'm back on thursday i'll make sure to pop over as soon as i can! give Dream a big hug from me, i'm sorry this happened'

George shook his head, sliding his phone into his pocket and making his way back to the bedroom. Dream was sprawled across the bed, staring at the ceiling not saying a word.

"Dream," He paused, voice hitching, "are you okay?"

"I didn't sleep with anyone at school, i didn't realise i was gay or whatever until this whole situation" He sighed. "I just said that to piss my dad off" he added on mumbling.

George sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing Dreams leg looking up at him, the bruising on dreams nose had tamed a lot and it wasn't bleeding anymore.

"it's just dumb, i don't know what else i expected, he cut off his own brother what made me think that i'd be any different" He sighed, rubbing his eyes, he surprisingly wasn't crying, he just kept silent.

"Is there anything i can do, to make you feel better?" George frowned, continuing to rub Dreams leg.

"Well if you can get my family to love me again that would be great" He snapped in response, George's expression dropped a little, he knew Dream was upset and was just expressing it in the wrong ways but that didn't stop it from stinging.

George simply hummed in acknowledgment, not wanting to speak and upset him more, he took his hands off him and curled them between his knees.

"Y'know-" Dream paused, "this wouldn't of happened if you didn't come to florida"

George turned to face him, his expression falling even further, his eyes dipping and eyebrows furrowing to capture his upset. He tried his hardest not to let it hurt, but the inside of his cheek and sucked it up.

"okay" he simply mumbled, standing and leaving the room, Dream didn't say a word back to him, George just let him do his thing until he was ready to apologise.

A few hours had passed, George was now curled up on the couch, ready to fall asleep his eyes feeling heavy and his heart beating so harshly he could hear it within every inch of him, did dream really mean what he said? After all it wasn't technically George fault, it's not like he asked to be Dreams soulmate- yeah, he may have had a slight more than platonic preference for Dream even way before he came to florida but that's besides the point, it's not like George asked to have it this way.

He sighed, wiping his eyes upon feeling warm tears fall down, he finally shut his eyes in an attempt to calm his mind but it didn't help, it just made it worse.

The bedroom door creaked open, George kept his eyes shut pretending to be asleep not wanting to upset Dream.

"George,?" Dream barely whispered, "i'm sorry, for what i said- i just was upset and didn't want to believe it so started blaming anyone but myse-" He paused, George heard him stop infront of him. "oh, you're asleep" he whispered even quieter this time.

Dream brought his hand down to George's face, brushing over it gently and pushing the hairs away from his eyes and tucking them behind his ear, he let out a deep sigh and continued to brush his fingers gently over George's cheek.

"was he crying," he mumbled, obviously feeling thr damp of George's cheek.

"George," he shook his shoulder gently, George did his best 'pretending to wake up' he grunted a little and wiped his eyes, "hm?" he looked up at dream, soft puppy dog eyes.

"Did i make you cry" He noticed how dreams features relaxed into a frown, still brushing George's cheek. George brought his hand to dreams, planting a kiss on Dreams knuckles.

"Sometimes we stay stuff we don't mean Dream and sometimes it upsets people, but it's okay, so before you start beating yourself up i'm okay, you know what i'm like, i overthink everything" He planted another kiss on Dreams knuckles.

"Are you sure? i really didn't mean it george, i'm really sorry"

"Stop it," He huffed, he pulled on dreams arm and dream stumbled on top of him (as planned)
", really dream, it's okay. i promise" he wrapped his legs around Dream, as Dream settled into the new positioning, shifting to get comfortable. He was laying on his stomach between George's legs, his head on George's chest. He grabbed for George's hand that hung loose over the side of the couch and desperately interlocked their fingers.

George pressed a kiss to Dreams head, before letting his free hand run through his hair as he hummed to anyone else but you.

It wasn't long before Dream had fallen asleep, which was understandable, he'd had a bad day. George continued to hum, singing quietly and light along to the song that was continuously stuck in his head, he just wanted to protect him. George was always a major empath, he hated seeing people sad whether he liked to admit that or not. Now that it was his partner that was upset, it hurt him differently, the type of hurt that settled in his heart and settled there. His hands continued to thread through Dreams hair as he let his mind wander, a different song was stuck in his head now. He wasn't quite sure where he'd heard it, or if he knew the whole song, but certain parts of it stuck with him.

It was weird, having your best friend suddenly turn into something much more intimate so suddenly, he wasn't complaining. George had a mild crush on Dream way back before he'd even came to florida, it wasn't much, just occasional butterflies whenever he spoke to him, it wasn't the type of crush that kept him up at night or made him incapable of speaking to Dream , it was just there. Dream was a nice guy, and he just had one of those voices, his damn voice. How fond and soft it could sound at times was what got George, what dropped him into the spiderweb and tangled him up. He fondly remembered how Dream would talk so excitedly about when he'd get his soulmate and how he'd treat 'her' and how much of a good boyfriend he'd be to 'her' and he was right, he was a good boyfriend, the only difference was George did in fact not have a vagina, he had a dick.

George chuckled lightly at the thought, George was the funniest person he knew, maybe besides Quackity but he wasn't relevant right now. George always made himself laugh, after all he was his own friend during secondary school for the most part, he was victim to bullying and went through two pretty dramatic things during his time there. one being the death of his parents during year eight, and towards the end of year ten he experienced something he hasn't told a single soul about, fear of not being believed, fear of being cast aside and being seen as weaker. George didn't cope well during his final two years of school, taking up stupid habits of drinking, smoking weed and self harm. He wasn't proud of his youth, he hated the thought of it. It wasn't a surprise when he failed all his exams, it was an arse to get into college for him.

George struggled to sleep even now, something his friends unknowingly ridiculed him for. He was known in college for being able to fall asleep anywhere, the joys of joy sleeping at night, his aunt even once took him to the doctors convinced he had narcolepsy, yet they just put it down to possible insomnia, when George knew that wasn't the case. He was struggling alone to deal with trauma, so laced into his brain by people at school that boys weren't allowed to feel, boys weren't allowed to express how they felt. So he repressed it, and now almost ten years later at the age of twenty four, it was once again pestering him. He contemplated getting it off his chest, telling dream. But why would he bother making such a big deal out of something that happened so long ago, something that happened when he was barely a teenager.

George closed his eyes, letting his hand finally rest on top of dreams head. exhaling and letting his chest settle, maybe he would gain the courage to speak to someone about it, getting it off his chest might help him. He kissed Dream one final time and let sleep take over his body

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