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Dream wasn't sure where exactly he was going, he just pushed the gas pedal and hoped for the best, in a daze as a he drove not paying much attention to road signs or which highways he drove on. This clearly wasn't though out as he only had a twenty dollar bill and was unsure if he even had his card, so he'd be pretty fucked if he ran out of gas.

To make matters worse, it was late, the time on the digital radio reading '01:28' He'd been driving for god knows how long, they ended stream around seven and the boys arrived a couple minutes after that, why did he have to give sapnap a damn key, besides they must be staying in a hotel, he doesn't have enough room for all of them, unless they all slept on the living room floor.

He turned the radio up, feeling frustration rise at his friends incapability of making him aware of them arriving.

'Feel good inc' famously by Gorillaz, played. He was actually quite fond of the song, he remembered when George had introduced him to the band.

- December 2020 -

"Seriously Dream, you're worrying too much" George sighed through the microphone, Dream glanced from the fidget spinner on his desk to the glowing monitors, "Easy for you to say, you're so attractive people don't even bother to harass you" Dream mumbled, he didn't mean to project his upset onto George, but then again, he didn't know how else to deal with it.
"Right, if you're going to act like that, then I see how it is"
"No, I'm sorry." Dream looked at the way Georges discord icon lit up with every little sound
"I get you're upset Dream, but you can't let every little thing people on the internet put against you get to you. they don't know you, and guess who does know you, Me, i know you Dream. and as somebody who knows you, and may I add, very well. The stuff they're saying is absolute bullshit, okay."
"You're bringing out the curses"
"Because I'm frustrated! I have to watch you self destruct every time you get curious and check your indirects on YouTube and twitter." George scoffed, dropping something on his desk which caught Dreams attention, he didn't ask about it though.
"I know you're right deep down, I just can't help it" Dream sighed, he brushed his hand over the stubble on his chin.
"That's why I'm here, to fulfil my duties as your best friend, look let's just close everything up, twitter- all of it. I'll put some music on one of those rhythm bot things and we can just talk about whatever's on our minds" George was smiling behind the camera, he didn't have his camera on though so Dream couldn't see his bright expression, but he could hear it so clearly.

That's what they did, Dream closes up all his apps and running tabs beside discord and George put some music on, a playlist of Gorillaz songs, Dream found himself to like them and even began listening to them whenever he was alone, even humming certain songs in calls, one of his favourite being Aries, a song machine, by gorillaz.

- Present -

"He won't answer his phone" Sapnap sighed, throwing his phone across the bed, watching it glide across the soft bedsheets.
"The hell even happened, this was meant to be a happy moment but pissy pants decided to have a tantrum" quackity muttered
"Shut up alex, you don't have to be a dick" George retorted, his words were quick, his retaliation clearly fuelled by upset and anger.
Quackity put his hands up in faux defeat, before crossing them.

"What were you two even talking about" Karl raised an eyebrow, still stood in the doorway.
George had remained in Dreams gaming chair, whilst Sapnap paced the room questioning his actions hoping he wasn't the reason for Dream to disappear.
"It's-" George paused, it wasn't his place to say the truth, it should be a joint decision between him and Dream. "it's personal" he finished.

Hours seemed to go by, no sign of Dream at all, it got to early hours of the morning, 06:00, the group decided to go back to their hotel, leaving George alone in Dreams home.

George walked around Dreams room, opening the closet, he smiled to himself seeing pictures of Dream and family possibly high school friends pinned up with blue tac. Dream didn't tend to talk about high school, or his family much so it was nice to see such a personal side of his life. George missed him, it'd only been a few hours but he missed him.

Dream was a strong sense of calm that took away all the pain, whether that had been platonic or romantic for years, he felt at ease with Dreams presence.

George felt like he would be able to see Dream in that light, after all if anyone was his soulmate he was just glad it was Dream someone he already cared so much about, someone who knew him inside and out like the back of his hand. He was grateful his soulmate was the most caring, kind, thoughtful person he knew, not some stranger in the airport or on the plane.

George took one of Dreams black smile hoodies from the closet, pulling it over his own figure. He was cold, he didn't know how to work American air conditioners so ever since sapnap messed around with it a couple hours ago, he couldn't figure how to turn it back down, now the home was almost like an igloo.

He shut the closet and walked into the living room, and almost on cue, the front door unlocked with the jingle of a bundle of keys. Dream froze, the sunrise glowing and brightening the sky behind him.

"I thought you'd be asleep" Dream threw the keys onto the side and closed the door, standing still again.
"I was worried you wouldn't come back" Georges voice broke, possibly due to the lack of sleep getting to him as well as the pure anxiety he'd felt all night.
"Oh-" Dream paused watching as George sleepily broke apart infront of him, "Come here" Dream walked towards him, brushing away his forming tears with the back of him thumb before pulling him close, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and hushing, it didn't take long for georges arms to find their way around Dreams waist.
"I'm here, I just needed to cool off, okay, it's okay" he hushed, resting his head on top of Georges and gently swaying them both as Georges sobs began to become more delayed and breathier.

George pulled away, wiping at his eyes, Dream now noticing the hoodie that he was wearing, a fond smile growing on his face.

"It was cold, m'sorry" George babbled, sleepyness settling on his face, "go get in bed, ill sort out the ac"
"Promise you won't leave again"
"I promise" Dream grabbed Georges pinkie with his own, giving a reassuring smile before heading to get the AC control, hearing George head to the bedroom.

It didn't take long for him to turn it down, the house beginning to settle to a normal temperature. Dream made his was to the bedroom, George was already snoring away, beneath the duvet and facing away from the door where Dream had walked in.

Dream switched his clothes to more comfortable, sleep-like ones, getting into the bed beside George. George turned over in his sleep, Dream smiled to himself, brushing Georges hair out of his sleeping eyes.

Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to see his best friend in a romantic way.

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