Number 27?

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A/N: Who's the number 27th hero..? If we don't know, I'm just picking a random mf number yo-

Katsuki layed in his bed. He didn't feel like getting up for school. It was only Friday, so he really didn't have much to worry about, except Aizawa getting onto his ass for not going to class. Just as he was about to close his eyes, his door was kicked open and there was a pissed off green eyed, green haired, freckled lunatic in his room. "Oi!" Midoriya spoke harshly. Katsuki stared at him from his bed. "Eh?" the blond spoke, confusion on his face. Midoriya rolled his eyes and closed the door. He walked over to Katsuki's bed and sat down at the end. "Time for school, get up." the green haired boy said, his hand lightly hitting Katsuki's right leg.

The blond, in response, whined and put the cover over his head, pulling his legs closer to his chest. "No." he mumbled out from under the covers. Midoriya squinted his eyes at the other. "If you don't get up," he sighed out. "I'll drag you out of bed and you'll be going to school on my shoulder and in your pajamas." the green haired grinned when he saw Katsuki sit up, the covers still on his head. "You're evil, Izuku-Chan." Midoriya pulled the cover off of the other's head, the grin still on his face, and leaned in close to the ruby eyed male. "I know." Midoriya kissed Katsuki's nose and stood up, a yawn following after he stood. "Now, up." he demanded from the boy. Katsuki groaned and moved the covers from his body. Shivering at the sudden coldness hitting his body, the boy stood up and went to his closet, Midoriya playing on his phone by the door.

"Oh yeah," Midoriya spoke up, not looking away from his phone. "Aizawa said we can wear whatever today. Just be "appropriate", whatever the hell that means." the green eyed boy mumbled the last part, but Katsuki head and shrugged it off. "Is that why you're wearing clothes like an emo?" he blond snickered. "Ha ha ha." Midoriya said rolling his eyes. The taller looked to where Katsuki was, seeing the blond change into something very different from what he usually wears. Katsuki wore a short sleeved, baby blue crop top, that had a rain cloud on one side. The blond also wore a pair of white shorts (night shorts to be exact) with a pair of baby blue and white wedged boots, white flurry socks visible. Just as Katsuki was fixing his shorts, not feeling like they were a good fit for both himself or the outfit, their phones began to ring.

Izuku rolled his eyes and looked at the caller ID. NUMBER 27 IS CALLING...Izuku groaned and answered the phone, taking Katsuki's away and hanging up on the blond's phone. "What do you want?" the green haired boy asked the other one the phone, holding Katsuki's phone over his head as he tried to reach it. "Izuku! Gimme it back!" the blond whined, trying to grab the phone. Midoriya turned the other way so he could hear the person on the other side of the phone. "I'm not interrupting something, am I?" the voice sounded deep, but it was smooth and quiet. While Katsuki tried to get his phone back, that was now in Midoriya's pocket, the other kept talking to the mysterious person on the phone. "Not at all, do you need something?" the green haired boy questioned the other.

"Wondering if you, blond boy and that Kaminari kid wanna come on patrol with me. Sound like a plan?" the voice asked excitedly. Midoriya sighed heavily and Katsuki started jumping up and down. "Yes! Tell them yes! I'll get Kami-San!" the blond yelled. Katsuki ran out of the room. "Wait! Katsuki!" Midoriya called out for the other only so sigh. "Kids gone, huh?" the voice on the other line laugher out when the green haired boy didn't answer. "I'm taking that as a yes. Anyway, I gotta go...Keigo is asking if he could fly without using his wings." Midoriya laughed when he heard the male on the other end of the phone scream for the winged hear to stop.

"Yeah, you deal with that. See you after school." he said rolling his eyes. "Kay, bye kid." Midoriya rolled his eyes and shut off his phone, it hanging up in the process. He grabbed Katsuki's bag from his bed and went to the door, closing and locking it, he did a small speed walk to Denki's room. No way in hell is he going to be late because of Katsuki's childish behavior. Don't get Midoriya wrong, he really liked it, but sometimes, it pisses him off and gets in the way of certain things. Like school. A huff left his lips as he stood in the door-way. His eyes landed on the two blonds, sitting on Denki's bed. Katsuki was seated in between Denki's legs, both watching the Nintendo in front of them.

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