Soft time

839 36 4

Remember, I'm petty. :)

Oh, and to help people with relationships.

Katsuki & Izuku (soft gays)

Monoma & Shinsou (chaotic gays)

Aizawa, Hizashi & [REDACTED] (gay & poly)

Enji, Keigo (Hawks), Hisashi & Kan (gay & poly)

Touya & Tenko (Shiggy) (gay asf too)

Sero, Shouto & Mineta (gay & poly)

Jirou & Yamomo (str8 bbys, they'll be mentioned a few times as well)

These are only the mentioned ones! I have no idea for the others, yet. Ask if you're curious, I'll try and answer. ^^


Touya hugged Denki, leaving the boy to make his way to Shouta. Denki wasted no time to get the to hero, running as fast as he could to the second floor. When he saw Aizawa, he ran over to him and threw himself into the man's arms, almost taking the both of them down. Shouta wrapped his arms around him, holding him as close as he could. "I've got you," Shouta said softly as the boy cried into his chest. "it's okay, I've got you." He said again, keeping his voice low and leveled. "Come on, it would be more comfortable to sit down, don't you think?" He asked the electric user, a hint of humor in his voice in hopes of a smile.

He didn't get one. Only a small nod. Shouta nodded and picked up the younger, bringing him into the shared dorm. He used his foot to close the door and walked over to the bed. Hizashi wasn't there, dealing with the radio station, so he was alone for the night. Shouta sat down, Kaminari in his lap with his arms wrapped around his neck, soft cries leaving him and a row of apologies. 'I'll deal with Mina after this.' He thought to himself as he rubbed Denki's back, letting him cry.

It took a while, but Denki had calmed down and his grip on Shouta had loosened. "Sorry.." He muttered, bringing his hands to himself, avoiding eye contact with the hero. Shouta gave him a soft smile, making Kaminari feel weird.

"I told you, I'm here if you need me, don't be sorry." He said.

"But you could have been doing something actually important! And I just–ugh, I don't know." Denki said, wiping his tear stained face. "I feel, I feel selfish. Someone else could have needed you." Shouta shook his head at the other.

"I would have put you and whoever else it was first. No one is a second priority." Shouta said. "And I'm sitting in a dorm room grading papers, you're all first, everything else can wait." Denki went to say something when the hero cut him off. "We have other heros to do hero work. You come first." He told him, keeping eye contact with the boy as he spoke slowly.

"I almost killed, I almost killed a whole family and you're here acting like it didn't happen.." He said softly. Shouta frowned, no one forgot, but they're young and could learn to be better, Aizawa knows that they can be better.

"You did," Denki looked back down, tears welling in his eyes. Shouta moved and made Denki look up at him. "you almost did something that could have damaged a lot of people, but you didn't. Someone taught you that this was okay. We're here to teach you it's not. Stop beating yourself up for it and learn from your own mistakes. Don't let others, or yourself, get to you, Kaminari." Tears fell down the younger's face as Aizawa spoke.

"'m sorry!" He sobbed. Shouta moved and pulled him to his chest once more, letting him cry. When Denki calmed down, again, he relaxed against Shouta, hiccups and sniffles audible with his hitched breathing. Shouta didn't say anything, afraid to make the boy stare crying again, and kept at his softness—which also made Denki feel odd—to keep the boy at ease.

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