Missing Part Three

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Katsuki huffed and kicked the small pile of debris, sweat dripping down his face and onto the ground. Aizawa had them out there for a good five hours and he still had steam to let off. Aside from having to lie to his friends about what was going on, he also had to train, study and deal with the pink female. He hated how she didn't pay a lick of mind to the fact that a student is seriously injured and how the other is missing. It irked Katsuki.

With a yell of frustration, Katsuki punched the wall of rocks. Pain erupted throughout his arm as he pushed it further onto the hard wall. Tears fell silently as he let his body go limp. Katsuki cursed to himself as he punched the wall again. He kept punching it, screaming to himself.

Silent tears turned into crying.

Crying turned into sobbing.

And soon the harsh punches turned into pathetic hits.

He couldn't do it. His best friends were villains and now one is in the hospital whereas the other is missing, and now, now his other friend is being watched because she's a suspect of attempted murder and kidnapping. He really hoped, god he hoped, that Sero was still Sero. And, as if on cue, Sero came around the corner of one of the large rock pillars. "Bakugou?" He called, making the boy freeze but keep his fists on the wall. "Come on man.." He muttered out, wrapping his hands around the blond's wrists and pulling him away from the wall slow and softly.

Sero was all there with that was going on, but he would be damned if he let one of his friends hurt themselves over what was happening right now. He pulled Katsuki to his chest, the boy's back turned to him as he looked over the bloody wall that Katsuki was using as a punching bag. "I'm-I'm sorry.." Katsuki sobbed, his eyes wide as he stared at the bloody wall with the other. Sero furrowed his brows, moving his arms to hold down the blond's, he held him as tight as he could, burying his face into the boy's neck.

"We should go to Midoriya." Sero had suggested. Katsuki quickly shook his head and attempted to get out of the taller male's hold. He didn't want Midoriya to know. Better yet, he didn't want the other to worry. The raven haired male frowned and tightened his grip on this other, trying to get him to stop moving so much. "Come on man," He grunted as Katsuki's foot met his. "Midoriya's gotta know about this! Something is bothering you and fucking you up, you gotta talk about it, not sit here and hurt yourself over it!"

Katsuki stopped moving, pausing for a moment.

It really was getting to him, wasn't it?

"I can't keep loosing people!" Katsuki sobbed out. "First it was Kaminari and Kirishima, but then we got them back! Now I feel like I'm loosing them all over again and Mina with them. This isn't fair! I can't keep doing this!" Sero scrunched up his nose.

"Bakugou, you're not loosing anyone." He said softly. "Calm down." He whispered. A light sob left Katsuki and he gave in. His harsh movements and yelling had stopped, leaving the two to sit in a soft quiet unit Midoriya showed up that is. The boy ran over to the two of them, worry written on his expression. Sero explained to Midoriya what had happened, making the boy sigh and take Katsuki from him. He threw the boy over his shoulder and began to leave the training arena.

Aizawa sighed and pulled out his phone, instructing those who had gotten distracted to get back to training.


Aizawa-San: If you see Midoriya and Bakugou on school grounds and heading to the dorms, do not stop them. I'm letting them leave for the day.

COCK-tail: Y? Did something happen?

Aizawa-San: By theory, I think this is all getting to Katsuki.

Puppy: If he needs or wants to talk, my door is open!

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