The babies..?

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A/N: I'm listening to Dandelions while writing this.

The group of heros ran into the large abandoned building, hoping to find the league, child, and the number one hero. What they had found, however, wasn't exactly what they were looking for.

Two Hours Earlier

“What the fuck, All Might!?” Katsuki and Midoriya yelled into the phone. “What the hell is wrong with you!?” Katsuki yelled again. The room fell silent, only the sound of shuffling on the other side of the phone could be heard. “I'll send my location,” Toshinori spoke. “under one condition..” The group tensed and waited for his next words. Of course he'd want something out of this, who wouldn't? “What is it that you want?” Shoto asked, he wanted to get his father and the children out of their as soon as possible.

A laugh could be heard from the other line, coughing after. Keigo glared at the phone, his mind already coming up with scenarios to hurt Toshinori just as he had hurt Enji. He was a hero, sure, but this was a villain that harmed someone who he had cared for, he'd do whatever it took to make that person, and more, know to stay in their place. “Shigaraki and Midoriya, oh, and I want the little mole you have watching our base too. He'll be a nice play toy for Toga.” Aizawa and Hizashi tensed. Tsunagu glared at the phone.

“If you can't do that..” Toshinori trailed off, they could practically see the grin on the man's face. “Fine.” Keigo said, hanging up the phone because the blond, or anyone else for that matter, could speak a word. The room fell silent. “We're not giving him to them. You know that, don't you, Hawks?” Jeanist said, eyeing the other. The winged hero looked down, a scowl of his own on his face. “Your partner will be fine, Tsunagu,” The gold eyes met blue. “I promise.” The Fiber hero nodded and Hawks looked out the windows to the office they stood in.

“Let's go and do our job.”

Present Time

“Let him go, Toshinori.” Aizawa glared at the other, his quirk and capture weapon ready for battle, others behind and beside him. “You're surrounded, give up.” The man instructed. The raven haired hero wasn't lying either, many had been outside, ready to go if needed.
Katsuki's nose flared and his eyes widened slightly as he and Midoriya snuck through the Hideout, looking for the little boy. His red eyes landed on a blond male and red head that laied on the floor, beat and bloody.

“Izuku, look.” He said pointing to the floor. The boys eyes followed and widened slightly. “Is that?” Katsuki nodded, answering the boy's question. The two, cautiously walked over to the two boys on the floor, checking their pulse and making sure that they weren't faking. A sigh left Izuku as he looked over to Katsuki, the blond looked worried for the other two. “They hurt you..don't feel sorry.” He said to him. Katsuki looked up at his green haired lover. “Endeavor hurt his family,” He told the other. “now they're getting better and becoming one again.” Katsuki looked down with a sad expression.

“Why can't we do it too?” Midoriya sighed and looked back down to the passed out boys. “Help me.” He said, grabbing Kirishima and hoisting him over his shoulder. Katsuki looked at him with hope in his eyes, not going unnoticed, Midoriya made a quick response. “This doesn't count as forgiveness. Now pick up Kaminari and let's get them outside.” Midoriya grumbled. Katsuki nodded and picked up Denki, making sure to be careful of his wounds.

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