Little Cuts

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Hello! Just a little reminder, just in case it wasn't clear before, this fic is based around MANY characters and not JUST Izuku and Katsuki. Still BKDK/DKBK, but the sole purpose of it was to mainly be around the adults, lol. That's why mine isn't always about the two teens.


"You know, I love gays, but I'm about to commit a hate crime, Izuku." Katsuki threatened, annoyed. He slid his mask onto his face and watched as the other put his white gloves on. "My old man's lover, who by the way is pregnant, was just kidnapped by the league of villains. Who also infiltrated our school, watched our chats, and probably more." Midoriya informed the other.

Katsuki felt goosebumps cover his body. Watching them? Yeah, that's a little creepy. "Let's just get to the others, Shigaraki knows a few locations that they could be hiding at." Katsuki said, Izuku nodding and both leaving the room.

"Hopefully we find all four of them in time." Midoriya mumbled to himself.

Enji woke up with a groan, his head was pounding. Blinking, he tried to look around the room that he was in. He pulled at the restraints on his wrists, groaning. A sharp pain struck through his lower abdomen, making him wince and stop with the restraints. "Spinner may have accidentally kicked you in the stomach, not hard, but hard enough to cause a little pain." Enji turned his nose up at the person in the corner of the room.

"Toshinori.." He sneered. The other walked over to him, a grin on his face. "The one and only." Enji's eyes scanned over him, only for then to land on the knife in his hand.

Enji rolled his shoulders back, trying to get out of the restraints. Yagi walked over to him and grabbed his face, making him stop his own movements. The other held the knife at Enji's stomach, acting as if he would harm him. "Givin' off Joker vibes there, Yagi." Toshinori glared at the other, he took the knife and cut into Enji's left cheek, making him close his eyes and mouth tightly.

When the blade was pulled from his face, Enji let out a breath as blood dribbled from his cheek. Yagi grabbed his face again, making the red head look at him, a dazed expression on the others face.

"Don't worry," The blond said, pushing Enji's face away as he stood up straight. "we're not going to hurt you, by much. Just, some little cuts." Toshinori said, giving Enji another cut on the same cheek. The blood slowly feel from the cuts and down Enji cheek and chin, dripping onto his pants. The man wiped the blade and walked out of the room, leaving the dazed man by himself. Enji groaned and tried the restraints again, surely they were leaving marks on him, but that was the least of his worries.

His face stung but what was to come next..that was something that was going to leave a mark.

“I can call Toga. She never gets rid of the buner phones and she doesn't know how to change the phone numbers.” Shigaraki spoke to the heros as he pulled out one of the buners. “How do you know that?” Touya asked his other. The two stared at one another, neither blinking. Katsuki sighed. “Oi! Missing child and pregnant hero anyone??” He said, arms in the air. Shigaraki put a hand through his hair and set the phone down on Enji's desk. They had cleaned it off so they could have some room, Keigo fighting himself not to yell at them for moving the male's things.

Keigo crossed his arms, he wanted to get down to business, he wanted, no, needed, to find Enji. “Bakugou is right, let's stay on topic.” He said. “Our number one hero has been kidnapped, that puts me as our front line along with many others. We need to stay in track and get this done. Not only is our number one missing, but so are three kids. Let's find them all before something bad happens and we don't make it on time.” Keigo said sternly. Many nodded and others held confused looks.

Enji, they knew about, but three children? Now that's a different story.

“Let's get that chicks number.”

“N-no, please stop..” Enji whined as he moved his body slightly. A groan escaped the blonde girl holding a knife. “This is boring! You won't stay still!” She whined, stomping her foot in the process. “No one wants to get cut or stabbed, Toga.” Spinner said, pushing himself off of the wall he was on. He walked over to the pouty female and squated to where he was somewhat eye level of Enji. “Ooo! I could just stab him in the stomach! Maybe that'll get him to stay still!” She cooed.

Enji tried to move away, even though he couldn't, and shook his head, a low whine leaving his lips. Spinner titled his head slightly, trying to get a better look at Enji. “Toga...” He started. “How do you know if something isn't as it seems?” Spinner asked his crazy friend. The girl calmed down and looked at him confused. “Whatcha asking that for?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at the other. Spinner looked to her with a slight worried face.

“There's a blood stain on his lower half.”

Hello everyone!!

I wonder, will Toga and Spinner help Enji and figure out what's wrong?

Oh, also, where the fuck is Puppy during all of this????

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay Safe!♥🍂

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