Something...something, idk

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Jirou rolled his shoulders. "How is Mineta?" He asked his class. They were in the dorms common area, most either half asleep or wide awake and chatting up a storm. Midoriya smiled at the other, pulling Katsuki back to his chest.

"He should be fine, he might have some scars later, but that's about it." He said. Jirou nodded and leaned back into the couch, a light sigh leaving him.

"What a way to start off pride month." He grumbled. The group, the ones who had been apart of the small conversation, nodded in agreement. This would have been Mineta's first pride month being out, but now he's in Recovery Girl's office and she wasn't sure how long it would be until he was out. But, on a happier note, Kirishima was out of the hospital and on his way to the school. Katsuki couldn't wait! He had a big surprise for the other. The group of friends spent their time talking and getting ready for the day, many unaware that the red headed boy was going to arrive any minute.

And, as if on cue, he walked through the doors. "Kirishima?" Sero said as he pulled up his hair. Both he and Shouto were going to visit Mineta before leaving to get groceries. The teenagers stopped what they were doing to look at the, now uncomfortable, red head. His body tensed, but not under the gaze of the others, just one.

And she was eyeing him intensely.

"Hi-" He went to speak, his hand up in a wave motion, but a certain blond male had jumped him and sent the both of them to the ground. Kirishima groaned.

"Weird hair!" Katsuki chirped, wrapping himself around the male. First, shock. Kirishima wasn't expecting for the blond to be the first one to hug him or show him any type of acknowledgement in general. Then, he hugged him back. The soft and quiet hugging turned into quiet tears and then sobs. Kirishima squeezed Katsuki as he sobbed. Everything hurt. His body hurt. His mind hurt and his heart hurt.

"I'm so sorry!" He cried. Katsuki squeezed him back, putting his face into the other's neck. Conflicted feelings spread throughout the class. They had known Kirishima for so long, but he hurt those dear to them. But, to make matters worse, someone came back and hurt them just as bad. "I'll never do it again, I promise. Please, please just keep me from..." He stopped himself, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. Of course, this did not go unnoticed and rose red flags.

"Kirishima what are you-" Sero was cut off by the dorm doors bursting open.

"Eijirou!" The red head turned and looked at the doors. His eyes widened and he tapped on Katsuki, asking him to let him up. Once the boy was up and off of him, Eijirou was on his feet and running over to the man at the door. He threw himself at the other.

"Dad..!" Eijirou sobbed, holding onto Toshinori tightly. The blond squeezed the boy tightly, picking him up. He had to leave before one of the pros saw him, he wasn't exactly allowed on school ground at the moment. Being a wanted villain and all.

"Eijirou, can you tell me?" He asked the boy softly. The boy gripped his shirt tightly.

"Mi dispiace." He muttered. The man looked up at the class before sighing.

"It seems this will not be the last time we see each other, class one-A." Toshinori said simply before he left through a portal. Everyone sat in silence. Katsuki, who was sat on the floor still, tilted his head, his eyes squinting at where the two villains had been before vanishing. He pulled out his phone.

SmallBoom: Wtf does "me dispiache" mean?

COCK-tail: I had a stroke trying to pronounce that.

SmallBoom: I had one trying to spell it.

COCK-tail: Fair.

Red: Do you mean "mi dispiace"?

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