Chapter 1

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~All rights for Frozen, Rise of the Guardians, and Guardians of Childhood go to Disney, William Joyce, and Dreamworks. The plot and the recreation of Lady Pitchiner are the only elements created be me. This is done solely for entertainment.:)
"If you don't know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take." -Disney's Alice in Wonderland


Jack and I were trapped, bumping along in Lady Pitchiner's sack for what seemed like hours, though I couldn't be sure. No matter how hard we pounded and shouted and strained to control, we didn't get anywhere. Finally, I slumped down, accepting that we'd have to wait for whatever was coming.

I supposed that we just weren't being released, because Pitchiner could've transported us straight to whoever her employer was within seconds. In fact, I wasn't even sure how we had enough air to stay alive.

Not being able to see or hear anything left me panicked and disoriented, even if my eyes were beginning to adjust. Not to mention I was none too fond of small spaces; It brought back too many bad memories. I felt like I couldn't catch my breath, like I would be crushed between the ice-lined walls. Poor Jack was surely worse off than me, though he was much worse at hiding it. His breath became labored, and his hand squeezed mine so hard it hurt.

"Jack," I tucked my skirt under my knees and lay my head against his chest, "you need to relax." I listened to his heartbeat slowly start to steady before he wrapped his arms around me and breathed in deep.

"We didn't even finish the ceremony," he sighed, "I'm sorry." I breathed in the crisp scent of ice on him and shook my head.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we stay strong. Remember the edelweiss."

"Remember the edelweiss," he repeated. Then I felt his hands fold over mine and slip a thin ring over one of the fingers on my left hand: my wedding band. It felt odd there, but I knew I'd grow used to it. I snuggled in closer to Jack and closed my eyes and drifted off into oblivion.

Jack shook me gently to wake me up from my doze. My head was pounding and my back was sweating.

He was now standing beside me, his silhouette outlined by a dull background. The chamber had been cracked open down the side, and the gray light beyond it was only slightly less dark than the inside.

"How long has it been?" I jerked my head up and squinted up at him.

"I have no idea. The whole thing just broke open on its own. And it doesn't seem like there's anybody around." After a second, I glimpsed his teeth glint in a grin. "Guess we're pretty ice-solated." I rolled my eyes at the cheesy crack, but couldn't help a small smile.

"Not the time." I stood up and did my best to discern the features of the dark room we had been taken to. It was around ten feet long and five feet across, and there didn't seem to be any furniture or windows in it. Jack nimbly ran up to the nearest wall and began to pummel it with ice blasts, yelling,

"Somebody better let us out or tell us what is going on before this place becomes a snowdrift!" I came up behind him and ran my hand across a smooth cold surface. "It's metal," he grunted, "that won't be easy to penetrate with ice." I nodded. I was just about to search for any sort of weak spot when a low rumbling shook the walls. A looming rectangular shape--a door--that reached from floor to ceiling slowly grinded open in front of us. There was no one behind it and no sounds for that matter either. Simply a huge hallway made entirely

"No welcoming party then." Jack muttered. We began jogging down the hallway, confused yet curious. The walls of the place weren't built of just ice exactly, but of continuously moving snow. The snow crystals writhed and twisted in spirals, elegant and chaotic, solid and fragile all at once. A faint rustling sound could be caught only when I came closer to the wall. Jack pointed his staff's tip at it, his forehead increasing in concentration. "It's just like before. I just can't control it," he grimaced.

This only unsettled me more. My hunger to learn more drew me on, though I nervously rubbed my wedding ring, expecting something to jump out at us any second.

The one hallway did not change in appearance or offer any other paths to follow. The only lights we had were strange glowing round orbs, floating near the ceiling in intervals perhaps three yards apart.

The passage finally opened out into a huge sort of throne room, so extensive that I could not see where it ended. The second we entered, I felt a breeze ruffle my gown's long sleeves. Looking up, I sighted bright ribbons of light flowing majestically across the sky, outside an open ceiling.

"Aurora Borealis," I whispered. The Northern Lights. That meant we were still in Alaska. Good. Whatever helped the Guardians to find us. Soon, I focused again on the room around me.

A long icy path wound its way down the middle, lined with small stubbly trees whose frost-coated limbs seemed to beckon hungrily. On one side of the path (it may have been a river, now that I thought of it,) was a never-ending line of ice statues. Every one appeared to be a nobleperson, regal and imposing, wearing clothing fit for royalty and sprinkled in snowflakes.

The other side of the possible-river was the most gorgeous throne I'd ever seen. Snowflake designs spread out from behind the jagged chair, hoisted on a smooth platform that emanated a colorful glow which reminded me of my own castle on the North Mountain. I was barely stepping towards it when a woman wrapped in piles of fur caught my attention with her silky-sweet voice.

"So you've found your way, my dear."

"Yeah, it wasn't that hard," Jack grumbled loudly. "Now would you like to tell us why you've brought us here?" I stayed silent. I felt strangely drawn to this mysterious woman, especially when her piercing gray eyes found me.

"Because you're my daughter, of course."
~I just want to say that if you've made it this far, you are awesome. Here's some cheesecake.
Yeah, you know that imaginary slice sitting next to you? That's from me, cause you're awesome. Have a nice day. :)

The Snow Queen: Jelsa *Third Book to Frozen Love*Where stories live. Discover now