Chapter 20 (Final)

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"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then." --Disney's Alice in Wonderland


I stared as Lady Pitchiner's body fell limp, the tiniest hint of a smile frozen on her lips. She was gone, frozen from the inside out. A tiny object fell out of her gray hand with a clink. I reached down to pick it up. A single, white, diamond-shaped crystal lay in my hand. It was the crystal Ursa had been wearing around her neck all week. I tucked it into my sleeve, not knowing why Pitchiner would have it.

But I needed to tend to Jack. I ran to him, wrapped my arms around him, stroked his hair, and waited.

"E-Elsa?" A fearful whisper came from him, muffled by my shoulder.

"Jack!" I felt something explode in my chest as I pulled him closer.

"Uh, E, you're kind of choking me," he gasped.

"Are you okay?" I held him at arms length and studied him. He had lost his eerie glow, and was looking as healthy as ever. He gave a small shrug.
And so I kissed him, like I never had before. He leaned into me, smiling. I reached for his staff and held it up.
"Kept it safe for you."
"Um, I'm pretty sure now is the time for explaining, not smooching!" Bunny interrupted. We all looked at Lady Pitchiner's body in silence.
"She traded your life for hers," I told Jack. He looked at her in a new, awestruck way.
"I didn't--"
"I know," I looked at him, "she was braver than we gave her credit for." Quickly, North embraced us, picking us right off the ground. The other three Guardians joined in he group hug.
"Wait," I cried, breaking free, "Tooth said that you had found something in the tunnels. What was it?" I watched as all of their eyes grew wide. They were staring at something behind me. Except for Jack, who just seemed amused.
"Look who finally decided to show up," he smirked. I turned around.
Boris the immense Snow Monster loomed over me, an awkward, toothy smile transforming his icy face.
"Boris! You're okay!" I grinned, patting his claw.
Was chained up. Was afraid. Glad you're okay.
The Guardians stared at me like I was a magician.

* * *

When we buried Lady Pitchiner, the sky was still dark but surprisingly clear. Her body, which was now within a thick casing of ice, was put to rest next to Ursa. Sandy made sure candles were spread around the plot of snow, and we surrounded it with our heads down.
"Thanks for the sacrifice, ol' Boogeywoman," I heard Jack mutter under his breath. I snuggled my hand into his, realizing that Ursa's pendant was still in it. We both stood there for a moment with the crystal in between our palms.
Suddenly, light burst through the cracks between our fingers. I had to look away; it was so bright.
Jack's hand and mine flew apart and we stumbled backwards. The crystal still floated there in the same place--in the air. The starburst of light grew to the size of a small pony, now several feet above us. In another flash, the light faded to reveal a small human. It was a little girl.
Her midnight hair was pulled into pigtails and her glowing white dress fluttered in the wind.
"Is that...?" Jack muttered.
"Yes," I finished. "That's Aurora, Ursa's daughter."
"We know of her," North said darkly. Sandy showed us an image asking how the girl could possibly be alive. But she didn't give enough time to ponder. Because, in another flash, the light disappeared. Aurora fell towards the ground, so I acted fast, holding my arms out.

She wasn't very heavy, but the impact of the girl falling into my arms still jarred me and I fell onto my belly. I looked down at Aurora. Her face was impossibly pale and her eyelashes frosted with snow. Slowly, those large eyes opened. They darted around uncertainly, achingly blue.
"Mama?" She whispered. I sat up in the snow so she could sit up as well. I shook my head.
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid your gone." I didn't have the heart to tell her more. She cocked her head. Her eyebrows drew together and tears brimmed her eyes.
The Guardians were staring dumbfounded down at her, which I am sure was no help. So, I motioned for them to back up. They hesitantly crouched down and retreated. Jack stayed behind me silently.
Trying to earn her trust, I twirled my finger in front of Aurora's face and launched tiny blue fireworks for her to watch. This seemed to work; sadness was replaced by wonder. "I am Elsa," I introduced. "And," I pointed to my husband. "This is Jack."
"You may call me Your Highness, since I'm the king of fun," Jack joked. With a point of his staff he had given her a crown of ice flowers. She giggled. I did as well, grateful to have someone like Jack when with a child.
"My guess is that your combined ice power activated some sort of hibernation spell she had put on herself," Tooth said gently. She sat down next to me very slowly as if afraid to scare the girl. Luckily, no one could resist Tooth's warm smile.
"But, if mama's not here, w-where will I go?" Aurora fretted. She had a hint of a lisp.
"You'll come with us, of course," Bunny stated it as if it had already been decided. Which I suppose it had, by him anyways.
"But..." North began.
"He's right," I said. "She's a little girl who needs a home, and Jack and I can give it."
"Us?!" Jack exclaimed.
"Who else?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes.
"The only way to prevent what happened to my parents is to teach her--the right way," I concluded, brushing Aurora's hair back from her forehead.
"Well, I suppose that means we should be off," North rubbed his hands together and went off after Fjord.

While he was gone, Bunny covered one of Sandy's golden dinosaurs in pink egg paint to keep Aurora happy.
"I knew your mother," I told Aurora. "She loved you, though her reactions were misplaced and her methods..."

"Insane?" Jack offered. I punched him playfully, getting a wink.
"...wrong," I finished. Aurora seemed to think about that.
"Mama is angry when things don't go her way. She really wants me to be queen, but I just want to see the sky," Aurora said sadly. Her eyes, wide and amazed, drank in the stars.

* * *
We travelled back to North's workshop, where we were greeted by furry yeti hugs and feathery fairy kisses. Fjord had given up the snow globe, but only if we took the winter animals whom had stayed with us. Jack and I were thinking about making a place all our own, one that was away from humans and had enough room for our suddenly large family.
"It's not going to be easy, you know, E," he said to me once the Guardians had settled Aurora in front of a fire. She lay snuggled up against Balder. "She's been through a lot, and so have we." I nodded.
"If there's anything she needs now, it's love. And that's why Lady Pitchiner sacrificed herself: for a second chance. Besides, when has love ever been easy?" He grinned and kissed me right on the tip of my nose.


~Finally! Nah, I'm just kidding. Thanks for reading, everyone. Toodles.

The Snow Queen: Jelsa *Third Book to Frozen Love*Where stories live. Discover now