Chapter 8

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"Fish are friends, not food." -Pixar's Finding Nemo


  Sandy moved like lightning, wrapping the three of them into a teardrop-shaped vessel of Sand that flew forward. Inside the sparkling structure, Tooth knelt next to Bunny, who was lying on his back and clutching a boomerang with an iron grip. She tried to block out the muffled sounds of North's cries and the growls of carnivorous animals as she lay a hand on Bunny's fevered forehead. 

 "Idiot shouldn't have stayed to fight for me," he snarled weakly. "None of you should have!"

 "Don't be ridiculous," Tooth scolded. Sandy made an image of Bunny's eggs, and Jack and Elsa's silhouettes. It was as if to say: "We still need some brawn to rescue Jack and Elsa."

 "He's fighting for all of us," Tooth smiled lightheartedly. But her pale face changed from relieved to frantic when she realized that Bunny's eyes were closed, and he was still. "Bunny? Bunnymund! Sandy, what do we do?" Tooth's fear-filled eyes looked to the small man. Even if Sandy had had an answer, he wouldn't have been able to give it before the vessel dived sharply to the left. 

 Tooth was sent flying into the side of the ship. Before Bunny's limp body could follow, Sandy lost control and the walls around them collapsed so that all three landed in a tangled heap on the ground. "Are you okay, Sandy?" Tooth asked, making sure that Bunnymund was still breathing. After getting a tired but confirming nod, she pulled herself to her aching feet. The startling quiet around them suddenly struck her. 

A low growl from behind made Tooth twist around hastily. Her violet eyes met harsh green ones, belonging to a rather disgruntled-looking white wolf. The canine, emitting a low rumble from deep within, stood maybe two feet from her and her friends. Its teeth shone like daggers. Sparkling, healthy canines, she noted. And oh, those incisors looked to be--not the time, Tooth, she scolded herself. 

The air between the predator and its prey seem to buzz. "Hey little guy," Tooth smiled soothingly, though the wolf was anything but small. Then, in a whisper: "Sandy, I think someone needs a nap." 

His pale hand carefully rose in a fist full of Sand. As soon as the wolf's hackles rose and its back legs sprang, Tooth flitted out of the way in time for the Sand to smother its face. The wolf rubbed at its face frantically; annoyed, but not put to sleep. "Shouldn't that have worked?" Tooth exclaimed bemusedly. The wolf seemed to answer her with much friendlier eyes now. All traces of hostility were gone from his face. He let out a dainty sneeze, staring at them with curiosity. "Why didn't it work?" Tooth mused. 

Sandy created a figure of the wolf, connected to puppet strings that were held by The Snow Queen. He sprinkled Sand on the puppet, destroying the strings. "You think your Sand can counteract the Snow Queen's control on the animals? It's possible; manipulating that many animals can't be easy on her powers." For whatever reason it had happened, Tooth had to admit that the wolf was a lot cuter after being de-Snow Queen-ified. 

Already predicting what she was going to ask, Sandy shook his head. "Oh, but come on!" Tooth tried not to whine like a small child. "This wolf is innocent, and we've been able to free him from Ursa's grasp! We can't let him be taken control of again, not when he can help us find Jack and Elsa," she persisted. 

Then, the wolf bowed his head to the two of them, walking ahead to the nearest wall. After touching his nose to a snowy brick, the wall split open silently. His narrow eyes of jade looked to Tooth expectantly, taking another step further. The wolf wanted them to follow him. 

Tooth weighed the risks for a moment, taking in the thick darkness of the wall tunnel. She had no idea where North was, or Jack and Elsa for that matter. But the blue veining was climbing up Bunny's legs, reaching his thighs. She knew she had to find a way to save all of them.

Tooth took in a deep breath and grit her teeth against the chilly needles pricking her skin while Sandy held up a glowing Sand orb to light the way. 

Walking alongside an unconscious Bunny floating on a Sand cloud, the remainder of the Guardians followed their mysterious new wolf friend into the darkness.

Okay, I know that the update schedule to this book has been crazy. I can't really guarantee it'll immediately improve, but I can apologize. High school has been really hectic, and I'm about to perform in a musical closing night. Just know I'm always working on a new chapter, even if I haven't finished. On a side note, who's excited for Finding Dory! Toodles! :)

The Snow Queen: Jelsa *Third Book to Frozen Love*Where stories live. Discover now