Chapter 5

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"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." -Dreamworks' Kung Fu Panda


I leapt up from the dark corner I was checking and ran to Elsa's side. 

"You okay? What'd she tell you?" I asked her. 

"That m-my past is...a lie," she gasped, not getting off her back on the floor. 

"Why?" I breathed, leaning down. When she stayed silent, I cupped her face in my hands and raised my voice. "What was it?" She sat up as she met my eyes. 

"From the very chose me as her heir. I was made to be the Snow Queen. All because my parents imprisoned her daughter. She was just a little girl, and they killed her, Jack." Her voice broke. After some questioning, I got her to explain it in more detail. I thought about it for a second.

"Are we sure you can trust that she's telling the truth? I mean, she could've cursed any royal baby nearby because she never even had a kid," I raised an eyebrow. 

"It makes sense," E threw back. "How else did I get these powers? And I know what you're going to say, but I think Manny would've said something if he was responsible."

"Yeah, Manny's not very good with answering questions," I remarked lightly, but she just glared.

"And what's stopping me from believing that Mom and Dad wouldn't lock up someone like me for fear she was a danger?" Elsa kept going.

"I think we should wait before we believe every--" 

She cut me off, "Or maybe I should listen to what Ursa has to say! It could be the key to finding out who I am."

"I thought you were a Guardian! And you can't be if we don't find a way out of here."

"How about this," she tried. "I will continue with Ursa's 'training,' investigating to see if there's anything to her claims. In the meantime, you find a way of escape. If I don't think we can trust her after a week, then we'll leave. Is that fair?" I stopped to think. What worried me most was the fact that the Guardians had never even mentioned the Snow Queen. They'd always been tight-lipped about their past, but I'm sure they would've told us if there was a possibility of Elsa being the product of Ursa's magic.

I sighed. "Fine. But when is she gonna let you out of here?"

"I'm not sure. I thought she'd want to get started on training right away, but maybe it's gotten late."

"Yeah," I answer. "You can never tell daytime from nighttime in here." Then E heaved a huge yawn, sitting down on a protruding shelf of ice. 

"Are you tired? I can keep watch if you want a rest," I assured. I knew she'd had a rough day--we both had. Elsa nodded slightly and curled up on the ice shelf, her wedding gown pooling around her body. 

"Good night...Mrs. Frost," I whispered. She opened one eye with a smile.

"But I didn't even say my vows," she murmured. 

"Oh, it's not like we have any legal stuff to sort out," I lay down next to her with both hands behind my head. "We got through most of the ceremony. I love you, you love me, and everybody we care about knows it. That's all that matters." After a second of silence, I looked over at her. 

She was already fast asleep, her formal bun tumbling down her shoulders.

"Lover's quarrel?" That stupid voice floated out from a dark corner. I jumped off the ledge and glared at the golden eyes glowing from the shadows. 

"Come to rub it in my face? Don't you have some puppies to kick or children's' dreams to spit on?" I growled, sick and tired of Lady Pitchiner.

"Listen, boy. You have no idea what you've stumbled onto, but I know you want to get rid of it. I can help you." Lady P. smirked. 

"And why should I trust you?" 

"Queen Ursa giving me the power to see my husband again may have granted her my service until I found out where Pitch was, but she does not have my loyalty. I want out of here as much as you do," she said, crossing her arms.

"What makes you think I need your help?" I asked, quieter this time.

"Queen Ursa is not the reigning monarchy she claims to be," she tells me slowly as if I were dumb. "She is hated by all who are ancient enough to remember her--most think she is dead."

"You mean the Guardians?" I inquired.

"Yes. But when the opportunity is right, you'll need my power to defeat her. I can kill her, while you escape with your wife."

"Whoa! nobody said that we had to kill her. I don't even have a plan past Elsa's week!"

"Well, when you want my help--and you will--I'll be here. After all, your wife won't want you to do away with the queen, but she will need to step up to the throne afterwards." 

I tried to find a rebuttal, but the golden eyes had disappeared. Pitchiner was gone.

"Why should there even be a queen? Why can't we be a democracy...?" The last of it turned into an uncertain whimper, heard by no one.

The Snow Queen: Jelsa *Third Book to Frozen Love*Where stories live. Discover now