Chapter 12

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"We're Vikings. We have stubbornness issues." --Dreamworks' How to Train Your Dragon


Bunnymund slammed his shoulder into the wall of ice for a third time. He seemed remarkably spry for someone who escaped death. And boy, were we all relieved about that. Not like I'd ever tell him, though. I tried to part the walls with my staff for the hundredth time. Her control had to weaken at some point, right?

"Guys, that doesn't seem to be working. Maybe"--slam! Tooth sighed in exasperation. The Snow Queen's lackeys had thrown me out of the cave maybe an hour ago, where I'd found the Guardians shivering in the cold and we'd exchanged stories.

"I still don't understand. Elsa stayed?" North came up to me and asked, lowering my staff. He wore a large Sand coat made by Sandy. His original one was probably being fed to wolves now.

"Yes. She wants more information on her past and her powers. She thinks it'll help her find herself or something, even though she already has!" I growled.

"And what's harm in that?" North asked calmly. I balled up my fists.

"Because the Snow Queen is crazy! You know that! And if Elsa believes anything she says, then she'll be using her powers for evil, whether she knows it or not!" I sat down in a bed of lichen and ran my fingers through my hair.

"It sounds like you don't trust her to make right decision," North pointed out. I opened my mouth to retort, but ended up closing it again.

"Either way, won't Ursa still be taken down? The way the previous queen leaves is by being frozen by the heir, right?" Tooth asked as she came over to us. Sandy and Bunny followed, worn out. We all formed a circle, with our backs blocking out the wind.

"Maybe. For all we know she could have something else planned. Besides, then.."

Elsa will be Snow Queen. The unspoken words held uncertainty for all of us.

Then, Sandy began shaking his head slowly.

"I think Sandy's right," Tooth said to us. "Ursa seemed to genuinely want Elsa as the heir. Otherwise, she wouldn't have waited hundreds of years to find her." I stopped to think.

"We must find way inside. Still, it will be pointless if Elsa does not choose to help us and defeat Ursa from inside," North concluded. I shoved my hands in my pockets, propping my staff in the crook of my elbow.

"What makes you think Elsa can kill Ursa by herself?" I asked him.

"I have feeling that Tooth is right and Ursa will give Elsa that chance willingly to be queen. Problem is whether she will be on our side when crowned."

"So you're saying we do nothing and just hope she can find a way to counteract Ursa's insanity, even though she's in a delicate position," I retorted. My gut was wrenching in worry. Every moment we spent out here was another one spent with Elsa alone in that cold, godforsaken place.

"We don't do nothing; we find a way in again. But she must take us rest of way," North assured. Sandy came close to me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"I know you're worried, Jack," Tooth comforted. "But you have to have faith." I pictured my wife in that place not unlike her frozen, empty room of years ago. What if she made it out, and she wasn't the same Elsa I knew? What if she retreated back into herself like a turtle, afraid of being hurt by the past once more?

"So, are you telling me we've gotta sleep out here?" Bunny grumbled.

The Snow Queen: Jelsa *Third Book to Frozen Love*Where stories live. Discover now