Party Planning With A Twist

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
Cassie POV

"Hey, you did make sure that you sent Steve out of here, right?", Wanda asks Clint. There is a list on the table titled "Surprise Party For Steve". "Real subtle, you guys. And I saw him leave. Something about buying donuts.", I say.

Why keep up my cold charade?  It's annoying and too much work. Why not just let my true, angry, and impatient self shine through.  No need to give them false hope that I might be  nice and not brutally honest when it comes to it.  Might as well be mildly sociable, and swear in ASL behind my back about how stupid they are.

In letters, of course. Or just flip them off behind my back. I do both, that way nobody knows what curse word they're being called. Naturally, the first things I ever learned in sign language besides the alphabet were curse words. That way, I can insult people without having to utter a single word, and only Olivia, Rachel, and Jess will ever know what vile things I called the girl who left gum under my desk last period. As a gum chewer, people like this make us look bad.

I'm doing that right now. Calling them all idiot frickfaces (but not using frick) made me feel much better, while I think over how I'm gonna sneak off to camp. "Yeah, we sent him for donuts two towns over. He should be back in an hour or so.", Clint says. "Guys, you sent the second fastest runner among us, out for donuts and expect him back in an HOUR! You're all IDIOTS! He'll probably be back in TWENTY MINUTES!", I snap.

I grab their list. It appears that he likes chocolate cake, that they're doing it in the common room, and that we are pranking him as well as the surprise party. Also, it says that Thor will be back by then, and that his birthday is next week. The day before I leave for Camp Half-Blood. It's like they want me to sneak off.  While they're all drunk or hungover, because c'mon, a party with Tony present will have plenty of alcohol, I can light travel to camp.

"Alright losers. This prank will be the most memorable in the history of Avengers pranks! Nothing but the best for Patriot Guy!  Clint, the vents are your turf, or so I'm told, so when he trips the wire I'm gonna rig, and the glue pours on him, YOU will pour the glitter from the vents. Wanda, Peter, and I are on cake duty. We will make a prank cake, it will be absolutely disgusting and identical to the real cake. Nat, Vision, you guys are on guard duty. I will set a com system, relay more messages that way. Also, burn that list, make it digital. Paper is too easy to find. If we fail, it's your fault!", I say, sounding exactly like a drill sergeant. I learned the pranks from my Hermes cabin friends and acquaintances. 

"Yes, ma'am!", Clint says, obviously joking. "We bought glitter and glue today!", Wanda adds. I leave the gathering, looking a little snug. To the lab I go, to make a trap system! After grabbing a pack of gum and shoving a quarter of it in my mouth, of course. 

I smell the coffee before I see the lab. Tony is passed the frick out, head in a pile of notes. "Looks like Finals Week in here", I say softly to myself. Bad memories of nonstop studying, here I come. Bruce is typing something. "Hi.", I say, in a hushed voice. I may dislike Tony, but I'm not evil enough to interrupt a dreamless sleep. Gods know that's difficult to get.

"Why are you here?", Bruce asks. "Making a model of a trap system to prank Pietro's party, what about you?", I say. "Research. Wait, the meet was today! Do you need help with the prank?", he replies. "I'm fine. I'll let you know if I need help.", I say, sitting down at a computer. I'm probably attracting like fifty different monsters right now, but I foresaw this, and brought my dagger. Plus, I won't be on here for more than ten minutes.

My trap is simple. A tripwire attached to a bucket of glue, Clint in the vents ready to dump glitter on him. The same wire flips the light switch, revealing the decorated room, then we jump out and yell, "SURPRISE!". Then we do games and stuff, and we give him the prank cake, made with onions, garlic, and cream cheese. Then, we give him the real cake, and do presents.

Then, when they're all inevitably drunk, I will sneak off to my room, since I checked that there are no cameras. I will light travel to camp, stay there for a month, travel back, and not answer ANY questions.

This party will be the perfect escape cover.

(A/N). Chapter is DONE. The next will be Steve's prank party. Will Cass be able to sneak off unnoticed? Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

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