Fourth Of July: Featuring The Norse

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I burn into existence for the second time today. I honestly thought it was impossible, but I just never really tried it after the first time I did it. It was so unbearably painful that first time, that I didn't try it again until I light traveled to camp. Then, it didn't hurt so bad, in comparison. I think I was just a bit scared, is all. 

I have about thirty minutes until Olivia gets here, and the Norse will arrive ten minutes after she does.  So now I have to get my butt off the floor and hide the fireworks.  If I don't, Alice, Julia, and Connor will light them all, and if they don't find them, Lia will.  Then she'll give them all to Harley because she's nice.  Speaking of that little gremlin, I think I'll drop off some sparklers for him. 

It's nice that the Avengers know I have powers now. I felt like I was keeping some big secret, and it was crushing me. Plus, my dream of being an Avenger is actually gonna come true. I also saw my own wedding in that dream, but I think that was just a dream, not a glimpse of the future. I haul myself to my feel, and manage not to collapse. Will cannot know about this. Like, at all. I'll keep my mouth shut if you will, okay?

Great. I proceed to take a couple boxes of firecrackers and sparklers out from their bags, hiding the rest. I'll find a better spot later during free time. I'll go ask Cecil to keep Alice and the rest busy until then. If he refuses, I'll bribe him with candy. We haven't eaten it all yet, surprisingly. Walking out of my cabin, I hear the birds singing, and the clashing of swords in the arena. A demigod's definition of peaceful.

Jogging over to the forge is a great way to get your steps in, that's for sure. Only Nyssa and Harley are here right now, Jake and their other siblings are somewhere else. "Hi, guys! I brought some stuff for you. Please don't tell anyone from my cabin, or they'll light the rest of them.", I say, handing Harley the bag.

He opens it, and smiles. "Awesome, sparklers! When I tried to make these, they just exploded. Thanks, Cassie!", he says, still smiling. "Thank you, Cass, these will distract him for a bit. Now I can get his birthday present done for next week.", Nyssa whispers. "Anytime. Are we doing a party or something?", I whisper back.

"Yeah, but it's a surprise party, so don't tell him. Pretty much the whole camp is gonna be there.", she whispers. "Bye guys, see you at the fireworks!", I say, walking out of the forge. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Harley lighting a sparkler already, while Nyssa sneakily hammers on a piece of metal. I'm sort of friends with them, but I don't really know them that well. I let Harley get away with calling me Cassie because he's little.

I almost forgot that Harley's birthday is next week. Today is Tuesday, his birthday is next Tuesday.  So, it's the 11th or something.  I'm horrible with dates unless I have a calendar.  My dyslexia isn't that bad, but my ADHD is worse than normal.  By normal I mean normal in the demigod sense.  And nothing about us demigods is normal.

Spotting Lia sitting on a bench outside the arts and crafts area, I walk to her. She's whittling something, I think. "Oh hi, Cassie! I didn't see you this morning, we were worried!", she says, gesturing to Violet. She's painting. Violet is a great artist, that's for sure.

"I'm carving this for Harley's birthday. Yours is in two weeks, right?" "Yeah, it's on the 21st. I can't wait until my friend Olivia gets here. She's awesome.", I reply. "I still can't believe there's a whole other pantheon out there.", Lia says, looking off into the distance. I get some heavy duty fireproof cloth and a needle, and begin to sew. I'm pretty good at it.  The fireproof gloves I'm making out of the cloth are Harley's birthday present from me.  I think I'll go get a toy from the mortal world as well.  One of those huge Lego sets maybe.

I think I'll do that after today's events. After thirty minutes of work, the gloves are halfway done and Lia's project is completely done. "Well, Olivia should be here any minute, I'm going to go wait by the road. You wanna come?", I ask. "Sure, why not! Violet! Wanna head towards the camp entrance!", she yells to Violet. She looks up from her painting.

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