A Dangerous Finding

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
                           Tony POV

I groan before getting out of bed, feeling again like a jackhammer is drilling a hole in my head. Last night was great, and Cass pouring champagne on that reporters head was a nice touch. Thor got into another drinking contest again, and had to go to Asgard right after. I don't envy him. I head to the common room to grab some breakfast, meeting nobody on my way there. I do pass Cass, swimming in the gym like always.

After that party yesterday, I don't want to do anything. But I have to, to finish my device.  It's a defense system, meant to find powerful entities that could pose a threat.  They pop up as signals on the screen, and we have to go check them out.  It's an ingenious little system, and I collaborated with Steve and Bruce on it.  And it had no capability of going evil.  That's why it isn't so strong. 

I walk to the lab, sipping my early morning coffee.  Nobody is in here, so I'll finish the device now.  I'm going to wait for Bruce to get here to test it, however. Some last-minute checks are in order, however. I complete the checks easily, and uncover no problems. So, I leave the lab for now. Walking down the hallway to my favorite little nook to sit and think, I find it occupied. With Steve and none other than James Buchanan Barnes kissing.

I back away from the two and go to my second favorite spot to think. Except, that Peter and Cass are in here looking at memes. "Oh, hey Mr. Stark! What are you doing in our meme spot!", Peter says, looking up from his phone. "Yeah, dad, go find another spot to chill. This one has been the meme corner for a solid week now!", Cass says. Wait. She just called me dad. I've done it!  I leave with a smile on my face, headed to my third favorite corner to think.

Nobody's here, so I take the spot before some lovestruck couple or something else can take it. I'm wondering what I'll find on the device, affectionately nicknamed Trouble Finder. Maybe some powerful weapon, or another alien invasion. I'm worried but pumped at the same time. It's weird. I sit with my notes for quite some time, before I hear two people walk by me, going into the lab.

I follow them, thinking it's Bruce and Steve. It's not. It's Cass and Peter. "So, you're gonna make working lightsabers! Can I help!", Cass says. I think I'll have to put a halt to this. But I'm curious about it. A working lightsaber. They turn into the lab, greeted by Bruce. Steve is in the corner with some coffee, staring at them. He looks a little flushed. I'm not gonna mention Bucky. Yeah, let's not.

"Okay, if you want to watch this being tested, you can. You can make your lightsabers later. Although, we might have to check out whatever we find. Be ready to leave.", I say. "I'm always ready for action!", Cass says, jumping from one foot to another. Everyone here except Cass looks nervous, but I know that this would be her first mission.

I switch on the device, turning dial after dial until I get the setting I want. Signals pop up at our compound, since we are powerful. It looks like one big signal at our compound, since so many potential threats are grouped together. There's a couple smaller signals too, one in Fort Knox, one up in the icy north of Canada, another in Alaska, and a few others dotted around the USA. Internationally, there's a few dots in India, around twelve in Russia, a few in Ukraine, and a few more dotted around Europe and Asia.

But the most concerning of all is an absolutely massive signal near Long Island. Even bigger than ours here. We have to check this out. There's something really dangerous there. I grab another thing we've been working on, a sleeping gas that knocks even The Hulk out. I make sure that everyone carries a canister of it. There's no time to call Fury. No time to call anyone. All we do is suit up and leave.

Cass puts on her suit instantly, joking with CARA while waiting for everyone else. The Quinjet is prepared for those who can't fly, with Wanda, Bruce, Cap, Natasha, Clint, and a couple others heading on. Cass looks very excited for a mission, staring at the screen as if trying to pinpoint exactly where it is. She seems happy with it's location. "I'll fly there. It's kinda close to where me and my friends were. How did we not notice that? Never mind, most of my friends are oblivious as f*ck.", Cass says, looking puzzled at it's placement.

"Watch your language, young lady!", Steve says, coming back to grab his shield. "Oh, shut it, you've cursed too!", Cass replies, stretching. She has her blades out, ready to do some damage. She looks ready. I'm ready. We must go keep the world safe.

Natasha is flying the Quinjet, with Bruce as the copilot, while others are in the open air. Cass is one of them, flying through the wind and doing loop-de-loops. "MISSION! MISSION! MISSION!", she chants, while slicing the air with vibranium blades. She's definitely excited. We pass over a beautiful strawberry farm, while Cass waves down below and smiles. Maybe she sees people down there. Then, we get to a clearing.

People are grouped down there, with a huge weapon. I hear "3! 2! 1! Fire the Megaballista! And a charge rockets right at me. "Dad! Watch out!", Cass cries, but it's too late. The charge hits me, but doesn't explode. My thrusters fail, and I plummet to the ground. Red magic wraps around me, and I hit the grass with a thud. A black haired boy in an orange shirt stands over me, and that is when everything went to chaos.

A/N-  to whoever the two people reading every chapter on this I post are, thank you.

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