Really, I think my ribs might be damaged

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
                           Cassie POV
We watch the sunrise and talk for an hour or so, until I decide to go grab my fishing pole. I leave it at camp because New York City is not known for its good fishing spots. I'm happy that I'm gonna be here for a month now! Usually, I could only be here for two weeks or so. My mom and stepdad were geologists, and they would have to leave for field work in July. So, I'd say that I'd stay with Rachel. Little did they know, Rachel and I would both be at Camp Half-Blood.

I cast for a while, with no results. It's nice and peaceful out here in the early morning. It's about 5:00 AM right now, which means that the Apollo cabin should be waking up quite shortly. They naturally wake up at sunrise, but they take their sweet time getting ready and cleaning their cabin for inspection.

When Percy's here, Cabin 3 will lose the inspection war, and HE gets the worst jobs. But usually, our cabin or the Hephaestus or Aphrodite cabins will lose. This is because the Athena cabin, or the kings and queens of inspection, checks underneath beds and in the forge below cabin 9.

An hour later, having caught and promptly released a nice sized bass, I decide to wrap things up. Lou left a while ago to sharpen her knives for tonight's game. I've gotta go make sure my sword is in good condition, so I walk back to my cabin. Walking back, I feel a sharp pain in my side. Maybe Lou Ellen did break one of my ribs?  I eat a tiny bit of ambrosia just to be sure.

Cecil is awake, as well as Julia, Alice, and Connor. "Hey guys!", I say, walking to my bunk. "You okay?", Cecil asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Do we have a plan for Capture the Flag?", I ask.

"Yep. You're retrieving the flag with your friends and the new guy Andrew, and most of us are on the diversionary scheme. I think there's a second flag retrieval team too, with Holly and Laurel from the Nike cabin, Hector, and Nyssa.", Connor replies, happy that the Nike cabin is finally on our side. 

The Ares team has a five win streak because the Nike cabin kept siding with them, until Chiron made them switch teams or split up. They didn't want to split up, so here they are. But then, Chiron said that the Tyche cabin had to stay on the Ares team because the Nike cabin is on our side.  If both cabins are on one team, it's a guaranteed win for said team, because children of the goddesses of luck and victory tend to result in a win if they work together. 

The game is from 7 to 9 at night, with a head count afterwards to make sure nobody got lost. After that, we have the bonfire, then we'll head to bed. Tomorrow, it's skits instead of a song, so I'll have to think one up with Lia, Violet, Will, Lou, and Cecil.  If Olivia arrives soon enough, we'll include her in it. I'll sharpen my sword at arts and crafts today. 

Also, I've been thinking.  Should I tell the Avengers of my powers?  I hate being secretive with Wanda.  Or Peter.  They just want to help, but they don't know what they're getting into.  They can't even see through the Mist, gods damn it.  Although I do have a suspicion that Wanda may be clearsighted. But I can't tell anyone of my powers without telling them about the gods.  And like hell I'll let my friends get experimented on by some government a*sholes.

And Tony. I don't know what to do with him. He means well, but I can't just forgive him so easily. Leo's foster home escapes are the stuff of legend here, but I could have ended up like him if I wasn't so lucky. What's more, I could have grown up with the freaking Avengers! I missed out goddamit! I wouldn't have had to jump through hoops for scholarships so I don't have mountains of student debt. I'm planning on going into civil engineering when I'm older. If I don't die, mind you. Being a demigod usually comes with an early death.

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