Something Among The Pranks

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I don't own Percy Jackson or the Avengers
                              Tony POV

I decided to check out some of the prank blueprints, just checking if there was one intended for me.  Also, I want to do the one against Pietro.  Looking through them, I find that there's a prank for everyone here except Peter and Wanda.  Wow, no need to play favorites, Cass.  But, these are good pranks. 

There's one that covers Clint's bow and arrow in gold glitter, and another one that involves a fake spill of nail polish on Bruce's computer.  Even one that moves my rolling cabinets around and around so I can't find them.  That one says that Peter helped come up with it, however.  There's also a map of the vents, which I put back in her room.  The vents here are big enough for a fully grown adult to climb through, and Clint has claimed them as his territory.

There's spots marked on it for potential pranks, and notes where all the access points are.  Even though I just found her strategic prank list that has multiple pranks targeting me, I have to be proud of the ideas.  What is intriguing is the blueprint at the very bottom.  A rough sketch of a suit.  Like my Iron Man suit, but with wings and a tinted shield covering the eyes instead of a mask.  The color scheme would be blue and gold, with a gold sun on the hip where a strip of blue cloth would attach.

This cloth serves no purpose other than looks, and the gloves have small retractable blades attached.  A note reads:  Channel powers?  Must practice more.  Metal may conduct heat from hands, use plastic.  Light travel in combat not possible unless practiced more. 

An odd note for sure.  I guess that light travel is the teleportation that occurred last night.  I take another sip of my coffee.  Bucky arrived a few hours ago, him and Steve have been inseparable since.  They are totally into each other.  So her powers do create a lot of heat.  And she hasn't practiced a lot with her powers.

At the very bottom is a name.  Starfire. It's pretty cool, better than the one I made up all those weeks ago.  Too bad she isn't here for today, we're launching a ton of fireworks and throwing a huge party.  We could also use another Avenger, since Clint is planning on retiring to take care of his kids.  We won't have him for missions anymore, but he will help in case of a world ending threat.  And anyway, collecting more people with powers like that is good.  Better that they work for good than become evil.

I have nothing to do anyway. Might as well make it, and give it to Cass as a offer to join the Avengers.  I get to work, gathering the materials I need.  Strong but not able to melt.  I have just the thing, I was working on it for a while.  I didn't really know what I was going to use it for. 

Letting a robotic cutter shape the material into what I want, I start working on an AI.  If Peter and I can have one, so can she.  They're really useful, and I don't want FRIDAY to have to work twice as hard.  There was nothing mentioning propulsion systems, but that stuff is way beyond what an 10th grader should know.

The wings looked like they were modeled after the Falcon suit, so I'm assuming that's the type of propulsion required.  I think I'll make the decorative piece detachable, because it isn't that practical in combat.  I have a lot of backup AIs, so I think I'll put one of them in the suit.

I have to wait for the suit to be finished before I can do anything else to it, so I decide to head to the common room. It's empty, except for Wanda. It's about 7:00 AM right now, I got an early start to the morning. I didn't even try to listen in on her conversation, but it just happened.

"So you need HOW many sparklers? Okay, but you'll have to come pick them up.", she says. I can't hear who is on the other end, but apparently they need sparklers. "Wait, you're sure you want everyone to know? Ok, but make sure to keep calling me, I've been tasked with making sure you're alive. Bye, Cassie.", she adds. Wanda told us that she has Cass' number, so we tasked her with calling the kid every day.

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