Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Whittaker Henchele, a lady somewhere in her mid fifties, managed the estate.

While Angus and Daniella were the newest residents, she stepped in for what looked like  a welcome visit.

"Where were you two before now?" She asked.
Angus coughed and replied, "New York."
She sipped her coffee and nodded, "And you luckily got some interest in our estate here in Texas huh?"
Angus smiled approvingly while he sipped his drink "Yes, it is a nice one."
Daniella arrived with casseroles and placed them before the visitor, "Treat yourself."
The woman gave a warm smile, "How sweet, thank you so much."

Idly, she made her gaze travel round the house and nodded approvingly, "What a nice place you got for yourselves here... Eleanor's family left this painting here?"
Dani looked around and stopped at the sight of the painting with the smiling girl, "Eleanor, who's she?"
The woman shook her head,"Eleanor Davis, died three years ago. She lived in this same building you two live in now. "
The thought of the death of this pretty smiling girl clutched at her chest shockingly, "Oh no, what happened to her?"
Mrs Whittaker replied coldly, "She was murdered by God knows who. The police could not find him or any traces of evidence, just her body in a pool of blood behind the estate's bar."
Daniella held her hair away from her face,  "Angus, I saw this same picture at the Stephen's home. Mrs Whittaker, how was she related to them?"
The woman shrugged, "As far as I know,  she was great friends with Andrew Stephen, that is, before he became the addict he is now,  just after she died. He is an excellent painter. He made this for her as a gift once she was ill."
Cold chills ran down Daniella's spine, something almost like jealousy, great friends with Andrew Stephen her foot.
But wait, a thought just got into her head, "What is her father doing? Like a job, quick question."
Mrs Whittaker thought,"He was a cop when they still lived here, I do not know now. Why?"
Daniella shook her head, "No reason," I was thinking of someone else."
But of course she wasn't. The puzzle was getting solved little by little. The cop, Eleanor's father was the caller who wanted Andrew killed for a girl's death. Could it possibly be that this girl was Eleanor? But Andrew and Eleanor were friends. Why would he kill her? More puzzles, that is, if he really did kill her.
Alexander Davis twitched his nose at the smell of the pie, "It is like soured milk." He pushed it away. Worried sick about his dying mother, he found nothing appetizing enough. Too bad his father was not always at home,  being too busy attending to one cop issue or the other.
If only he hadn't done what he did, he might have been free of taking care of his mother all the time. But he was angry when he did it, fair enough to justify it. He still had to hide that little piece of evidence he still had that could implicate him. But how? The engine of his father's car brought him back to reality.
Inspector Davis stamped into the living room, ignoring his sick wife and confused son. All Alex could see was his dad walking as fast as a maniac into his room before shutting the door tight.
No! He was just too curious to let it go. He walked to his father's door and leaned his ear against it, listening carefully as his father answered a call.
"How'd you know about Eleanor?" He asked the caller. His son's heart jumped as he heard his younger sister's name after a long time. Why did they have to bring it up again?
The caller seemed to say something that angered his father.
He blurted, "And what's that supposed to mean? Look, the fact is, I know Andrew killed my daughter and you have to prove it. You are well aware of who you stand to lose if you do not do as I say." His father's last words calmed his heart. Putting the blame on Andrew Stephen, he smiled. That could work.
Daniella's mind gyrated in search for answers. What if the FBI agent was wrong about who the killer was? Andrew would die innocently. She did not believe he could but she needed to prove it. And she knew she could not do it alone. She needed help, but if she told someone, the cop will release information to his colleagues in New York, they would come for Angus, and maybe kill him. She did not want that,  did she?
Andrew walked shyly through the melee of customers at the grocery store. It was awkward going alone to the store without his mother by his side. Well, he had to do it someday.
But then, someone he was not not used to was at the counter, Angus.
He had expected someone…else "Yes Andrew. How can I help you."
Andrew looked around, then at him,  "Carrot, Artichoke and peas."
Angus replied, "That is five bucks for a kilogram." Andrew nodded. Where was Dani?
"Hey Angus, sorry I'm late, thingummies happened, I..." Daniella stopped talking at the sight of Andrew doing the shopping,  "Good morning Andrew, what a pleasant surprise. I'd like it if you did this from now."
Andrew frowned at her, "No way." He said simply
Daniella laughed inside, he answered her like a human being. That was a start. Andrew really had nothing to say to her, then why did he want to see her? Angus then handed the responsibility to Daniella. He had much better things to do than taking orders, better things like talking to the estate owner's daughter.
Daniella tied her apron and smiled at Andrew, "What can I get you?"
Andrew repeated what he had told Angus. Daniella sighed, "That is fifteen bucks, okay?" Andrew nodded. Daniella admired his blue eyes, obviously from his mom. Those drugs were not doing him any good, she thought.
After handing him his veggies and taking his money, Daniella studied him to see if there was going to be any difference today in the way he left the store, not dashing out like a maniac. Andrew muttered a thank  you and stood for a while. Dani smiled. She was so making it through him.
Finally, he spoke, "Can you come over, I dunno, maybe... Oh my God..."
Dani helped him out, "Why don't you come over to my place. I wanna show you some paintings.
Then, that long awaited smile, the one he hadn't shown for a very long time, came. Finally, Dani thought. It made her laugh. He had such a perfect smile. How cruel he had been, hiding if from the world. That made Daniella know, painting was his favourite thing, after cocaine.
" I would love to,"he said, then nodded a goodbye and turned away. Was she really thinking of turning this guy in to the police to be killed? Think again Davis. Andrew's charm came first. She would find out the truth.
Daniella checked her watch and it was 6:00, closing time. But there were still three people in the store, not shopping, but having the free coffee for customers, three girls, about her age.
She walked up to their table and looked at her watch, "It's closing time girls. Time to go, can you rush with it?
Ruby Anderson replied, " Oh sorry,  seems we are getting into your time with Andrew."
Daniella shrugged, "And what's that supposed to mean? "
Ruby answered, "How did you do it Dani, you made him listen to you. Tell me because I have been on him for ages. I think he hates me."
Daniella smiled, "You need bait to catch fish."
Kendra laughed, "So what did you use to catch him, brocolli?" Her friends chuckled.
Daniella pulled out a chair and sat in their midst.
Ruby extended a handshake, "Ruby Anderson."
Daniella took her hand and nodded, "You can say that?"
The last girl in the trio, Bailey Kowalski, gave a tiny smile, "He loves veggies?"
Daniella rolled her eyes, "I got an invite to his home cos I sold spinach, he also loves painting and people having faith in him. If you can find the likes of anybody, you can get to their heart."
Bailey extended a fist bump, "I'm Bailey. I believe we are acquaintances now?"
Kendra nodded approvingly, "Oh yes! That would be nice."
Daniella smiled wryly, "Do you want my friendship or a means of getting to Andrew."
The girls laughed out, confirming her thoughts.

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