Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17
Davis walked into his house and sat beside his dying wife. He glanced at his hand and hesitantly placed it on her shoulder lovingly.
Kimberly Davis blinked in confusion at his sudden kind attitude in contrast with his usually heartless one,  "What is it?"
Davis stammered, "I...Uhm, I just wanted to check up on you. How are you feeling?"
She turned her head away from his gaze, "I'm fine."
Nodding, Davis understood she had every justifiable reason to act this cold with him, "Ehmm, is Alex home?" Kimberly nodded,  watching him rise and walk to his son's room.
She wished she could retrieve the man he was three years ago. He had changed to become this version ever since Eleanor died, bent on proving Andrew Stephen killed her. Nothing else went up to his mind, even her.
He did not knock. He pushed Alex's door open and looked in.
Alex quickly fumbled some items into a bag and looked up, "Dad, when did you get back?"
The inspector pretended as though he had not seen the dollar bills and gun his son tried to hide,  "A moment ago."Alex nodded and waited for his father to continue.
Meanwhile, Davis thought of what to say, " Did Andrew ever have a problem with Eleanor?"
Alex's heart thundered; why did his father ask such a question. However, he replied, "Uhm, most likely because he would not kill her for no reason."
His father faked a smile, "Yeah true. I just... thought I'd ask." Standing for a few more seconds, he nodded, "Good night then."
Alex returned the pleasantry,  watching his dad step out and close the door with a wry look on his face.
Shaking his doubt away, Davis walked away. He had this unknown urge to listen to Angus, investigate.
Alex sighed hard and thought for a while. Did his father doubt him?
                     *                   *                    *
Daniella was not comfortable with the silence in the house. Was Andrew home? She walked from room to room, corridor to corridor until she reached the attic. Andrew was painting again.
Disguising her relief, she walked up to him, "What are you..." She trailed off when she saw the painting for herself.
She instantly recognised the girl with a hair of jerry curls, the bright smile. It was her.
Daniella stood agape in amazement and felt a rush of emotion run through her, "What?"
Andrew smiled and looked up to her from where he sat, "Do you like it?"
Danielle looked at him with tears welling up in her eyes, "Wow, I... I love it. Thank you."
Sighing, he faced the painting again, "I know I messed up the other day. Will you forgive me?"
She smiled, "No, I messed up. You were just trying to protect me. Any good person would do that."
Andrew frowned, "I'm not apologizing for that. I know I was right. I mean the day I doubted your brother in spite of all the proof we had. I'm sorry."
Daniella huffed at his first two sentences, watched the drawing and smiled again, "I'm sorry too,  for the other day."
"I  forgive you, " Andrew said and handed the picture to her, "I swear. I tried my best to make it as beautiful as the real you. It just..." When he noticed her blinking at him because of his unusual use of compliments, he shook his head, "Just forget I said that, okay?"
Grinning, Daniella walked him out of the attic, "Where were you yesterday?"
Andrew sighed, "The site of Ashley's death. Found out the entire truth."
Daniella felt this jolt of satisfaction, "Can we go home now?"
Bowing his head, he stated, "No. I still need to let the police know and provide proof. Yunno, clear your brother's name."
She smiled in appreciation, "I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you."
Andrew nodded,"No! You owe me."
Dani glanced grimly at him, "And what's that?"
Facing her, he smirked, "I'll take it when I need it."
She creased her forehead in fear and confusion. What did Andrew want?
                    *                    *                      *
Andrew  swiveled in the rotating chair, waiting for the constable.
Parker Manuit, tall and built,  slamped the door open to find Andrew on his chair. Frowning, he blurted, "What is the meaning of this?"
Andrew got up apologetically, "I'm sorry sir. It seems unfortunate for the both of us to have our positions insulted like that, aren't I correct?"
Parker frowned, "And what do you mean?"
Standing usually confident, Andrew continued calmy, "I'm Andrew Stephen, second son of the biggest business tycoon in Texas and owner of the Starter's breweries. Can I go on?"
Sighing, the constable slumped into his seat, "Have my men insulted you in any manner, Andrew?"
Andrew grinned, "Oh you all did. A very close ally of mine was accused of murder a few years ago."
Parker rubbed his neck, "Then you must mean Angus Mccurly."
"Oh I do mean Angus Mccurly, " Andrew smiled again, "You don't think any respectable person would like that, do you?"
"Criminals are meant to be punished.... Sir, " the constable stated the obvious.
Andrew corrected, "A man who was found on the scene mourning the victim cannot be a criminal unless it is proven... Sir."
Parker thought and justified, "Oh. It's proof you want. Well, I'd happily state some facts. His watch was found beside her body. His fingerprints, on it. When we got there, he broke into a run. And I believe you have a good judgment. You don't presume any innocent person would do that, do you?"
Andrew stared at the pictures on the wall, "Imagine you are alone with no reasonable financial foundation or connection with anybody. Then the cops come looking for you..., " Turning back to him,  he continued, "you would run because you have no one to save your neck and money to hire a lawyer. You would run because you also have a little sister to care for and feed, one who looks up to you and has the least expectation that her heroic big brother would one day end up behind bars. Unless you have plans for the both of you to die."
The constable grimaced, "His presence with her right before she died and right after cannot be a mere coincidence."
Andrew spat back, he seemed to be enjoying this, "Maybe not. But it may also be a total cook-up from the murderer himself who wants to save his ass."
"Language.." Parker corrected.
Andrew bowed slightly, "I apologize sincerely. I tend to speak like that when I'm angered.... And do you think a criminal would remain in the scene waiting for the cops to get him?"
Parker shrugged, "Totally not. But her wealth in his sincere bereaved would do that. Are you still angry sir."
Andrew admired him and smiled charmingly, typical police man.
After retrieving the will from his pocket, he placed it unfolded on the constable's desk, "I seem to have a response to everything you say. Turn every stone before you draw conclusions... Sir."
Parker watched it, agape, "How, oh my God. But how am I so sure it's not a fake?"
Andrew glanced at the door as Gustavo Abao stepped in, then continued, "This is Abao, owner of the residence at which she was killed. A reliable witness...with proof; the exact two-inch piston used to kill her. Ask him whatever you need to."
Parker eyed Abao and sighed at Andrew, "Very well."
He smirked.
                    *                    *                     *
The clerk made a phone call,  "Uhmm,  yes. He's been cleared and all charges lifted. Withdraw the search.... Yeah, he's been proved innocent."
Daniella swallowed Andrew in a hug and tightened it, "I love you so much."
Andrew stiffened at her words and broke the hug, nodding uncomfortably at her words.
Parker returned with a photocopy of the will and a pack of files,  "Hey Lydia, told 'em yet?"
The clerk nodded, "He also needs the evidence too though."
The constable smiled at Andrew, "Thank you for helping us do our job."
Daniella bumped Andrew's side and sent him a look that he immediately understood.
Clearing his throat, he told the constable, "Constable, there's one other thing we need you and the entire Newyork police force to help us with."
Parker nodded inquisitively as he made several phone calls.
                     *                  *                  *
His father watched him secretly, followed him wherever he went. Davis parked the car in a shade and watched his son talk to males of about his age. Whatever they were talking about, they were being secretive about it and he was not sure he was comfortable about it.
One thing he knew was, to be completely on the safe side, he needed to know what Alex was up to.
Alex mounted on his bike again and rode towards his alma-mater, parking only after he had looked around and found no soul or thing, except a jeep that reminded him of his father far away, under a tree.
He eyed it uncomfortably for a second or two and turned away after noticing there was no one in it.
Davis straightened up from his bent position after Alex had looked away. Why would Alex be here and making sure he was not being followed.
This gave him that tiny feeling of doubt.

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